
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Strawberry Scones and Baking & Blogging Therapy

My cleaning binge started when I was searching for my pastry cutter & strawberry plucker gadget. I had decided to make Strawberry Scones. I've been seeing a lot of recipes for this, is so many food blogs. I had received a basket of organically grown strawberries in my CSA box. They were a little on the tart side, so I felt that baking with them would be the perfect way to use them.

I finally settled on a recipe from "Confessions of a Tart". I loved her beautiful photos, and I liked the idea of using buttermilk. I appreciated her tips on making these scones, because-- I confess-- I have never made my own scones!

First, the berries were washed.. I love the color of strawberries!

The berries were tart, so I had to use about 1 Tbsp of sugar. I set them aside to macerate (I love that word). Already, I was feeling a sense of therapy-- I was back in the "zone" of my kitchen. My iPod was playing an unabridged book I had downloaded...and that's when I realized that the kitchen is my place to relax. Know what I mean? Anyway...

I had to soften my butter using my microwave/defrost trick, and then cut it into the flour, baking powder and salt mixture.

Then, I added the strawberries and gently stirred them in-- then I added the buttermilk. Very carefully, I gently mixed the ingredients and then put the dough on a very lightly floured surface.

I found that the dough easily patted into a circle, and I cut eight wedges.

I also realized that photography is becoming another fun hobby/addiction. "Why is it that my Silpat mats (I have four of them) don't look as brand new as other food bloggers?", I wondered. I have used them for at least 8 years, maybe? Love those things!

I prematurely added turbinado sugar, before baking. Afterwards, I realized the instructions said to do this after baking them for 15 minutes. Oops.

My scones were lightly browned and finished in a total of 23 minutes. They smelled wonderful.
Tea would go perfectly with these, but I opted for a fresh pot of coffee.

These were light, flaky and so good! I only wish that I had clotted cream.

I can see that baking scones is easy, and very cost effective. I'm already plotting cranberry-orange scones for my next adventure.


  1. So glad you're feeling a bit better! Spring cleaning can be so cathartic--not to mention the therapeutic powers of these strawberry scones. They look delicious! Usually, I'm a huge clotted cream fan when it comes to scones, but yours look so moist and tender, I bet they'd be fabulous just by themselves. Wow! I need to make these.

  2. I hope things work out with your job. Let's hope people will have compassion and keep you on since I am sure you are just great!
    Cooking and especially baking can be so therapeutic. Next time I need a shrink I think I may whip up a batch of these scones!

  3. I love scones with lots of fruit in them...they look so delicious and the plate they are on is gorgeous!

  4. Debby,
    I hope you are feeling better (not from the M&Ms!).
    The scones look great......hang in there!

  5. Thank you for noticing the dish! It's Rosenthal, circa 1940's, from Bavaria. It's part of my mom's collection that she left for me.
    It was fun to use it for the shot, because it's special to me!


  6. Sounds like the perfect therapy - and from the looks of things you sure seem like an expert scone maker! The strawberry red is so beautiful!

  7. These look delicious!! Absolutely scrumptious.. I have them on my list of things to try with strawberries this season.

  8. Yum - what a lovely recipe. I've never had strawberries baked into scones like that before. With strawberry season fast approaching I will definitely keep this in mind!

  9. These look so light and luscious!

  10. These turned out so beautifully! I love your photos! I'm sending you good thoughts and happy vibes from here in hopes that you will feel a little better.


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