
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Eggnog Cookies (even for the unbelievers)

Eggnog. Does the thought of it give you the willies? I get it.  I'm not enamored with  drinking the stuff-- unless it's homemade.  It's been years since I've made Southern Comfort Spiked Eggnog. The commercial stuff is too thick, for me, and doesn't feel right as it slides down my gullet. However, I do like the flavor of eggnog.  I do like adding eggnog to recipe, like Eggnog pancakes.

My work schedule, and coming home to no natural light has made work night cookie baking unmanageable.  Since Thanksgiving ended, the UPS truck has been making regular stops at my house.  I've been shopping on Etsy and it's helped me with Christmas shopping. I managed to find time to decorate the house, and I've been making a few cookie dough recipes.

I've been drooling over hundreds of Christmas Cookie recipes that so many food bloggers have been posting for weeks.  So, here I am, just a few days before our school Winter Break, and  I had to bake something that I could share with my co-workers.  I was craving eggnog flavor and I was also craving cookies.  That's when I remembered that I had ordered a bottle of LorAnn Eggnog flavor from King Arthur Flour.  So, I adapted my Funfetti Cookie recipe, hoping I would achieve a cookie that is crispy on the outside, and chewy in the middle. 

I had a container of coarse sugar and decided to roll the cookie dough balls to add some extra crunch. I baked these on a work night, and was relieved that they were very quick (and easy) to make.

I was happy with the flavor. The cookies weren't fluffy and cakey (not my favorite cookie texture, and that is why I didn't use real eggnog), with notes of vanilla custard, a hint of rum and nutmeg.  My husband and son wouldn't try them, because they swear they hate eggnog. Until today.  Hubs liked them, surprisingly.  If you can't find eggnog flavor, you can easily adapt these with almond extract and I think they'd be good and easy sugar cookies. Fortunately, My co-workers really liked them. 

 I have this weekend devoted to baking, and I'm on vacation for two glorious weeks. I plan to make up for lost time by taking advantage of natural lighting so I can share recipes with you.

Here's a teaser for my next recipe:

Boef Bourguignon (Beef Burgundy). Recipe post coming next!

A printable recipe card, for the cookies,  is at the end of this post.


  1. I love homemade eggnog and even the store bought stuff, but a little of that definitely goes a long way... usually have to thin it out with a little milk.

  2. What's one more treat to wow our guests. I love a good homemade eggnog and these would be even better. Have a wonderful Christmas holiday my friend.

  3. Love your ideas on the eggnog cookies. Eggnog itself is too rich for me. And I can't wait to see your Boeuf Bourguignon.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  4. I'm with you...eggnog only really sounds good to me in dessert form. These cookies look excellent!

  5. You are giving me an idea for a whole new Christmas Cocktail. One that won't give you the willies. GREG

  6. I haven't seen the eggnog flavoring. Such a great idea. Merry Christmas!

  7. What a treat - to the eyes and the tongue. They really look delicious. I stopped by just to wish you a Merry Christmas and I'm leaving with yet another recipe. I'm hopeless.I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Christmas hugs and blessings...Mary

  8. I'm a little squeamish about eggnog myself...but I think I could deal with these cookies with NO problems!

  9. Like you, I like egg nog when it is homemade other wise, I stay clear.

    Now, egg nog cookies we are talking a whole new game. These have the flavor of egg nog and the texture of a snickerdoodle. The makings of a delicious cookie.

    Merry Christmas!


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