
Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Tribute to Strawberries

Oh, Happy Day!  My local farm stand opened yesterday.  I made a bee-line to snatch up the first pickings of their sweet, juicy and organically grown strawberries.  The woman in front of me bought the last flat of berries, but I managed to score three of the last containers.  How I wish each of you could taste these berries. They are nothing like the ones you find at your local supermarket.   When you bite into them, the first thing you notice is that they aren't white in the middle. They are a beautiful, deep red color.  They are sweet-- no added sugar necessary.  Other than our homegrown tomatoes, it is the arrival of strawberries that transforms my winter-clock into thinking of warmer weather, grilling and delectable recipes made with strawberries.

Today, I'd like to share with you past recipes that my family looks forward to enjoying until the first frosts of Fall weather returns.  Just click on the recipe name to view the recipe/tutorial. Beginning with Breakfast/Brunch:

 For a savory twist, strawberries and spinach are a terrific pairing.  The poppy seed dressing is of our very favorite recipes makes a beautiful presentation for a Strawberry-Spinach Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing. 

Now, for the grand Finale....Desserts!  We love Strawberry Desserts!  

Our #1, Favorite Strawberry Dessert...

This cake is making an encore, this weekend.  The sponge cake is easy and delicious and the frosting is so good. The tutorial is worth checking out.  

Today is a gorgeous Spring Day, and I'm off to enjoy it!


  1. There is nothing like fresh strawberries! And you're right...they're so sweet you almost think sugar has already been added. This page is a strawberry lovers "candy store". Everything looks delish!

  2. Hey Debby! I love love love your strawberry post! So many beautiful recipes and pics. Thanks for sharing!

  3. i'm getting in the summer fruit mood! thanks for making me drool over here! where's my napkin?...

    i chatted it up with some local women from the church this morning about berry picking. i'm getting so excited.

  4. You really made me want to make something with strawberries now!

  5. I made a salad for lunch with California strawberries. It will be a month before we have local ones. I can't wait. There is nothing like a sunripened strawberry.

  6. I am so jealous of your strawberries! i can't wait till our Farmer's Market gets them over here, then I can try some of these great treats!

  7. You are so lucky to have local fresh strawberries already! I have these tiny little 'pink' things in my garden and am waiting patiently for the local strawberry farmers' bounty to be ready for sale! Love all of the recipes that you've shared! Such a wonderful berry!

  8. Wow what a gorgeous ode to those beautiful berries! Love every recipe I see.

  9. So jealous, our wonderful Oregon berries come in June, cannot wait! Hope you are doing well!

  10. We are still waiting for our strawberries in Oregon, but when we get them...Oh yeah, I bookmarked this page!!! This is the second post I have seen on my blogroll about strawberries... I am starting to think everyone is rubbing it in ;) Just kidding, (kind of) but I am so ready for their gorgeous, vibrant, fresh taste!

  11. Yum. The strawberry sorbet made my mouth water....

  12. Yay for strawberries! It will be a while for us yet, but we're getting there!

  13. Woo-hoo! I was able to load the page from my PC. Yes! I am back in business visiting your blog.

    Oh my God! Those strawberries. Everything looks amazing. Awesome.


  14. *Sigh* It will be ast least another month before strawberries hit my local farmer's market. This spring has been endless, dreary, chilly days where spring and summer fruits seem a millions miles away.

  15. Yum...I can't wait for fresh local strawberries! I'm looking forward to making the Cream Cake again! Sure I'll have to wait another 2-3 months but it's so worth the wait to buy the fresh local strawberries and not the half ripe ones from the store!

  16. Strawberries are my absolute favorite fruit. Love this post.

  17. Hi Debby, just come upon your site, yum, that is the best post on strawberries! Love your photos! I'm gonna be arount to visit,you can count on that! JIll

  18. That's an interesting selection of strawberry recipes. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Gorgeous food! I eat with my eyes first and I love your food! I wish I had the patience to make that Carmel ice cream.


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