
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Pineapple-Mango Salsa & another gadget

Fresh pineapple is a fruit that I try to keep on hand at all times. In fact, one of my favorite snacks is fresh pineapple and non-fat cottage cheese. Ever since I discovered my pineapple slicer gadget, it's a breeze to work with fresh pineapple.

I've developed a better appreciation for mango, ever since my husband squeezed fresh lime juice over the mango slices. I like the flavor combination. This is where my inspiration came to make a pineapple-mango salsa.

Until recently, I did not fully understand how to slice mango! Those of you who work with this fruit, know what a weird pit you have to try and work with. I read about OXO's mango splitter in a foodie magazine and I decided to buy one (a couple of years ago). I have to say that it's a great gadget for people (like me) who want shortcuts. Yes, that's me! I'm a gadget person. I can assure you that I use all of my gadgets, or I get rid of them. This one has proven to be worthy of my drawer space.

Let me show you:
I like to slice the bottom of the mango, so that it balances on my cutting board a lot better.

Now that I figured out that the pit is in alignment with the narrow part of the mango, I align the pitter...

Push, down...and there you have it!

I take a paring knife and slice the fruit, invert the peel and cut off what I need. This technique works best for me-- or, you could peel the mango like an apple and then slice it. Whatever floats your boat.

To make the salsa, my ingredients were fresh pineapple, mango, red onion, fresh cilantro (that's growing out of control in my garden), jalapeno, lime juice and salt & pepper, to taste.

I am growing my own jalapeno, but my plants won't bear fruit for at least another month. My tongue can only handle medium heat, so I make sure to remove the membranes and the seeds.

To the fruit and jalapeno, I add the onion and lots of cilantro. If you don't like cilantro, it's a shame. I suppose you could substitute parsley, but we love the tang of cilantro. Besides, it's in my Mexican D.N.A. to love cilantro. Last, I add the juice of one lime...or two.

Pineapple-Mango salsa speaks summer to me. Sure, I'm a little early, but I do live in California. We love this salsa because it pairs so well with fish, pork-- or it can be used as a dip.

I decided to grill a pork tenderloin (always a staple in my fridge and freezer). I wanted to season it with a Mexibbean flavor, so I used the Mexican seasoning that I make.

Seriously, why buy it? I always keep the spices on hand anyway-- cumin, chili powder, oregano, paprika and garlic powder. I use this blend for quick meals like tacos or fajitas. I rubbed the seasoning into the pork tenderloin and marinated it in the juice of 2 limes, some minced garlic and olive oil-- for about 30 minutes.

On impulse, I opened up a can of black beans, drained them and seasoned with a little bit of cumin and chili powder and garnished it with light sour cream.
This is a very low-fat and healthy dinner-- and very flavorful. Enjoy!

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  1. I love that mango pitter...and the salsa looks amazing, perfect with pork.

  2. I love gadgets too and have had my eye on that mango slicer for awhile now - glad to know it works well! The salsa looks like it would compliment the pork perfectly - yum!

  3. This looks delicious, but sadly loving cilantro, red onion and avocado are not in my mexican DNA. Can't stand any of them. My family makes fun of me and says my white husband is more mexican than I am :-)

  4. I've always wondered how well those mango-pitters work. The apple slicer things - which are relatively similar - have never worked for me, so I didn't have too much faith in the mango one either. It's nice to see that it worked so well for you!

  5. OMGDebby, you have all favorites of mine, LOVE pork tenderloin grilled and fresh fruit salsas are one of the best things evere. I am trying yours.

  6. cool gadget! totally unnecessary...but SOOOO necessary. lol, if that makes sense at all.
    I love your pineapple-mango salsa! will def be trying it for sure.

  7. That pineapple and mango salsa sounds so good!

  8. Deb,
    I learned how to slice a mango from Martha Stewart, but this gadget looks amazing! I love mango salsa, it's so fresh.....your photos are nice and artsy!

  9. Gosh I just adore that gadget so useful! The pork and salsa look such a treat - yum!


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