
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A prized family appetizer-- Cherve' (not be confused with chevre' Goat Cheese)

It's Veteran's Day, and I'm at home. Our flag is flying, and I'm thinking of my father-- who fought in WWII and did a peace keeping tour in Korea. God bless our veterans, and I'm thankful to be an American.

Uncle George, Mom & Dad on their wedding day February1952, Salzburg Austria

My mother became an American citizen in 1952, having met and married an American soldier who was visiting Salzburg, Austria. They married in Salzburg and the rest is history-- my two brothers, and me...the only girl.

As a kid, I remember my mother making this fantastic cream cheese spread that I felt was such a special treat for special occasions. It's so darn simple, and so darn good. Whenever I host a family get-together, it's one of the first things that my niece and son scans the buffet table for. I have no idea how my mother spelled this cream cheese spread, but she called it "SHARE-VEE". I don't even know where Mutti got the recipe, but it's gold, I tell you. For the sake of a recipe name, I will call it Cherve'. I served this at my Oktoberfest party, and it was a always.

All you need is cream cheese, butter, paprika and onion. I've given this appetizer spread a little extra touches, so here's how I make it:

Start with one package of softened cream cheese and one stick of unsalted butter. Add 1 tsp. paprika (I used Hungarian Sweet Paprika) and about 1 tsp of salt.  I like to add some fresh chopped chives-- oh, about 1 Tablespoon.

I used to add chopped onion, but I found that the onion flavor can be a little overpowering. Now, I grate about 1 tablespoon of onion into the cream cheese.

Line a small bowl with plastic wrap and press the cream cheese mixture into it.

Smooth it out, and chill for at least one hour. You can even make this a day before.

Flip the bowl onto a serving plate and remove the plastic wrap.  I like to serve with with a cracker assortment, or even some black bread. It's also delicious with celery sticks, as a yummy and crunchy snack.

There is never any of this leftover. My niece usually polishes it off, with relish. She's worth it. I hope that you give this a try.  It's from my mom's special heirloom recipe file.

From Bavaria, with love


  1. Looks great! I bet that is a big hit at gatherings, too! I know I love things like that, spreads for crackers, bread, and veggies!

  2. Debby, it is this type of traditional dish that families have that brings warm memories to all gatherings. A classic like this will always be great. Thanks... great photographs, also!

  3. God bless our veterans. Thank you so much for sharing this family recipe. Yummy!

  4. I love all dips and this one looks like a winner! Happy Veterans Day!

  5. This looks wonderful. I have a similar recipe for liptauer cheese that I'm posting early next week.

  6. Debby, this looks great. Family recipes that have been handed down are always wonderful!

  7. Cream cheese spreads are my favorite and they're so easy to make. I be this would be good on a toasted bagel too!

    PS. I emailed you :-)


  8. Deb, Sound rich and looks beautiful with the flag inside.
    I always enjoy your vintage family photos!
    PS thank you to our veterans.

  9. What a great picture! I love it!

    This recipe sounds like a crowd-pleaser!

  10. I love the picture of your parents and uncle. This looks like a great spread and a wonderful family recipe.

  11. This looks delicious and a perfect appetizer as we approach the holiday season. Thanks for sharing your family recipes.

    That's what this traditional Bavarian dish is called. :)
    Greetings from southern Germany!!

  13. Hi,
    I have just discover your blog and it is fantastic.
    I think this appetizers is very delicious.
    It reminds me of my childhood too.
    My mum used to make something similar.

    Thank you for sharing,
    I will try it very soon.

    Thank you


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