
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter 2010!!! (plus a couple of announcements and a thank you)

Photo taken on March 26 at San Antonio Mission, CA

I have been taking a much needed break from work and blogging.  As I type, I have a special brunch being prepared in my oven. Later on, I'm making a very simple Easter Dinner for two of the special men in my life-- my husband and my son.  I'm making a glazed spiral ham-- would you believe it's my first one? I'm also making a family favorite of  sweet potato casseroles and some roasted asparagus. I'm super excited to make a new dessert-- which I reveal when I return to blogging. 

I also want to let all of my readers and friends know:
  • I am on Spring Break for all of next week.  I'll use that time to do some serious swimming, some new recipes, some day trips with my husband and to catch up on blogs.
  • I also wanted you to know that the website that I use to store my printable recipe cards is upgrading it's server, to handle the volume of recipes they've received.  That means that you might not be able to access my recipes between April 7th-9th.
  • Last, but not least-- I am working on a giveaway, that I think you will like.  Keep reading, as I am not going to announce this in my header nor on my Twitter Page.  I am not offering a giveaway to draw in more readers. It is my way of saying "thank you " for all of your comments. I read every single one, and I try to respond to as many as I can. Because I have been so busy with work and commitments, I've fallen behind in visiting your blogs or sending you a personal email. 

Thank you for friendship, your recipes and your comments!



  1. Enjoy your time off and know that we will be here when you come back. Anxious to hear about that dessert. Happy Easter.

  2. Happy Easter! Looking forward to that new dessert recipe.

  3. have a happy easter and nice break, but know this....I have gotten awfully used to you being my go-to girl when I need recipes, guidance and a smile!!!

    You'll be missed!

  4. Happy Easter to everyone. Oh, please who could make a healthy food plan for me to stick to? I want to eat everything in moderation but I would like someone to do that plan for me.

    Can somebody help me?

  5. Happy Easter. Although you'll be missed, take the time you need to regroup, relax, and revive yourself.


  6. Happy Easter doll! I'm kicking myself for not making your blueerry blintzes today! doh!

    Hope you had a wonderful day and YES, lets chat :-)

  7. Hope you had a great Easter chica! Rest up! I can't wait to hear about all of your delicious easter food.

  8. Happy Easter Debby--Have a great vacation week!



  9. Happy Easter, Debby, and enjoy your spring break!

  10. Hope you had a wonderful Easter with the two special men in your life! Enjoy your spring break!

  11. I hope you have a wonderful time off and I look forward to seeing your Easter dessert recipe as well as others in the future.

  12. I hope you enjoyed your vaca...I can see that you were busy cooking and baking the whole time! The new ones you just posted look awesome; can't wait to try!


Thank you for visiting my blog kitchen and I read and appreciate every single comment. **SPAM COMMENTS ARE OUT OF CONTROL AGAIN, SO I HAVE TO TURN ON COMMENT MODERATION, SORRY!** The only time I will delete a comment, if it is rude and left as "anonymous"-- or if it self-promoting with a link to your website/blog. If you had a problem with a recipe, or have a negative comment, please email me and I will respond to you-- and I don't bite! I am always available at