
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Peach Chutney & Steelhead Trout

I couldn't resist buying fresh Steelhead Trout filets, while at my market on Saturday morning.  They were such a beautiful color, and I like to prepare them very simply-- salt & pepper, seared and roasted in olive oil. It's a technique I learned from Ina Garten, and it never fails to produce moist fish in a short amount of time.  I was suddenly inspired to make a peach chutney, because I have several jars of peach jam that I made last summer.  I found a recipe for peach chutney on Epicurious, and I was thrilled that I had all of the ingredients on hand-- well, except for fresh peaches.  I figured that I would improvise, and reduce the amount of sugar in the original recipe.  I didn't photograph how I made the chutney, because I was a) very hungry b) wasn't sure how the chutney would turn out because c) I had never made a chutney before!

The ingredients I used were: thinly sliced onion, diced red pepper, diced jalapeno, fresh minced ginger, minced garlic, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, kosher salt & peach jam (fresh peaches would have been nice).  I cooked this for about 15 minutes and let it simmer until it thickened.  I could not stop tasting it, it was so delicious!  So, I quickly wrote down the recipe (which is at the bottom of this post) and grabbed the camera.

The fish took about 4 minutes to sear, and about 4 minutes to roast at 450F.  I also roasted some asparagus, and boiled some potatoes.

I have so much fresh chives that are thriving in our backyard! 
This dinner was ready in about 30 minutes, with the chutney taking the most time to make.

VERDICT: My son (who has moved back home with us), my husband and I both loved the chutney.  I can't wait to make more of this-- in fact, I might make a huge batch and (using a water bath canner), I might store this along with my homemade jams that I like to make.  The chutney has flavors of ginger that comes through, balanced with a little jalapeno (I think I could have easily used two jalapenos), with a little bit of sweetness.   This chutney would be excellent with a roasted pork tenderloin, and that's exactly what I'll do later on this week.

Here's the printable recipe:


  1. sounds wonderful, I'm not into fish at all, but I think the idea of using it on pork sounds terrific.

  2. That chutney looks like the perfect accompaniment to that fish.

  3. Debby, your pictures are drop-dead, mouthwatering gorgeous!

  4. This sounds really really good. We should have peaches soon here in Texas, what a great idea! ~LeslieMichele

  5. All you had to say was a technique by Ina Garten-that was enough for me :-) Seriously, this looks fabulous. The chutney is looks really good. Please jar tons of it. It will be wonderful with so many dishes.

  6. That looks like a fabulous combo. I'd probably make the chutney with mangoes though, as the peaches that make it here aren't so great.

  7. I love a good chutney and it seems like it would go especially well on a fish like trout. This looks like a fabulous meal!

  8. I'd have to say that the astronaut quilt looks perfect for my son I'm also hosting a giveaway from CSN. They have great stuff.

  9. I would love the Laura Ashley Collette Quilt Set - 1740-Quilt!

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  10. I love chutney with fish - this dish looks and sounds amaazing.

  11. I am a fan of chutney!! All kinds...anytime! This is a great match up!

  12. The trout looks delicious--and I am sure it paired perfectly with the chutney--a beautiful dish.

  13. This looks wonderful! Beautiful trout and beautiful colors!

  14. Debby,
    Those are some georgeous photo's. I have never tried steelehead trout. It sure looks delicious. The chutney is awesome amd would pair well with pork also. I'm going to have to see if I can locate that fish and will definately have to make up a jar of your chutney. Thanks.

  15. Love it! Scrumptious! Both photos and recipe (and blog design)!

  16. This looks like a gorgeous meal!

  17. I'm a big chutney fan so I can't pass up trying this delicious looking relish. Trout isn't available now so I'll give it a try on salmon fillets.

  18. Tht trout looks very much like salmon- no wonder you were attracted to it's color.

    Ooh and I think your quartet of chive blossoms is lovely!

    Me? I'd have to go for crib bedding. You know, for some day :-)

  19. I have never heard of this steelhead trout, but it looks gorgeous with it's pink hue (so much like salmon). I bet it paired wonderfully with your peach chutney. Chives are one of my most favorite herbs and I love the photos with the chive flowers - gorgeous!


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