
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"Booster Noodles" (Bavarian Mac 'N Cheese) For My Niece, Miss Alexis

Every Auntie deserves a niece like my "Lexi Girl".  She'll probably shriek at my choice of her Facebook Profile pictures, but I like this shot. I love her eyes. The camera loves her.  She's first cousin to my Only Child. Alexis is three months older than my 21 year old son, and she's also an Only Child.  While she inherited her parent's good looks (her dad, being my brother), "Lexi" inherited my love of food. That girl will eat just about anything she is offered!  Now that she's all grown up, I don't get to see her often enough, though she lives 1/2 hour away from me.  She's having a hard day, today, since her beloved kitty just passed away. 

Alexis loves her Oma's German food as much as the rest of us do.  Anytime she's headed to my home for a family dinner, she always requests Cherve Cream Cheese Spread.  I'm happy to oblige her, because she's my "surrogate daughter".  We're two peas in a pod, when it comes to enjoying good food.

She's sad, which made me think of comfort food...which reminded me of one of her favorite dishes. I made this a while ago, and forgot to post it. So, Alexis, this is for you!

Alexis and my son, Brian, spent a lot of time at Oma's when they were little.  Mutti would made the best  "Booster Noodles", the grand kids would always say. I could not quite figure out what they meant by that, until Alexis recently solved the mystery.  These were the familiar cheesy noodles my mother made her own kids (Your Truly and her two older brothers) , when we were little.  Oma insisted that Alexis learn how to cook, just like she did with me.  In order to reach Oma's stove, Alexis had to stand on a booster chair-- hence "Booster Noodles" were created.  This dish is my "go to" when I want a fast dinner.  It remains a favorite dish for my own family-- husband and son:

Staples in my new refrigerator are always a variety of cheeses and Canadian Style Bacon.  I love the Four-Cheese from Trader Joe's. Any kind of cheese will do!

There's no recipe-- just ingredients... sliced ham, cooked elbow macaroni, diced onion and cheese.

I like to caramelize the onion in a little olive oil and butter.  Then, add the ham.  Mix it up and add shredded cheese-- in this case, a lot!

We grown our own parsley, so I like to add it for color.  20 minutes later... dinner is ready!

It's all about the cheese... this is German comfort food.  I can't attest to this being an authentic Bavarian dish.  It's from a Genuine Bavarian mom and Oma.  It's comfort food. It disappears fast. We love it.
I love you, Alexis!  I wish I could bring you a bowl of this, and give you a "Bussi", like Oma used to.

I really need to start scanning baby pictures. These kids were born before digital cameras-- in the late 80's.  It's amazing how fast they grow up-- the grand kids don't need a "Booster Chair" any longer! It's time for you two grown up kids to make this yourselves--now that I've shown you and my blogger friends how. 

Love-- from Auntie


  1. Thank you! I need a good mac-n-cheese recipe.
    You tell Alexis that my Golden Retriever, Sammy (he loved cats) will be waiting for her kitty at the "Rainbow Bridge". Here is the poem...

  2. Lovely posting and great look dish. You grabbed my heart when you said Oma and Bussi in the same sentence. WOW did that take me back to my childhood. Thanks.

  3. She is stunning! Wow! I'm sorry she is sad, but I know you'll find a way to make it better.

    You had me at Mac-n-cheese.

  4. Macaroni and cheese is a favorite here. Will have to try it with onions. All your recipes sound wonderful! Cooking is not a hobby of mine but I do need to branch out.

  5. Debby, what a terrific "grown-up" Mac'n Cheese! Auntie's like you are really special people.

  6. This looks truly scrumptious. Bavarian Mac n' Cheese :-). Who knew!
    Your niece is a beautiful young woman.

  7. Sweet story about the name of the dish. I love how families create their own language like that. It also looks just delicious. The canadian bacon is a great idea.

    Beautiful girl. The two of you are lucky to have each other as eating companions!

  8. Aw you are such a sweet aunt! I'm sure Alexis really appreciated this. And you're right - she is gorgeous!

  9. Alexis is gorgeous! I bet you all have a wonderful time in the kitchen.
    My aunt passed away in her 40's, way too young. I used to love to cook with her. Her macaroni and cheese was better than my mom's. I better not tell mom I said that :D

  10. The picture alone looks oh so yummy! My 4 year old loves mac and cheese, any way, she likes them. This is such a wonderful recipe. I'm gonna try it this weekend.

  11. Lexi is beautiful. Your grown-up macaroni and cheese looks soul satisfying and comforting. A perfect dish.

  12. Your niece is a beautiful girl. I am sorry to hear her kitty passed away. I have a cat and know how sad I will be one day when she is gone. That dish looks like definite comfort food!

  13. That's sp sweet of you to post these for her. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of her kitty :-(

    But I'm sure this bowl of comfort food could do a lot of healing.

  14. I know how it feels to lose a fur baby. Poor thing. And what a good auntie you are... I'm sure Lexi will be comforted by your post :)

  15. Nothing cheers a girl up like comfort food. I should know I have to put this into practice on my own daughter a time or two. Lovely post a beautiful photos.


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