
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ravioli with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce, adapted from the Pioneer Woman Cooks

The Pioneer Woman and her "Punks". Photo by Ree Drummond

Do you remember that Antipasto Pasta Salad that I recently posted? I had some roasted red bell pepper, in a jar, that was left from that recipe.  I was tired, hungry and tired of eating out (which we did most of last week-- due to my aforementioned non-cooking mood).  The Pioneer Woman posted this recipe, last August.  Somehow, I remembered it. The recipe is so easy, that I didn't need to print it. I made a couple of adaptions-- very minor so let's get crackin'!

I always keep pine nuts in my freezer, so I toasted them and set them aside. If you want to see how to roast your own peppers, click here. Otherwise, drain a jar of roasted bell peppers.  I keep ravioli in the freezer, for nights I'm too tired to cook. These are vegetarian, but use whatever you like-- or use plain pasta. Start your water boiling, and be sure to salt it.

 The sauce takes minutes to make...

My food processor and I are a team; you can use a blender, but I find this easier.  I decided to add some Parmesan and a little bit of chicken stock to the puree-- these are my two changes to Ree's recipes.

So, now we have a red bell pepper puree' in just a minute or two!

Ree (The Pioneer Woman) uses onion. I chose shallots, because I love them. I think they're sweeter and they don't overpower sauces or salad dressings. Either way, saute' them in a little olive oil, then add a couple cloves of fresh garlic-- careful not to burn them! Shallots are high in sugar and can burn... garlic burns fast and turns bitter!  Now, add the puree.  Can you go wrong with adding heavy cream? No. But, I used a combination of more chicken stock (or vegetable stock, to keep it totally vegetarian) and less heavy cream. Now, taste the sauce. Add more salt, if needed (which it did).

I didn't have Italian parsley. My garden parsley isn't thriving-- yet. I made a butter leaf salad with this, so I grabbed two fresh chives, just to add color.  I also didn't shave any Parmesan cheese on this, which would have been really pretty.  Hey, I'm just getting my cooking mojo back!  Dig in.  Fast. Easy. Fresh. Delicious.

VERDICT: The simplicity of this dish is perfect for  a work night dinner.  I would like to have a bit more garlic flavor, so I might considering pureeing a clove of garlic with the red bell peppers. A pinch of red pepper flakes would be good, too.  The leftover sauce can easily be converted into a soup-- just add more chicken stock and maybe a potato to thicken it.  Overall, husband, son and Yours Truly liked it. The printable recipe is at the bottom of this post.   I am also submitting this recipe to Presto Pasta Nights, which is being hosted by Chaya at Comfy Cook, this week.  The roundup will be posted on May 14th, so please come and see who's been cooking pasta at home!

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful women!  I hope tomorrow is special for you.



  1. Whoa! You have been on a wild ride! This is one of those recipes just for times like these. Ugh, the split shift sounds tricky... will you come home between shifts? Lots of driving!

  2. You had quite a week. Hard times in education right now. I am sorry that you are being affected.

    The ravioli...I am going to try it. There seem to be more and more evenings where there is too much going on to spend a long time in the kitchen. Thank you!!

  3. Deb,
    They say change is good.
    I am so happy for you that you finally own your home! and was relieved when I read that you will be starting a new job.

    I only cook when I am happy, which is most of the time. But I know that feeling. When there is angst, there is no food around here.
    I wish you all the best!
    Happy Mother's Day to a wonderful woman!

  4. Happy mother's day to YOU! I love that you made ravioli to go with the red pepper sauce...good call.

    It sounds like things have been rough for you lately, but congrats on the mortgage and the new car! I'm sure you will adapt to the new job...just think of it as a new adventure!

  5. And I hope tomorrow is a special day for you too.

    Again I'm sorry about this roller coaster you've been on. I emailed you back but never heard from you. I was going to email you today to see how you were. Glad you updated.

  6. Debby - hope things settle down for you. The ravioli with roasted red pepper looks like such a lovely respite.

  7. Debby.. Best of luck with everything. CHange can be good but sometimes so very hard.. I feel for you.

    Your dish looks fabulous and it is on my list to try PWs sauce.

  8. What a week! Just hang in there and blog when you can. Happy Mother's Day.

  9. Goodness do I feel for you! - you have quite a FULL week with lots of major changes in your life. I commend you for picking your head up and walking strong after such changes! You can do it!!!! I am a new blog follower of yours but I can tell you are a strong amazing woman - just from your words and the beautiful creations you make and share with all of us in "blog land". Wishing you a VERY special Mother's Day!

  10. Some life changing moments but there are also up sides to all the events as well. Perhaps you can create amazing meals once a week in the staff room at your new workplace. Just a thought on how to make friends and influence people:D

  11. Debby- You've had quite a week! Sounds like a roller coaster ride of ups and downs, but I'm sure it will all work out for you. Owning your home is fabulous news:D Hopefully the new job will be great as well. I will be thinking of you and wishing you the best.
    I hope you had a fantastic Mother's Day!
    This ravioli with red pepper sauce looks fantastic.

  12. Oh goodness so sorry to hear about all the chaos. You know that old saying "everything happens for a reason". Hey, maybe after all is said and done, you'll get a nice promotion in the future. Glad to hear about the house, cause we know how much you love the pool ;D

    Love the photos and this is already book marked for me! Sounds fabulous.

  13. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, Debbie. Your split shift sounds like a challenge. Even though it's quick to make your pasta sauce looks like it is full of flavor. I have some butternut squash ravioli in the freezer that will be perfect here.

  14. Your blog is gorgeous! This looks wonderful. I think your idea about adding more garlic and red pepper flakes is great, too. =)

  15. I heard they are making a movie about Pioneer Woman? I should not have come lurking when I am so hungry and only enough almond milk for a partial bowl of bran!

    This looks good and I think you just made up my mind for dinner!

    Also I am sorry to hear about your 'cheese' being moved so much this week, and here I had been sad myself, but nothing a little good cooking and blogging cannot redirect my attitude...

  16. Sorry I'm late commenting - this looks great, and like such a comfort dish. Great idea on keeping pasta in the freezer for items like this. I need to pick up a few packages and throw them in there myself.


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