
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fluffy, FLUFFY, Pancakes! Yes, Indeed.

Sunday Pancakes.  How traditional is that?  Pancakes and oven-cooked bacon... it's what makes the men in my life very happy.  I can't recall the last time I used boxed mixes to make pancakes.  Homemade/scratch pancakes are really quite easy to make.  I've posted a few pancakes recipes, in the last two years-- Buttermilk pancakes, German pancakes, Oatmeal Cookie Pancakes and Peach & Walnut Oatmeal Pancakes.  They're all great recipes!  Still, my son kept telling me how someone he knows makes "the fluffiest pancakes ever".  Them's fightin' words, for a momma who wants to please her grown son!

I recently renewed my membership to the Cooking Club of America. I'm not getting paid to promote them, but I have to say that the $15.00 a year price is worth the magazine.  They have improved their website, and their recipes are really great!  I actually got to test a couple of products* (which I'll blog about soon), so you might want to go ahead and try joining them.  *A few years ago, when I first became a member, I didn't get products to test, so don't join expecting that. I was pleasantly surprised. It's the magazine that interested me, and I think you'd like it.  --End of unpaid testimonial--

Back to pancakes-- what made me decide to make this particular recipe is that it uses both buttermilk and whipped egg whites.  Okay, I was game.  It only took about 15 minutes for me to make the batter. Of course, having a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer on my counter makes it easier. Otherwise, I'd add an extra five or ten minutes, if you have to dig out the hand mixer.

The dry ingredients are pretty standard-- flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Whisk them together and set aside.

...separate three eggs.  Add 1/4 cup sugar to the egg yolks and whisk. Next, add 2 cups buttermilk, and 6 Tablespoons melted and cooled butter. 

Mix together until combined. Some lumps are okay. Don't over-mix the batter!  Beat egg whites in small bowl at medium speed 1 to 1½ minutes or until soft peaks form.

 Stir one-fourth of the egg whites into batter to lighten; gently fold in remaining egg whites.

 Heat griddle or nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot; lightly brush with melted butter. When butter stops sizzling, pour ¼ cup batter per cake onto griddle, gently spreading to 4-inch diameter.

 Cook 1½ to 2 minutes or until bubbles form and pop on surface and bottom is golden brown. Turn and cook 1 minute or until golden brown on both sides, adjusting heat if necessary. Repeat with remaining batter.

For the love of Pete, please use real maple syrup! Seriously, I find pancake syrup to be way to sweet...and I can taste the difference.  If you can't find it, or can't afford, I'll still love you. But, try it if you can. You won't go back!

Sometimes I add pureed blueberries or raspberries to maple syrup.  I'm definitely going to make more of my own flavored syrup very soon!  I can only take a quick snap shot, as we were all famished.

TASTING NOTES:  This recipe is spot on as the fluffiest pancakes.  While I've enjoyed all the different pancake recipes I've made, my son exclaimed that these were the best pancakes ever.  He says they even better than the ones that the-person-whose-name-we-won't-say.  Victory!!  The only downside is that these pancakes really soak up the syrup.  I'm going to try the recipe variation of spicing these up with cinnamon, cardamon and nutmeg. That sounds pretty good, too!

So, I ask you... do you really need to buy pancake mix?  Seriously?  Whipping egg whites might seem like a hassle, but it truly is worth the extra effort of having a dirty bowl and a whisk.  But this is the key to fluffy pancakes, indeed.

I have bookmarked about five or six more recipes from this month's issue of this magazine.  Easter Brunch at my house is going to be  good.  A printable recipe is at the bottom of the page.



  1. Whoa! Yes these are fluffy indeed! I cook a full breakfast for my family each Sunday morning! Looks like these will grace our table this Sunday. Thanks Debby!

  2. We are all on the quest for fluffy pancakes Debby. Nothing beats them on a lazy Sunday morning with some maple syrip and fruit.

  3. Nope, don't need to buy pancake mix at all! These look sooooo good! You've got me craving them! My boys (hubby, too) love to spread peanut butter on top of their pancakes till I discovered a peanut butter pancake recipe that they looooove! Hop on over if you wanna take a look:

  4. Ooo I can almost see the fluff from here! These would fulfill all of my breakfast dreams!

  5. oooo they look so good! im lazy and always make the pancakes out of a box but they never look as good or as fluffy as yours

  6. I'm embarrassed to say that most times I use a boxed mix for pancakes, but I see how fluffy yours are and I shall try this recipe.

  7. These really do sound wonderful, Debby. I can't think of a better way to start the weekend. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  8. I would call that sweet success. Glad B was so thrilled with these pancakes.

    Now where's the link to the oatmeal pancakes?!

  9. How much flour and baking powder?

  10. Sigh. My email is posted, so that you could email me directly. Can you not see the printable recipe card at the end of the post? If you are using an old version of Explorer, than you might not. In big red letters, on the top right side of my website, I give a link to find all of my recipes cards...if they aren't visible at the end of each post.

  11. I forgot to tell you I made these for my mother around the Christmas holidays. She loved them! I was scared because she is a picky eater (funny saying that about the parent!) but she ate 3!

  12. What a very sweet ending that was for you, Tanya. Thank you for leaving feedback. By the way, I've been making the "Best Pancakes Ever" recipe from my blog... and this has now become my family's favorite pancake recipe.


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