
Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Recipe Index is online and a Storm is A-Comin'

Photos by my brother, Fred

This whole week has been a rough one-- the crisis in Haiti compelled me take a break from blogging food pictures. I'm somewhat relieved to read that aid is arriving to help the earthquake victims-- albeit, very slowly.  Work was also very hectic.  I have three days off, and I am very thankful.  Physically and emotionally, I feel like I've been battered with my own storms!

A big storm is expected to hit the Central Coast of California in a matter of hours.  The predictions are that a lot of rain and snow will be dumped all over the state.  We desperately need the rain, and I hope that the storm will not cause too much damage to the areas that were hard hit by a forest fire. Mud Slides are always a concern for the Big Sur Area and for the mountains of Santa Cruz. My brother has already told us that he can see the storm out in the horizon (he lives across the street from the ocean).

My recipe index is online!

Due to popular request, I have started a recipe index.  I'm so glad that "Barbara" (the Assistant Principal I work with) and a few other bloggers have asked me if I would create this!  It was the push I needed, so I have finally finished listing my recipes by Alphabet and by Category.  It was interesting for me to see how many recipes I've made in just over a year!  So many, I had forgotten about!  As I got closer to my very first posts, I thought-- UGH.  I really need to photograph these dishes, now that I've learned that flash photography does not an appetizing picture make!

I'll fine-tune the index, add some photos and foo-foo the layout at a later time. For now, it's just a basic index, and I hope that you really like it!  I am working with my Blog Fairy to design a blog button (also a request) and to upgrade a few more things on my food blog!

So here is the address: "A Feast for the Eyes Recipe Index", and I have added the click-through on my sidebar.

I hope to return to sharing with you the recipes I've been making.  Hopefully, this weekend, we won't lose power and I can enjoy the sound of rain, a crackling fire and my laptop.

Photos by Fred Arellano


  1. HOw nice. I have been flitting in and out of your blog. I love the recipe index and have been checking out some of the fantastic items on it. (P.S. I am still waiting for Mutti's pork roast.) Great job and lots of work for us readers.

  2. Debby, my week has been much like yours. ((hugs)) Then the tragedy in Haiti happened. My heart aches for the suffering. Hopefully our donations are helping (and more help will arrive quickly.)

    So far the west coast storm has (surprisingly) avoided us but we'll probably get clobbered before the weekend is over. I hope you all stay safe... most of my family is not far from you.

    Beautiful photos! I know Santa Cruz well, thank you for sharing the beauty.

  3. I'm impressed...creating an index is a LOT of work! Good job~

  4. The photos are gorgeous! and gosh, the weather and Mother Nature are so scary these days :S I hope you remain safe!! xx

  5. What wonderful photographs. Your brother is very talented and your recipe index is terrific.

  6. Great job, your recipe index is fab and wonderful! I so need to make one of those, too. Hope you get to relax and fare well in the storm. Love the photos, too!

  7. I hope you are warm and enjoying your lap top as the storm approachesand that you are recovering nicely from your work week.
    I think it is a great idea about the recipe index.

  8. Hey Debby! What a great index! Tons of work, I can tell. You did a great job.

    Don't get washed away up there...we are supposed to get 2 to 4 inches? Not sure I believe it but we sure do need the rain.

    Love the photos!

  9. this is one of the most beautiful blogs I've come across! I love it :)

  10. I can't wait to look through the index. I hope you are getting some rest on your break:)

  11. Congrats on getting an index pulled together! That is a lot of work. I love your ocean photos - just beautiful. Enjoy the wild weather next week!

  12. Debby, you are an amazing lady! Not only are you incredibly creative, you are someone who gives of themselves in a kind & generous way.

    Your Recipe Index will be a great "go-to" source when we want to find that favorite apple crisp recipe or just looking for something new to try. This is a tremendous gift and I sincerely thank you for all the hardwork you have put into it ~ both compiling & testing your recipes.

    Enjoy your three day weekend and many thanks...

  13. Even though the storm looks ominous, those are beautiful photos. Congrats on the recipe index - you have created such a wonderful collection of recipes this year!

  14. Beautiful pictures. I've been wanting to do a recipe index for a long time, just haven't takent he time to do it.

    One of these days :-)

  15. Just what I needed. Great idea to have the index. I've also got to learn to make my own recipes printable.


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