
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pork with Paprika, Mushrooms & Sour Cream

California is getting it's fair share of rain, and I'm very happy about it.  I think about our local grower's and how much I'm looking forward to my local fresh Salinas Valley produce.  I'm longing to bite into fresh strawberries, peaches and cantaloupe. But, I know that we still need a lot of water for our crops to be bountiful-- and we've had a couple weeks of 70 degree weather, and that's been lovely.  Given that my friend in Rhode Island is shivering from the heavy snowfall they've had, I don't complain when the skies turn dark and I can  hear the pitter-patter of steady rain.  We're on day two of a four day holiday weekend, and since it's been steadily raining, I want to bake....

...I'm honing my Artisan bread skills.

..I finally took the plunge and learned how to make doughnuts. Yes, they're fried. They're also very good, and I am proud of my will power that I didn't eat more than 1 and half of my another...

I ate mine with cinnamon-sugar.  It was tender and reminded me of churros. It will cost me ten extra laps in the pool, but it was worth it!

I haven't left my house in two days, and I'm fine with that!  Not wanting to go grocery shopping, I scoured my freezer and found a package of pork chops that I had forgotten about.  Then, I remembered a recipe I had bookmarked from "Kalyn's Kitchen".   I've made Chicken Paprikash, ages ago, but it never occurred to me that pork and sour cream would go very well together.   As luck would have it, I had all the ingredients I needed to make a dinner that would be warm, and hearty on a rainy night.  After noshing on a sweet doughnut, I was ready for a good meal-- and I wanted a one-pot meal, since I'd done three loads of pots, pans and tools.

Because I had spent a great deal of  too much time in the kitchen, photographing the bread and doughnut recipe (and I will post those later on) I decided not to photograph how I made this recipe.  Kalyn's photos are so lovely, that I will send you over there if you'd like to see all the steps involved.  Trust me, this is a very simple dish to prepare. 

TASTING NOTES:  I made only two minor changes to the original recipe.  I added a little bit of flour to the seasoned pork, before searing.  I think it helps the sauce to thicken a bit.  I also added a couple tablespoons of tomato paste, in addition to the diced tomatoes.  I didn't have petite diced tomatoes, so you can see them in the sauce, more than Kalyn's version.  I love the richness of tomato paste-- the rest of the recipe, I followed to a "T".   The sauce was rich, with notes of sweet paprika and I like the flavor of caraway seeds.  I used cremini mushrooms and light sour cream.  This dish reminds me of a cross between beef stroganoff and my Austrian Goulash.  I think that pork tenderloin would be the best choice in making this dish, as the pork chops were a teensie tough in texture.  The flavor made up for that, though.  I loved the combination of paprika and sour cream. Oh, so good!

Thank you, "Kalyn's Kitchen" for sharing this recipe.  It's comfort food made simple.  A printable recipe is at the bottom of this post, or go visit Kalyn to see her lovely photos. 


  1. I have a problem with your recipes...I want to eat a bite of every photo they look so good! My favorite is that white cake with strawberries on your heading photos. Love your blog!

  2. Oh man I have been wanting to make donuts but that pork looks amazing! I am always looking for recipes with pork and this one looks like a winner!

  3. Meat and gravy over noodles is hard to beat - I'll have to give this a try.

  4. This is the comforting type of meal that we need right now. I was so looking forward to Spring but the snowdrops and crocus' make have recoiled back into the soil.

  5. I truly admire people who are good at baking because to me it's such a difficult thing to do. And you are making home made donuts? Amazing. Oh, and the pork dish looks great too... and it's also something I can make without having a nervous breakdown!

  6. That is just beautiful, I cannot wait to make it!

  7. Nothing like a bit of rain to get you into the kitchen! That pork dish looks delicious! Comfort food for sure.

  8. Looks delicious!!! I love paprika. I'm gonna have to try this one!

  9. Kayln's Kitchen is a great blog. That recipe looks delicious. You know how much I love the flesh of the swine. More pork recipes make me happy!

    The doughnuts look wonderful. You have some will power not to eat more than 1. One the rare occasions I make them, I'm like a vacuum cleaner!

  10. Where to start? The pork looks wonderful for a rainy weekend, but the doughnuts and the bread! Fabulous! Your artisanal loaf looks excellent!

  11. Oh, my, this looks delicious. It's still cold and snowy here in Pennsylvania, so I'll be trying this soon.

  12. I agree, rainy days are the best for either snuggling under blankets or cooking! I can't wait to see the recipe for the donuts and bread, everything looks amazing. You're definitely talented to create such beautiful culinary morsels.

  13. This looks so delicious--as well as the bread and donuts and all. My dear Hungarian friend loved to make paprikash for us and I haven't done it in a long time. Now I'm inspired!

    Did you have snow? I heard that was a possibility. It's a good time to be in. And, I know. We had two feet a few weeks ago and a foot on the way!!


  14. The pork looks great but you really shouldn't tease us with those doughnuts. Now that's all I have a craving for. And that bread - I need to get some yeast and get going.

  15. oh my gosh..
    i think i just heard my tummy grumble

    im not much of a fan for donuts.. actually i think i probably eat ONE, ever 2 years or so?
    but after seeing your photo it makes me want to indulgeeeeee!
    and the pasta?! sounds like it`ll be my new favorite.


  16. I just wanted to let you know that I love your 'food porn' site! I am totally addicted and have no idea what I will do if you stop your blog ever!! LOL

    UI have a lapband so cant eat pretty much any of this stuff but trust me I am getting my kicks from your blog!

    It all looks divine and gawjus!!! I hope you enjoy eating it as much as I enjoy reading it :-)

    xx bunny xx


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