
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Candied Pecans

Have you ever purchased a kitchen gadget, on a whim, only to forget about it? Anyone? C'mon, you must have a bone pile of those, somewhere?  One of my very first posts, when I started this blog, a year ago was about a "Nut Roaster" that I bought at Target.  I used this product, once, then put it in my "garage pantry" and it got buried and forgotten about.  Last month, my husband reorganized the garage which gave me more shelf space to organize my vast collection (I seriously need therapy) of baking sheets, pans and doo-dads that I've collected over the years.  I decided to read the recipe booklet and try this forgotten purchase once again...

This is the photo of the product from the "Back to Basics" website. It's, basically a non-stick pot, with a "scraper" and a handle. Pretty simple and clever design, right?

I keep large bags of pecans in my garage freezer. I love me some pecans!  These are 2 cups of pecans and 1 cup of sugar, and 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon (optional)... (I've made this with a pinch of cayenne and love it that way, too.)

I added 1/4 cup water with 1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla...

On medium-high heat, I start to turn the handle, which evenly turns the nuts and liquid.... between 5-10 minutes...

Now, the sugar mixture is getting nice a bubbly...and hot, so you don't want young kids to be, unsupervised, near this.

One the liquid is evaporated, and the handle is hard to turn- it's done! Turn off the heat...

...with a wooden spatula, spread on parchment paper. The nuts are still hot, so I  had to wait a few minutes... overall, these were ready in less than 15 minutes. Like Ina Garten says, "how easy is that"?

Mercy!  Oh my!  These are addicting.  I made these for our friend from Georgia-- the same night that I made Ina Garten's Coconut Cake.  Larry was so pleased. I know that PEE-KANS are very popular in his neck of the woods.    I will say this-- this gadget isn't going into hiding anymore. It's pretty darn clever, and it cleans up very easily.  If you spot one, at Target, I think it's worth the $25.00 that I paid for it. I found that  Amazon has these for sale, too.  I plan to use almonds and to spice some up, with some cayenne.  

Oh, and these pecans are amazing in this salad.  One of our favorites!

Looking forward to my second year of food blogging,


  1. Those are dangerous nuts.
    Don't send me any for Christmas, because I will eat the whole bag.

  2. Nothing could be easier! I am intrigued as I have never seen this gadget...the nuts look fab!

  3. Your nuts look wonderful. I've never seen a nut roaster either- very unusual, something to look into.

  4. If I had those nuts around, I could not be trusted. I love those things--especially in a salad with endive, pears and blue cheese. Now I'm drooling.

  5. Candied nuts are my absolute fave ~ totally addicting; can't get enough! Thanks for sharing another 'doo-dad' with a gadget-holic!

  6. Debby... I think you were Scarlet O'Hara in a past life, because you are always making terrific southern treats. Your candied pecans could have definitely been traded for the taxes on Tara!

    Congratulations to Jen, also.

  7. Debby, Do you think these could be made in a regular pan and just stir constantly? I want them badly!

    And cinnamon is not an option- it is essential!

    Congrats to the winner of the awesome giveaway!

    oh and I say pecahns!

  8. Thank you so much Debby! I am absolutely thrilled to have won! Your candied pecans look delicious! Thanks and congratulations again on your beautiful blog!

  9. I love candied nuts almost as much as I love gadgets. Maybe it will be on sale for the holidays; I must get to Target's.

  10. I love me some pecans, too, and these look dee-lish! I'll have to put that gadget on my Target wish list. Congrats to the lucky winner!

  11. Congratulations to your winner. Your pecans look wonderful. I'm going to try to create them without the gadget. I know they'll be good. Your recipes always are.

  12. Man those look delicious. I used to be able to buy them already candied but have not seen them in awhile, sadly.

  13. The nut roaster looks like a fun gadget! Your pecans look delicious. What a great gift. ;-)

  14. Sounds good!iam not aware of this until i see your blog.Want to try out and thanks for your talent.

  15. Oh, my Debby! The WHOLE time I read this post I was nodding my head yes! I, too have a large pantry (with doors) in my garage. My freezer has large bags of nuts and usually two of PEE-KANS. :)Speaking of nuts lets talk about those sinful ones you made here! Is there anyway to talk you into sending me some? No? Guess I need to run to Target to grab me one of those nut roaster pans.

    Btw, thanks for the shout out in your last post! KIDS, they've kept me super busy this week. :)

    Happy Friday!

  16. What a fun gadget...never heard of a nut roaster before. They look terribly addictive :D

  17. looks delicious! i'd definitely eat the entire batch in about 10 seconds

  18. Oh yeah, definitely addictive .. don't think either me nor hubbs could resist. These would disappear quickly in our house!

  19. Those pecans look wonderful with their crunchy, sugary glaze. That's my favorite kind of treat. And what a great addition to a salad!

  20. ...add a pitch of powdered hot pepper and a couple of teaspoons of powdered cocoa to this recipe and strange things will happen to your taste buds and mind. No, really. It will! *-)


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