
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just let me savor it "Blood Orange Sorbet"

I had a procedure done at my "gynie's" office tonight. I'll spare you the sordid details-- suffice it to say that it involved Novocaine, ghastly instruments and a 20 year flashback to childbirth. As my husband drove me home, I told him that there is no way that I would be able to stand and cook dinner. My husband (who doesn't like to cook, and therefore cannot cook at all) valiantly stopped to pick up pizza. His gallant effort to help his wife, was to bake it and set the table.

I had the perfect excuse for wanting a "palate cleanser". I could hear my blood orange sorbet, that I made last night, calling my name. It had set to a creamy texture with a beautiful ruby red color. I've made Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit sorbet and Myer Lemon Sorbet, ever since I bought my ice cream maker. But Blood Orange Sorbet...ahhhhhh. As my son said, last night, when I offered him one sample spoonful, "Mom, this is chronic!" In young adult language, that's the ultimate compliment.

Yes, it's chronic. It's one of those "let me sit in my corner, alone, to savor every bite" moments. It's what makes the doctor's pain go away. Heaven. I'm afraid that I'm going to be very territorial with my container of sorbet. I'll have to find more fruit to buy, so that I can enjoy the beautiful deep red color and flavor...before the season is over.

I've made sorbets with fine sugar and I've tried corn syrup. Through trial and error, I decided that my favorite recipe is to use a simple syrup. I keep a glass jar of simple syrup in my fridge, for making quick sorbets. The ratio of simple syrup to fresh squeezed fruit depends on the tartness or sweetness. Here's how I made this one-- and I would not change a thing!

Blood Orange Sorbet
Note: I use an ice cream maker where the bowl stays chilled in the freezer.

6-8 blood oranges, squeezed to equal about 2 cups of juice
1-2 tsp of zest (optional)
1 cup of simple syrup (taste the fruit, first, for tartness)
1 Tablespoon of vodka (I used Citroen Vodka). This works as "anti-freeze"

To make simple syrup:
2 parts sugar to 1 part water
In a saucepan, heat sugar and water just until dissolved.
Remove from heat and chill. Overnight is best.

Mix the chilled simple syrup with the fresh fruit juice and vodka
Chill for at least an hour

Turn on the ice cream maker and add the sweetened fruit juice.
Depending on your ice cream maker, the sorbet should be ready in about 25 minutes.
I like to chill my finished sorbet overnight. I've been told that it will store for several days. I have never been able to test that theory, as it disappears within 2 days!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your procedure and hope you are feeling better!! I was just there a few weeks ago (with the same type of doctor!) so I really do feel for you. I'm glad you had something to lift your spirits! I will definitely be making this - it just looks beautiful. My prayers for a speedy recovery.

  2. Deb,
    Your recipe looks so good! If and when blood oranges make it to K-town, this is a must try!

    I love the pix of you and your horse!


  3. Thanks! I'm feeling much better, today. In fact, I'm off to make a new recipe for dinner. Pasta!


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