
Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer Apricot-Pineapple Jam-- Let's start jammin' some more

Today, I am headed to Los Altos Hills, California. It's a 90 minute drive, north, to my cousin's house. I am really excited about this day, for several reasons:

I'm on Day #6 of vacation, with 20 more to go.

Today, she is going to show me how she makes her German Apricot Cream Pie. I've never had it, but she says it has a sour cream topping. SOLD!

I've already made Ursula's (isn't that a cool German name-- say it, OOR-SOO-LAH) Bavarian Rohr Nudeln (try and say that one...). Everything she makes is really good.

I'm bringing her a jar of my Apricot-Pineapple jam. This is gold, ladies and gentleman. After reading several different recipes, I concocted my own recipe. I got the ratio of apricots and pineapple just right. Darn if my husband hasn't change his favorite morning toast and jam from olallieberry to my apricot-pineapple. I have to make more!

Here's how I made it-- start with fresh pineapple. Please. They aren't that expensive to buy. I let my ripen on my window sill for a day or two.

By the way, get one of these:

It's a pineapple slicer, and it will make your life a lot easier. You can find them on, Williams-Sonoma or You just cut off the top of the pineapple, screw it in, pull out and you get sliced pineapple-- the core is in the center of the slicer. Just toss it away and you're read. Why buy canned pineapple?

I take shortcuts (except for processed foods and boxed mixes). In my food processor, I pulsed the pineapple. I wanted it chopped, but not pureed. Just a few pulses:

For the apricots, I decided I wanted the skins off-- though some recipes left them on. This is easy.
  • Start a pot of water boiling
  • Cut an "X" on the bottom of each apricot.
  • Prepare an ice bath.
  • Dunk the apricots into the boiling water for 1-2 minutes.

Remove with a slotted spoon into the ice bath for a few minutes.

Take your thumbs, and on the "X" slip the skins right off. It's that easy. The pits came right out, too.

Again, in my food processor, I pulsed the apricots. I wanted 5 cups of apricots and one cup of pineapple = 6 cups total fruit. I reserved the juice from both fruits, which equals 3/4 cups.

In a big pot, I added the fruit, fruit juice, one box of fruit pectin (I used MCP low-sugar pectin) and 1 1/2 cups sugar. I allowed that to come to a boil, and then slowly added the 4 1/2 cups sugar.

I won't post pictures of how I cooked the fruit, because it's exactly how I posted how to make strawberry jam. Quickly, the fruit was brought to a rolling boil (212F). I did the plate test, to make sure it had jelled. You can click here, if you'd like to see step-by-step how to make jam.

This jam is amazing, I tell you! One bite gives you the sweet taste of apricot, with just the right amount of pineapple... it compliments the fruit, but does not overpower it. I so wanted to make apricot bars, today, but I want to wait until I have more jam. I only have 5 pints (in half pints) and I can see that these will disappear fast. I definitely plan to make turnovers with puff pastry, with these.

I had a little bit of apricots leftovers, which I cooked into a compote. Later this week, I'll post a delicious sandwich that I made with it. Trust me, it was good.

I'm going to blog about Ursula's Apricot Cream Pie ("Rahm Kuchen"). She's such a good sport, and she laughed when I said I wanted to do this.

She's one of the last of my surviving German line of relatives. I don't want anymore heirloom recipes to disappear.

Enjoying Summer,


  1. I am so loving these jam posts. It is so inspiring. I wanna win, how can I bribe you?

  2. I am so afraid of Apricots, I am not even sure I have eaten a raw one, how pathetic is that!

  3. You are definitely becoming the jam expert!

  4. I love my pineapple slicer/corer too. So impressed with all the jam!

  5. Another lovely jam, it looks so tasty!

  6. I LOVE making jam, but have never tried this! I think I will make some as soon as I get a free weekend. Thanks!

  7. I bet this combination is wonderful. I'm off to read your newer posts!

  8. What a lovely looking jam! I love pineapples and apricots a lot so I'll love this jam too! Looks so yum!

  9. Dear Debby

    Congratulation for your blog! Fantastic recipies!

    I loved your apricot jam but to make it I need to know how much is a box of pectin in grams, cause I am brazilian.


  10. I followed a link to this recipe for the jam from would you believe of all things a posting and recipe for Baba Au Rum! The baker of this delicious French bistro pastry uses the jam as a glaze on the cake and she states that she absolutely ADORES this recipe for the jam. All I know is that it looks incredible on the cake. I tend to use jams, preserves and even jellies more in baking (regular, not gf that I do for others) than I do like I did as a kid as jelly bread or even on ordinary toast. I have to eat gluten free now and so far I haven't discovered a gf (gluten free) bread I consider edible enough to eat just as toast. I've spent the past winter and spring reorganizing every food product, cake decorating, gingerbread house candy item, and baking ingredient into a jar or freezer bag organization system and obtaining upright freezers for ALL of the gluten free flours, whole wheat flours, nuts, coconut, and even ordinary flours, etc. I often buy AP flour and sugars in 50 pound lots. Now that this is mostly done I hope to start making my own gf breads and other pastries and when I finally find one I like then I can bake in bulk and freeze them. I have a feeling I'm going to be very glad I discovered your site. It looks very interesting. I do have one question however. Is there a link for a "printable" recipe for the jam that I missed? Or, do I need to just created my own written version in order to save it for future use? thanks!


Thank you for visiting my blog kitchen and I read and appreciate every single comment. **SPAM COMMENTS ARE OUT OF CONTROL AGAIN, SO I HAVE TO TURN ON COMMENT MODERATION, SORRY!** The only time I will delete a comment, if it is rude and left as "anonymous"-- or if it self-promoting with a link to your website/blog. If you had a problem with a recipe, or have a negative comment, please email me and I will respond to you-- and I don't bite! I am always available at