
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Blueberry Sour Cream Waffles

On weekends, I enjoy making breakfast.  I don't make pancakes or waffles very often-- usually choosing some kind of egg dish.  The exception is when locally grown strawberries are in season. That's when I make waffles, piled high with strawberries and real whipped cream.  I usually resort to using a waffle mix that I buy at Trader Joe's, which is pretty good. I've been wanting to find a recipe to make waffles from scratch, but most of the ones I've found involves whipping egg whites and gently folding them into the batter.

Last week, I noticed that Lisa (from the Cutting Edge of Ordinary) recipe for Blueberry Sour Cream Waffles.  I was intrigued by the recipe, so I decided that this would be our Sunday breakfast.  After church, we stopped to pick up a few things at the market and I was really hungry-- like, feed me now!  I rolled up my sleeves and dug in:

I had an unfinished bag of frozen blueberries-- less than a cup.   I did a quick thaw, by rinsing them with warm water.  The dry ingredients took minutes to whisk together-- flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.  I sprinkled some of the dry ingredients on top of the blueberries and gently gave them a stir. Why?  It's a baker's trick I've used for the longest time, to keep berries from sinking to the bottom of the dough.  It's a habit, now.  Melt one stick of unsalted butter. Yes, one stick. It's a treat, trust me.

 The wet ingredients are 1/2 cup sour cream (I used lite), milk (I used 1%), 3 eggs and the melted butter.

Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour the wet into the center. Stir just until combined-- unless you like tough waffles. We don't!  If using berries, very gently add them in. I didn't stir them a lot, because I didn't want to turn the batter purple.  It took about 10 minutes for me to make this. Who needs box mixes?

I've had this Belgian Waffle Maker for a very long time.  It takes about 1/2 cup of batter, and makes two waffles at a time-- but they're thick and we like them that way!  Cook the batter, according to your waffle maker.

I think waffles are made for melted butter...
I had both regular maple syrup and blueberry maple syrup. Decisions, decisions... blueberry, it is!

I think I just evolved from being a pancake lover to a waffle lover.  I have to tell you, that this is the recipe.  The waffles were hot, tender, flavorful... we both ate them hungrily.  Using lite sour cream and 1% milk didn't hurt the recipe one bit-- and, I think, it lessens the guilt for one stick of butter. Hey, whatever shortcut I can take, I'll take it! Craig ate four waffles. I ate three. We feel no shame.  I see so many possibilities with this recipe.  I still have olallieberries in my freezer.

I'm so glad I spotted Lisa's recipe.  If you've never visited her blog, it's amazing. She's a talented photographer, and I love her recipes. I've been lurking on her blog for quite some time, and I'm glad she shared this recipe. It's a keeper!

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  1. I really feel I need a waffle maker more than ever now.

  2. That's my idea of a wonderful breakfast. I don't indulge very often but these waffles are irresistible.

  3. Would you come make these for us? I am too lame to make them myself, but they look delicious!

  4. What a wonderful breakfast. We adore waffles - sweet and savory - around her. These look and sound delicious.

  5. Delicious! Blueberry waffles are the best!
    I agree with you - what is the point of boxed mix?

  6. Oh man! These sound like the perfect breakfast to me. I love berry syrup intead of maple.

  7. Ayyiyi those look good . That is one rich batter! I can only imagine how good they would taste. I have yet to get a waffle iron of my own because I'm afraid I'd make stuff like this every day.

  8. This really sounds like the perfect Sunday morning breakfast. I love using sour cream in baked makes them so moist and gives them a nice tang.

  9. What a beautiful waffle! Love the addition of sour cream. Who needs a box when you can whip up a batch of these beauties? Delicious!

  10. You know I'm a sucker for all things blueberries and brunch so this is right up my alley! i will definitely be giving these a try. yummy!

  11. OMG, those waffles look fabulous. Delicious!

  12. Wow, these look amazing. Hmmmm, maybe I will make them this weekend!!!

  13. Thanks for sharing this delicious recipe. The food photos were great.

  14. I am so touched that you made these! They are wonderful aren't they? I am waiting on my new waffle iron so I can make more!! Thanks for the link love and your information today in the email. I'll let you know how I make out!

  15. I enjoy waffles more than pancakes but (I'm almost ashamed to admit) I have never made a waffle (toaster waffles excluded) in my life. I think I was afraid the batter would end up everywhere but inside. I want a waffle make now. (mother's day wish list)

  16. I NEED a waffle maker! My daughter loves pancakes but I love waffles. These look wonderful and filling.

  17. Oh my goodness, I just want to get a fork and start eating these!!! Yum-oo
    I would like to invite you to come by and check out our new food blog-

  18. These waffles look so divine! Love blueberries, so I will definitely try these. Thanks for the great recipe, cher!

  19. I think waffles are worth the effort, and any recipe that contains blueberries is a winner!

  20. One of the twins has been bugging me about getting a waffle maker. I told him to ask Santa for one and I would use it to make him waffles. Guess he didn't want waffles that much. :) Yours look wonderful. Now I'm thinking I want waffles.

  21. I waffle make and I've never used it! I think I'll have to dust it off this week for sure. My son is home from college this week and he'd love these.

  22. FANTASTIC Photos of a FANTASTIC breakfast! I just got my first waffle maker for Christmas & have been trying recipes from the book that came with it. I will put your's (and Lisa's) on my list of experiments. I always have frozen blueberries...prolific bushes on the family property. :D
    Thanks for sharing!

  23. I have to tell you that your waffles are probably the best looking waffles I've ever seen.

    I've been thinking for a while that I need a waffle maker, and your pictures have just confirmed that for me.

  24. just got a waffle maker last night. must try this! thanks for the recipe!

  25. Debby, Just posted these waffles on my blog. They were delicious!

    Thanks for the recipe.


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