
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Indian Style Rice

At last, the weekend has arrived-- as an extra bonus, we have a three-day weekend. Amen!  I have a dozen recipes I've photographed, and I am longing to get them organized and edited so that I can share them with you.  Today's recipe is a very simple rice side dish that I served with the Cook's Illustrated Tandoori Chicken.  It is, indeed, a simple yet very flavorful dish to make.  Did I mention that it's healthy, too?   I'm really loving the spice blend of Garam masala. You can make your own blend, but I buy one at my local supermarket because the spice company has done all the grinding and blending for me-- and because it's not too expensive.  I used brown basmati rice and my rice cooker, but you can make this in a covered skillet or pot.

Use enough olive oil to thinly coat the bottom of a pot with a tightly fitted cover. Saute onion and garlic, just until fragrant and slightly translucent. Add  rice, and cook for about 2 minutes, to lightly toast. Add garam masala spice and stir, and then add the chicken stock (or water).

 The addition of golden raisins is something we really enjoy.  I also think it adds more color. I added the toasted rice to my rice cooker, then added chicken stock.

Once the rice was cooked, I added about a cup of frozen peas and then gently stirred.  On a whim, I added  a squeeze of juice from two lime wedges and gave it a final stir.  We love cilantro, I garnished the rice with a bit of this fresh herb.  Parsley would be fine, too.

VERDICT:  Garam masala adds a multitude of flavor to otherwise plain rice.  The cinnamon is subtle, and this complimented the flavorful Tandoori Chicken.  I make this rice often, as it's become a family favorite. A printable recipe card is at the bottom of this post. 

Our California rainy weather and cloudy skies have disappeared, and it's a clear and sunny day.  I'm off to enjoy the sunshine, and I'll try and work on more recipes to share.  I've been making quite a few baked goods, such as baked doughnuts and a few other tasty treats.  Amidst all my baking, I'm still losing weight and swimming on a regular basis. I am feeling so much better!  Thank you for your words of encouragement.


  1. This looks very tasty. I love the flavor of garam masala. How much did you use...i-2 teaspoons? Thanks. Susan

  2. Yikes! Thanks for asking, Susan. I edited that error... your guess was right. I used 2 teaspoons of Garam masala.

  3. Every good meal needs a side kick like this Debby.

  4. Ooh that rice looks great!! I am always on the search for great side dishes and this one fits the bill!!

  5. I like the raisins and the splash of citrus - some nice jolts of sweet and tart.

  6. I just went to a tasting in an Indian restaurant and your rice looks as good as anything that was on the table.

  7. Debbie, this looks just amazingly good -- especially with that tandoor chicken!

    Now you need a tandoor oven! What's next on your Indian culinary journey?

  8. The seasonings in this rice dish sound yummy, and what a perfect side for your tandoori chicken. Great recipes, Debby. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I'm totally with you when it comes to garam masala love. It's flavor is addictive! This rice sounds delicious...what a fabulous side dish!

  10. There is nothing better that rice that is fluffy and light :)

  11. My husband think raisins are evil, so we make ours without them, but you are right--the spices in this dish make rice taste like something special.


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