
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Meatloaf, again!? You bet! (Psssst, it's the best!)

Meatloaf doesn't sound like a gourmet dinner.  It's isn't. It's comfort food. It's a classic American dish that dates back for generations.  This particular meatloaf recipe is my #1 most viewed recipe from my blog. That pretty much confirms that meatloaf is still a popular main dish.  Meatloaf isn't easy to photograph.  It's a little homely, if you ask me. Until you take a look at the glaze on this version...

I've made my share of meatloaf over the years decades.  I remember adding a load of the canned breadcrumbs (I now make my own.), a can of condensed cream of mushroom soup, or even some of that onion soup mix to a mound of hamburger meat.  They were good, I'll grant it that.

What makes this particular meatloaf recipe so special are a few key things-- I use a combination of ground beef, ground pork and ground veal.  (I have no idea if this would taste as good using ground turkey. I've never tried it.) For those of you who make the best Italian know exactly what I'm talking about!    I cook the onion and garlic, just until softened.  I also use fresh marjoram and thyme.  Last, but not least, I make my own bread crumbs with my food processor and then whisk together fresh eggs, milk, hot sauce and Dijon mustard.  The star of the show is the glaze. Oh, the glaze!  It's so simple-- ketchup, brown sugar and cider vinegar.  While the meatloaf is cooking, your kitchen will be filled with a savory aroma that will make the men in your house start to ask when dinner is ready. I'm speaking from personal experience.
 You don't need to -- heaven forbid-- open a can of brown gravy, or make one from a packet.

Just make some creamy Yukon gold mashed potatoes.  Gravy doesn't hold a candle to this luscious glaze. I'm serious!

You'll be so busy savoring the right balance of onion and garlic, marjoram and thyme and then that glaze hits that spot on your taste buds that says "wow"!  This recipe makes about 10 servings.  There are three of us living in one house.  Leftovers will be fairly divided.  Meatloaf sandwiches are in my future. Mayo and a little mustard. Lettuce and tomato, please. No pickle.

How do you make this recipe?  You can either click here to see step-by-step photos.  Or, just scroll to the bottom of this post and you'll a printable recipe card. 
If you have a meat-and-potatoes kind of person in your life, make this recipe.  They will go back for seconds, and even thirds.

I'm speaking from personal experience. For the record, I ate one-and-a-half slices.  That doesn't count as seconds.

The Kitchen Heroine,


  1. Good God that looks fantastic. I've been seeing a lot of meatloaf lately, now I REALLY want some!! =/

  2. Here it is 5:40 in the am and I'm hungry for meatloaf. Delicious presentation.

  3. Meatloaf is one of my favorite dishes ever... it's funny how no one makes it the same way, I guess that is what keeps it interesting and fresh even though it's a pretty basic comfort dish! I love your version, it looks very pretty.

  4. Meatloaf is definitely comfort food with mashed potatoes and peas:D I was at a cooking class last night and we made Italian polpetti. The chef and I both agreed that veal is just not available here. People here must not consider it a food sad.

  5. The glaze on my meatloaf is similar to yours, but I don't add the cider vinegar. Next time I will. With today's cold weather, your meatloaf would be perfect.

  6. YUM that looks delish, I have not made it in a long time and summer is coming so I better get on it!

  7. After hearing you describe this, I'm pretty sure I've never had really good meatloaf in my life. This looks SO GOOD.

  8. Think of it less as "meat loaf" and more as "pate`" and you can fancy the concept right up. That's what meat loaf is in essence after all.

    I wish I could make a meat loaf like this, but I always have to stick to turkey, which is never very exciting. :-(

  9. I love meatloaf! These look wonderfully delicious!

  10. Hello Kitchen Heroine, You now have me craving meatloaf for dinner!

  11. I like to add ricotta cheese to mine. Yours does look delicious.

  12. What savory photos! This is very similar to my mother's meatloaf. I didn't notice if you do this, but one thing she did at the end was to turn on the broiler for a couple of minutes (you have to watch it). This caramelizes the sugar in the glaze. It will turn darker on top, but it is tasty. You might try it once and see what you think.


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