
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Country French Omelet (Bacon & Potato Frittata)

I have a back log of pre-recorded TV shows, and I am slowly whittling my way through them.  Last weekend, it was "The Barefoot Contessa" shows that I decided to watch.  Truthfully, I tend to fast-forward through most of my recorded episodes.  If something catches my eye, then I pay close attention.  This recipe comes from Ina's "Back to Basics" Cookbook that I own.  The episode was called "Postcards from Paris". I've never been to Paris, which also included the recipe for making Potato Basil Puree-- that I've since made, loved and posted on my blog. Had I not watched Ina's show, I probably wouldn't have made this particular recipe.  Maybe it sounded so "basic", but seeing things can be powerful persuasion.

The reason this recipe did win my attention is that my husband loves bacon. Seriously, all I have to do is start bacon and onions on the stove and he starts to circle around the kitchen.  I like bacon, but I limit how much I eat-- with the exception of our candied bacon.   My will power weakens, over the sweet and saltiness of preparing bacon, that way.   Potatoes, on the other hand, is one of my true weaknesses.  I had all of the ingredients, on hand,  to make this omelet (I consider it more of a frittata).  I love it when that happens!

Begin with slicing bacon into 1-inch pieces.

Add a little olive-oil into an ovenproof skillet, and cook the bacon until it's browned, but not crisp.

Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.

While the bacon is cooking, cut 1 cup of diced Yukon Gold potatoes. My potatoes were small, so I used two of them, unpeeled.  Can you use any other kind of potatoes? Sure.  Yukons are just my favorite spuds to prepare as home fries, next to red potatoes.  Place the potatoes in the pan and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Continue to cook over medium-low heat for 8 to 10 minutes, until very tender and browned, tossing occasionally to brown evenly.

I always like to test the potatoes, to make sure they are fork tender. These took close to 20 minutes until they were ready.  At this point, I could eat a a plate full of golden fried potatoes. But, we have a few more steps to do.

 Remove with a slotted spoon to the same plate with the bacon. Pour out any remaining fat, from the pan.
Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, beat five eggs, milk, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper together.

Add one tablespoon of unsalted butter, lower the heat to low, and pour the eggs into the hot pan.

 Chop about 1 Tablespoon of fresh chives. Fortunately, I have lots of this growing in our herb garden.

Sprinkle the bacon, potatoes, and chives evenly over the top and place the pan in a 350F preheated oven for about 8 minutes, just until the eggs are set.


Ina slides her omelet onto a plate, divided in half, and serve hot. This actually made four servings for us. That's a good thing, because my son was hungry as well.

TASTING NOTES:   Seriously? Bacon and potatoes?  Delicious, of course.  It was very satisfying, and the fourth serving was easily reheated the next day.  It was just as good. I think there are plenty of variations that would be great with this recipe.  Chopped bell pepper would add some pretty color.  Mushrooms would be nice. Sausage could work, too.  However, it's the simplicity of the ingredients that worked well. The chives are perfect in this recipe.   A printable recipe is at the end of this post.

I always post a printable recipe card at the end of each recipe post. If you cannot view it, you might be using an older version of InternetExplorer. You should be able to view my recipe cards with Safari, Mozilla, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. If you still can't view the recipe card, all of my recipes are stored on Key Ingredient, by clicking here. If you still can't figure out how to view the printable recipe card, please email me at and I am happy to help.


  1. Too good...I think this is a perfect way to start a day...YUM YUM

  2. "Seriously? Bacon and potatoes?" - pretty well says it allo - great looking breakfast.

  3. Mmmmm Looks gorgeous!! Presentation is simple, yet stunning. I'm bookmarking this page for sure :)

  4. I have this in the oven right now and my house smells devine! Can't wait to dig-in! Thanks for the recipe!

  5. that looks like the ultimate breakfast. so wholesome and delish!

  6. I'm pretty sure I would have passed over this recipe as well, if it weren't for you posting about it! Sometimes it's the simplest contents that end up the most delicious!

  7. The omelet looks so good. I know my husband would love it. Actually I think everyone would. I just did a post on a egg dish also. They make a delicious meal...I don't know why we tend to think of only having them for breakfast.

  8. I, too, the chives was a good addition.

    Love the photos, especially the first one!

  9. Oh Debby..your pictures of this omelet are amazing and make me crave a wonderful breakfast like this. This looks so gorgeous!

    P.S. Isn't it the best feeling when you find you have all the ingredients to make a recipe. Makes you really feel like you have your act together. LOL!

  10. I love have Food Network shows saved on my DVD for a lazy weekend morning. They always inspire to get into the kitchen.

  11. I can't tell you how amazing that sounds...oh my :)

  12. I recognized the picture right away and then I realized there was your omelet, sitting right beside it. Wow. It looks just like the book. I am always impressed when recipes turn out to look as good as the picture. And who wouldn't love bacon and potatoes. Another reason to rise and shine in the morning.

  13. I seldom have bacon in the house because it is too much of a temptation. But I would love to try this for a special breakfast.

  14. yummy, this is great for breakfast is it okay if put some grated cheese? =)


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