
Monday, March 15, 2010

Does this Blog Make My Butt Look Big? A Healthy Breakfast-- I do eat like this more than you might think!

 I received a sweet email from a friend of mine who follows my blog. She was telling me how much she enjoys my blog, and that she's made a couple of my recipes.  Susie mentioned that she tries to cook less red meat and is looking for ways to cook healthier.  I agree!  I hope that those of you who follow my blog don't think that I cook and eat every day like the majority of recipes that I post!  Honest, I don't!  The reason I don't blog every meal I make, is that some of them are-- well, simple and healthy quick meals. I figure that most people are looking for recipes on food blogs that are different... sometimes decadent... or maybe something you've forgotten about from your childhood.  Sometimes I hope to simply inspire timid cooks to try something they thought was more complicated to make that it really is.  With that said, last week, Linda at Ciao Chow Linda posted a citrus salad that had me mesmerized:

For one, I had all of the ingredients-- I had Texas Ruby Red Grapefruits, blood oranges and Navel Oranges (I wish I had Cara Cara, but hey...).  I loved the idea of the maple syrup, lime juice, cilantro, mint, olive oil and vinegar and few other goodies. I was totally licking my chops and I was on a mission to make this! Saturday morning, I took my first official early morning swim in the outdoor pool in our subdivision. (I know, I know... my girlfriend that I spoke to, today, tells me it's rained tons in her hometown of Providence, RI.) I'm sorry, but I live in California!  My point is, I had a great swim workout and I'm ready to shed some winter pounds.  I wanted citrus salad now!  I pondered how to do this-- while sitting alone in the post-swim jacuzzi (tough life, huh?).  Then it hit me!  I decided to "supreme" cut my fruit. That simply means to cut off the outer peel, including the bitter pith.  But, first, zest the citrus peel. I saved about 2 Tablespoons of orange zest.  Please tell me you have a microplane!  I've said this many times-- you'd have to pry mine out of my cold dead hands. I cannot imagine not having a zester or two...or five in my kitchen. Which I do. Ahem.

 Carefully with a good paring knife, I cut in between each membrane and there you have it! I do this right over a bowl, so I can save all that wonderful juice.

  These look like citrus jewels to me. Beautiful!

For breakfast, I went with a sweeter dressing.  I used about 1 cup of non-fat vanilla yogurt.  I added about 1 Tablespoon of honey, about 1/4 cup of the fruit juices and the zest.  Me like zest!  Start with a little zest, and add more if you want-- which is exactly what I did. Whisk it, and it's nice to let it chill a bit for the flavors to say hello to one another.  I wanted protein, too.  Now, why don't I poach eggs very often? Do you?  When I think of poached eggs, I think of Eggs Benedict.  But, um...that's not exactly healthy.  I thought of Eggs Florentine, and I did have some spinach... so here's a healthy way I often prepare fresh spinach.  Add some olive oil into a skillet-- not a lot, just a think coat. Add a clove or two of fresh peeled garlic, and slowly heat the oil.  Now add spinach-- a LOT of spinach. I used 1/2 bag of spinach. It wilts down to nothing.  In a matter of a few minutes, look! Season with a pinch of kosher salt & pepper. Want some heat? Add some red pepper flakes. This takes about 5 or so minutes to have the spinach good to go.

 Bring a skillet of water to a boil. I add a little white vinegar-- oh, a splash. Hey, I don't measure!  Break open an egg into a small bowl, and ease it into the boiling water.

I'm not a rocket scientist, but the vinegar helps to keep the whites from feathering out too much. It works.
We like our eggs poached between 3-4 minutes.  I remove them with a "spider", or a slotted spoon works. I lay them on a paper towel.... then I slide them on top of cooked spinach.  It's time to plate everything. 

 There's the healthy dressing....

Well? Is this healthy?  Does it look exciting?

 This is 3 minutes of poaching. If that's too runny for you-- one more minute should do it.

This breakfast really hit the spot for me.  I ate two helpings of the fruit.  I actually made more fruit, and it's ready for my lunch box.   While this might not be the most exciting recipes I've ever posted, this is how we roll at home more often than I post.  If anything, I hoped I inspired non-poacher cooks to try this method.  As for the citrus salad.... Linda, thank you for inspiring me to make this.  I'll definitely make her savory recipe, but I have a pretty big batch of the yogurt dressing to enjoy.  It's so simple to make, but it helps me to stay away from things I make for the men in my life-- like Berry Puff Turnovers

There is no recipe to print. Do you really need one?  Well, Susie-- try this one for you and Mike!  Thanks for your sweet emails.  

Hugs & Healthy,


  1. I love to supreme my citrus. This whole post just looks delicious! I have a bag of spinach in my fridge just waiting to live under some poached eggs.

  2. First off, I love "does this blog make my butt look big?!" and I completely agree they look like "jewels". This entire post looks amazing!

  3. Thanks for the shout-out! What a delicious and healthy looking breakfast you posted.

  4. I am always looking for healthy alternatives!!

  5. I just made an orange capris salad and it was so good. I'm going to have to try this. That dressing sounds wonderful. I like zest!

  6. Healthy AND exciting! And beautiful to boot!

  7. That picture with the dripping yolk just made me drool. This healthy breakfast looks absolutely delicious.

  8. Mmmm, I LOVE eggs benedict, especially Florentine! And the oranges on the side look so delicious and it seems like they'd make such a nice balance to it all!

  9. The fruit looks so beautiful - you're right... just like jewels!

  10. Forget wheaties. I'm pretty sure this is the breakfast of champions. I'm all about the grapefruit lately...I've been eating one a day for the past month. I might ahve to make this recipe. And make that two a day.

  11. Yeah, we East Coasters are defintely smarting from hearing about your swim! I could have swum in the floods. :-D At least I had cara cara oranges for my cake this weekend.

    Your breakfast definitely looks way better than a trip to Dunkin donuts. You have half your daily fruit and vegetable quota in there and plenty of good flavors. I wish I could make my poached eggs look that good. I know what you mean about feeling the need to prove to people that you actually do eat healthfully when you're not blogging!

  12. I'd love to see more of your "everyday" methods & recipes. We mostly eat this way but I'm getting bored with my stuff, so am always on the hunt for something new. Thank you for the post!

  13. I must tell you that I LOVE poached eggs! They are my favorite way to enjoy eggs AND I love them atop sauteed spinach. I crave it! However, I have never seen such a gorgeous breakfast salad as yours. I'm going to have to try that jeweled citrus salad soon!

  14. So simple yet delicious. I love poached eggs and that citrus salad looks so good!

  15. A beautiful and healthy breakfast. The salad is gorgeous and poached eggs are my favorite. ;-)

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  17. Delightful! Loving all the colors and textures in this breakfast ... plus, who doesn't enjoy a shot of the yolk dribbling out of the egg?? Yumm!

  18. Debby, where in the world do you find blood oranges. Whole Foods? Trader Joe's? Someone local in CA? I have just got to get some of those beauties! Still down 18 pounds, but at a plateau, like you cooking healthy the majority of the time! Roz

  19. Healthy+tasty is a rare combination but this looks like it may have broken that seal!
    Debby, I have a Beautiful Blogger Award for you. :)

  20. Beautiful. Hysterical. and sounding very tasty! I loved reading this! When I started writing my blog I gained 6 pounds... ok. 8. I don't eat like post every day either anymore!


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