
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Biscoff-Pumpkin Spice Spritz Cookies

I just downloaded another book on food photography and food styling. I have a small modest collection of special plates, napkins and props. Just a few. Storage, in my small kitchen, is at a premium. My husband made, for me,  a little "set" using some tiles and wood (to hide my tile kitchen counter), and I even have a Tunsten light set. In theory, I should be able to shoot photos during winter, when natural light is at a premium-- given that I don't get home from work until dark, during the Fall/Winter months.

Alas, time isn't my friend, when it comes to setting up a shot. The sun was going down, dinner time is just around the corner, but I wanted to write down this recipe, lest I forget how I made it. So much for setting up a small decorative ceramic turkey,  some food props, a fancy plate and a color-coordinated napkin-- oh, and the milk bottle with the colored striped straws. "set up" that looks like the front page of a food magazine. In my case, ain't gonna happen. The desire is there, but the time isn't.

What you will get, should my lackluster photos inspire you to do, is to be glad that you baked these cookies. Stat.  I'm so behind with all the trendy ingredients that go viral on food blogs. Biscoff Spread is so "last year". I know. I've been trying to think of a way to use this ingredient in a way that not everyone else has. Good luck with that, because when I get an idea for a recipe, someone else already has. Sigh. (Oh, and Trader Joe's sells Cookie Butter, which is a clone of Biscoff spread.) As far as I can tell, nobody has made spritz cookies with Biscoff, so I'm claiming them!

This year, I haven't made anything with pumpkin. I adore pumpkin, but I don't like the way pumpkin cookies turn out. They have a fluffy, biscuit texture, and I prefer a crunchy cookie. If it has a chewy center, even better.  In my last post, I shared the Butter Spritz Cookies, using my new OXO Cookie Press.  I wondered if I substituted half the butter for Biscoff spread, and added some pumpkin spice, if the cookies would work out okay.

I wanted an excuse to use the "Turkey" Disk that came with the OXO Autumn Disk Set.   It takes a little bit of patience to press the level, on the cookie press, until the first cookie dough comes out. It's usually a bit wonky, so I just scrape it off and toss it back into the bowl of dough.

I can fit 20 cookies per cookie sheet. The turkeys are kinda cute!

I still like to sprinkle them with coarse sugar (and I played a little with sprinkles). I like that extra crunch it adds to the cookies.

(I don't have the patience to painstakinly put little bitty sprinkles all nice and neat on each small cookie. I dump them, and hope for the best.)

Can you see the turkey? Okay, it might take a little imagination, but I think they're cute. Know what? They taste even better than I had hoped.  These are a spice cookie, with just the right balance of cinnamon, a touch of ginger. These taste like Fall.  While the Butter Spritz Cookies are so popular, in my home, that they disappear really fast-- these are my personal favorite. It's not pumpkin, but these are crunchy, with a tender inside.  I'll be adding these to my Christmas Cookie plates.

With the last little bit of dough, I shaped cookies into balls and pressed them flat.

The sun had just gone down, and I barely got a decent shot. But, as you can see, if you don't own a cookie press you can still make round cookies. 

This is going to be a busy week for me, so this is my only chance to share this recipe with you. Once summer rolls around, I'll have more time to set up a shot that looks a little fancier. For now, it's point and shoot..and eat!

I'd better get busy making dinner, so I'll be back next weekend.

I always post a printable recipe card at the end of each recipe post. If you cannot view it, you might be using an older version of InternetExplorer. You should be able to view my recipe cards with Safari, Mozilla, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.
If you still can't view the recipe card, all of my recipes are stored on Key Ingredient, by clicking here.




  1. As a biscoff addict, these definitely seem like the kind of cookies I couldn't have just one of!

  2. I just finished my first jar of Biscoff Spread and I'm already addicted. It's going to be a staple in my cupboard from now on. Love your little turkey cookies, Debby, and this recipe. Can't wait to try it. I feel your pain about lighting. Our days are short and dark here and taking photos becomes a real challenge.

  3. Pumpkin and biscoff. You can;t go wrong!

  4. I prefer crunchy cookies, too. The soft pumpkin ones are good, but not my favorite. I have *never* had good luck with a cookie press! I think a press makes the most adorable cookies for Christmas trays, but every time I tried it, it made me crazy!

  5. I thought I had pretty much tried all of the varieties of Spritz cookies, but this is a new one on me, and it sounds soooo delicious. I am trying these for sure.


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