
Friday, January 3, 2014

Chex® Caramel Corn Snack Mix (Perfect for Super Bowl)

A few years ago, one of my co-workers presented each of us with a bag of this Chex® Caramel Snack Mix. Just like I was seduced gifted with a Christmas plate of Peanut Butter Chewies, I couldn't stop eating these! I asked her for the recipe, which she readily agreed to do. Then, we both forgot about it and a few Christmas seasons came and went.

Fast forward to this Christmas, when she mentioned she was making her Chex Mix. My eyes lit up, and asked if she'd still share it with me. Sure enough, she handed the recipe to me and I made this (after Christmas).  My husband loves snacks that are crunchy, and I had a feeling he'd love this one as well. I was really excited to make this!

Craig and I enjoy having a Netflix night, with some freshly made kettle popcorn.   I figured this would be the perfect chance to make this for my family.  The ingredients are completely interchangeable-- I used freshly popped corn, Corn Chex, Rice Chex, Cheerios, Chinese Crispy Noodles and cocktail peanuts.    

In total, there are 19 cups of dry ingredients!  Yes, enough to feed a Super Bowl Party!  

Undoubtedly, what makes this snack mix taste sooooooooooo good is the buttah. Two sticks of butter, to be exact.  There's brown sugar and a little corn syrup added to the mix...

...which is then heated to a boil.  The directions said to add the vanilla with all the ingredients, but I'm old school-- and I try to add extracts to hot ingredients at the very end. Why? I don't want to dilute the potency of the vanilla-- so that's what I did.  Last, and best of all, this buttery and caramel hot lava is poured over all the dry ingredients and gently mixed.

You can really smell the buttery goodness! Yum!

Once all the cereals and crispy goodies are evenly coated, I poured this into a deep roasting/baking pan and baked this at 250 for 45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.

Once baked, I evenly spread the mixture over two parchment covered baking sheets. It's pretty hot, so I resisted the temptation to eat until cool.

Once cool, I placed the snack mix into a large air tight container, breaking apart as I did so. This makes a lot!

With a wicked little smile, I offered a bowl of the snack mix to my son and then to my son. Oh, I'm a sly little fox.  Their eyes lit up.  Bam!  Home run Touch Down!

TASTING NOTES:  I found a version of this recipe on both and Betty I think that anyone could play around with what ingredients you want, and it would be good. Instead of peanuts, pecans or cashews would be great. You could add Wheat Chex to the mix. Personally, I'd add more popcorn. I love the Chinese crispy noodles, and highly recommend them.  The buttery caramel coating is what will get you hooked. 

Super Bowl isn't that far away.  Makes this. People will ask you for the recipe, just as I asked my friend. 

You're welcome!

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  1. I spent most of college snacking on Sweet and Salty Chex Mix which was chock full of caramel. It was the best! I'm sure this is even more awesome.

  2. I remember something like this from my youth, but it didn't have popcorn. I can see how this will be very addictive.

  3. I remember something like this from my youth, but it didn't have popcorn. I can see how this will be very addictive.


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