
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Holiday Food Orgy Aftermath-- Eat more salads like this!

I feel as though I am still digesting the Salmon En Croute, with Duxelles, that I made for our Christmas Eve Dinner. I must not forget the Beurre Blanc sauce that I made, to go with this! Of course, I served fresh green beans, with a little butter sauce-- oh, and my brother made mashed potatoes with scallions and a touch of herbs to go with it.  For dessert, I made Ina Garten's Creme Brulee'.  Why haven't I posted this yet, some of you may wonder?

I will!  But I need to focus my time and energy on more vegetables and salads.  I assume that many of you have viewed enough of those recipes, and we are all seeing the newspaper ads for gym membership.  I'm expecting the Weight Watchers Police to come pounding at my door, any minute. 

This salad is inspired by a restaurant, at Lover's Point , in the world famous area of Pacific Grove, California that we feel so blessed to live in. "The Old Bath House" carries a lot of fond memories for Craig and me.. It was my son's first job, as a busboy, when he turned 16. Many birthdays, anniversaries and special date nights were spent here. I became friends with "Dorothy", who played a large part in the smooth operation of that restaurant. My handsome cousin (who passed away at a very young age) was the Maitre d' and very knowledgeable wine sommelier.  Sadly, the restaurant closed two months before our planned wedding, that was scheduled for New Year's Day of 2004.  The Old Bath House fell victim to politics with the city of Pacific Grove and an ADA lawsuit settlement. The cost of remodeling, to meet the compliance laws was so costly,  that the owner closed the restaurant. The restaurant, to this day, sits empty against the spectaclar backdrop of Lover's Point. It has been a loss to so many loyal customers of this fine establishment.  My friends, Dorothy, plans to write a cookbook with the recipes that we loved so much-- their Lobster Bisque Soup (I know the "secret" ingredient) and this salad.

I don't have the "official recipe, but this is my take on it-- it's simple and it was the perfect starter to any meal. I serve it when we have company, and it's always a big hit! You need candied pecans.  Dorothy gave me the original recipe-- Blanche the pecans, then coat with powdered sugar. Fry in oil and then sprinkle with cayenne pepper. "Dot" used to give me a  bag of these addicting pecans, as a parting gift, after we indulged in a meal a the Old Bath House.  I have, since, found a different way of making these candied pecans-- that  I blogged about here.  You need pears and Blue Cheese (or Gorgonzola).

Fortunately, I can buy beautiful Spring Mix salads at Costco, that is locally grown.   The dressing is a simple Balsamic Vinaigrette-- my favorite. To make it, just remember that the ratio of balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil is 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar.  To bind the dressing, I use a little Dijon mustard. That's it!

We love this salad! 

Doesn't this look healthy? (Well, the candied pecans are a small stretch, but just a few are okay by me.)

As always, the recipes are at the very bottom of this post. If you are receiving this via email or RSS feed, please JUMP to my blog to print/view the recipes.

Counting down to the end of 2009,


  1. Beautiful salad! We make a similar one using goat cheese and dried cranberries with a champagne vinaigrette. Yours looks beautiful

  2. Oh, I agree. The salad is the perfect fit for this week. It looks wonderful! Love your recipes.

  3. I so love your area!! Gorgeous the Bath House, also. Great food!

    Your salad looks delicious. You are right, it is time to bring on the salads....maybe just lettuce... :)

  4. Those nuts are addictive and too good.
    I eat a similar salad for lunch almost 3 times a week, but with beets.
    Love it!

    Bro's photos are fabulous!

  5. Phenomenal.. it looks phenomenal. I love how you used those delicious pecans and combined with the cheese, genious!

  6. Your salad looks perfect and I love the great photos. I wish I were in California right now :)

  7. You've just described my favorite salad. I like it with a little chopped apple and roasted chicken breast for a meal!

    Have a wonderful anniversary my friend!

  8. That salad looks wonderful!! And the pix are great!

    Where do you eat on the wharf? I like Riva's, but do not get there very often. Any other Santa Cruz recommendations?

  9. I made a Tyler recipe that was a lot like this one and it was truly delicious. It looks beautiful Debby! Enjoy your vacation.

  10. I love salads any time of the year:-) but you are right. After the holidays you seem to want them even more. This looks perfect.

  11. I love salads like this, and I'm jealous that you have such easy access to Point Reyes blue! The restaurant looks like a lovely spot - hopefully Dorothy can revive memories with the cookbook. Meantime, your holiday celebrations sound SOOO tasty!

  12. Hi Debby--

    You took the words right out of my mouth, so to speak! It's definitely time to "detox" from all the Christmas treats and rich delicacies. Your salad looks refreshingly enticing. Beautiful blog you have!


  13. Sounds like you are enjoying your vacation! And you KNOW that the salad is my favorite--it's my Crack Salad!!!!!

  14. Aww,shucks Debby! You got me all misty-eyed over the Old Bath House salad. Beautiful photo of my favorite place on the planet. I miss the OBH everyday. It was a magical meeting place for friends, lovers & foodies alike. The OBH recipe files are always open for you, Miss Blogger. Happy New Year-Love to you & yours, D

  15. I'm admiring your ability to stay on track with "undoing" Christmas. I seem to be "detoxing" by snacking on the chocolate truffles a coworker gave me.

    Such a sad story about that restaurant. I know I would be devastated if one of my favorite restaurants closed. There are two places that are very special to hubby and me and I'd hate to see either one go!

  16. I am so with you. After the New Year all I want for a while is a salad. I love pears and chese especially blue -cheese.

  17. That salad looks inviting and just what I need after all this rich food I've been eating. I make pecans similar to yours and yes, they are addictive.

  18. Oh blue cheeeeeeeeese .. how I've missed u during this pregnancy! Salad looks amazing Debby, and what a gorgeous pic of the Bath House.

  19. I love candied pecans and with the cheese and pears it is perfect!

  20. look so yummy. "Doesn't this look healthy? (Well, the candied pecans are a small stretch, but just a few are okay by me.)" actually i think this is good for diet.

  21. You've just described my favorite salad.


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