
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fabulous Easter Sunday - Strawberry Spinach Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing

I could not have asked for a better Easter Sunday! We slept in late, attended a wonderful Easter Service. The first Driscoll Berries of the season are surfacing, and they were on sale for a phenomenal price ($5.88 for four baskets).

Tip: I like to use a strawberry "plucker" to remove the greens, but I never wash my berries until right before I use them-- otherwise, they will go bad really fast.

I made Strawberry Waffles for breakfast. I used Trader Joe's Pancake mix, which I think is terrific for a when you are famished when you get home:

I decided we would enjoy the beautiful spring day, with family,  and grill. I also wanted to put these beautiful strawberries to good use...

As luck would have it, I found three wonderful recipes from food bloggers. It's late, and I need to get ready for work-- but I had to share one of the recipes, for now.

My brother had never heard of pairing spinach and strawberries! I love the color of this salad. What really captured me was the vinaigrette. I knew this would be a winner, and I thank "Feed Me Delicious" for posting this on Photograzing. I made a few salad ingredient changes (omitting the bacon) -- but I made the vinaigrette exactly as list. Oh my! This is, truly, one of the best vinaigrettes I've tasted!

I had company on the way, so I was shooting pictures as fast as I could! Basically, you'll need balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, brown sugar, minced garlic, poppy seeds and Dijon mustard, and...

I love poppy seeds! They're so pretty.

I was so pleased to finally use the Extra Virgin Olive Oil, locally produced (Carmel Valley Olive Company) that was included with my C.S.A. Co-Op Box. I whisked the oil in to emulisify it. Wow! Delish!

Right about this time, my brother and his delightful lady friend showed up-- a lot of yakking went on while we made Garlic Oven Fries (these are so good and I can't wait to share this with you) and grilled skirt steak-- plus, I made a Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt Cake and a few other great meals.

You can see the skirt steak, peeking behind this bowl. Isn't this a pretty salad? I added red onion and gorgonzola cheese. I decided not to add bacon, but you certainly could.

My brother, who is a pretty amazing cook himself, was amazed at this new flavor combo that he got to try. I can see this salad gracing my table all through strawberry season. I hope that you try it.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend. I know that I did!

Strawberry Spinach Salad With Balsamic Vinaigrette on Foodista


  1. So glad you ended up getting to eat with your brother. This salad looks perfect and festive. I love strawberry salads. Oh, and those strawberries and waffles look AMAZING. Mmm, I wish I could have that for breakfast tomorrow :)

  2. I dont know which I like better the waffles or the salad. They both look utterly delicious!

  3. That looks delicious! I love the combination!

  4. The meal sounds delicious and this salad so beautiful and colorful.

    I can't wait to see the other recipes- the french fries and cake to be more exact!

    Glad you had such an awesome Easter!

  5. The strawberry salad and dressing looks amazing. I love poppy seeds too!

  6. Deb,
    We pay $5.88 for ONE basket of Driscoll strawberries!
    Beautiful salad!

  7. Thats a beautiful salad, I can't wait to try it!

  8. I am so jealous of your herbs! My lavender hasn't bloomed yet. And the salad looks gorgeous. And strawberries with a savory dressing? Very interesting!

  9. Great looking salad! My MIL does a similar salad all the time that we totally swoon over. Glad to hear you had a nice Easter!

  10. i love love spinach and stawberry salad! And your strawberry waffle looks amazing...making me crave for strawberry waffles right this second!!!
    check my version of spinach and strawberry salad out:

    it's funny I also took a picture of the stawberries in a clear bowl...arent they just so pretty to photograph?


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