
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sour Cream Coffee Cake with Cinnamon-Pecan Filling

October is National Cookie Month.  Tate's Bake Shop is offering a few food bloggers an opportunity to taste their award winning Whole Wheat Dark Chocolate Cookies.

Owner Kathleen King made her reputation--and a thriving bakery business-- on her famous chocolate chip cookies.  Her bakery is located in the Hamptons-- a place I hope to visit someday.

Last December , I was one of the fortunate bloggers who was able to taste Tate's Chocolate Chip cookies-- and Tate's Bake Shop offered a giveaway to one of my lucky readers .  My family and I really loved these cookies, that are thin and crisp and buttery.  They disappeared really fast. I also received a signed copy of the Tate's Bake Shop Cookbook, and I  made the recipe for chocolate chip cookies. They were delicious, but not quite as crispy as the authentic cookies that Tates Bake Shop can ship to you! 

Denielle contacted me, again, and asked if I'd like to sample their Whole Wheat Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies.   I love cookies, but I asked her if there were any other options.  She cheerfully offered to put together a breakfast package for me, and said that she'd also let me choose a lucky recipient to receive the same.  A week later...

...I received a box with their Sour Cream Coffee Cake and a bag of their Granola.  The very next morning, I opened up the package, and started fresh hot coffee brewing.

The coffee cake was carefully wrapped. Look at all of those pecans!

We each cut a generous slice, and my husband particularly loved all of the pecan-cinnamon. Heaven!

The granola was wholesome, and generously mixed with golden raisins, hazelnuts, almond, and honey...

Here. Take a look!

My favorite way to eat granola is with vanilla yogurt.  It's really delicious!

The coffee cake was gone, by the next day.  I picked up my copy of the Tate's Bake Shop cookbook, and looked through the many recipes I had bookmarked. Aha!  On Page 128, I found the recipe for Sour Cream Coffee Cake.  I loved that 2 cups of sour cream is used.  I love the moistness and tang of sour cream in cakes.  My mind was made up, that this would be our Saturday morning breakfast treat.

The recipe lists 2 cups of chopped pecans.  I decided to cut it back to 1 cup of pecans.  Your choice.

I used 1/2 cup of brown sugar (rather than white), the chopped pecans and 1 Tablespoon cinnamon.

Mix it up, and set aside.

For the batter, I creamed one stick of room temperature butter (the recipe listed 2 sticks of butter, but I reduced it) with 1 1/2 cups sugar, until it was light and fluffy.  I then added 2 eggs, 2 cups of sour cream, and one tablespoon of pure vanilla.  The dry ingredients were 2 cups of all-purpose flour, 1 Tablespoon of baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon salt. 
I dumped all of the dry ingredients at once, and pulsed my stand mixer a few times...then I folded the batter just until it was mixed.  (I think this method was used, so that the dough isn't overworked. )

I love using Baker's Joy spray.  My cakes no longer stick, and I've had my share of bundt cake disasters. The batter is very thick, and I put half into the prepared pan and spread it evenly.  Then, I layered half of the pecan-cinnamon mixture evenly.  I added the remaining batter and finished it off with the remaining pecan-cinnamon mixture.  Then it hit me... I should have used a spring form pan, so that the cinnamon topping would remain on top!  Too late, now...

Bake at 350 for 1 hour and ten minutes, is what the recipe says. HOWEVER, I could smell the heady aroma of cinnamon wafting from my kitchen, and throughout the house.  I checked the cake at 50 minutes, and a toothpick left just a few crumbs attached. Done!

I waited about five minutes, and placed a wire cooling rack on top of the cake-- then flipped it. The cake slipped right out. I placed another wire cooking rack on top and flipped the cake again.

There. The topping is where it belongs.  The moment has arrived, as I sliced into the warm cake...

The texture looks very promising.

VERDICT:  The cake had a very tender texture, indeed.  It was moist, and the sour cream gave just the right amount of tang.  Reducing the amount of butter, from two sticks, to one worked out fine, in my opinion. We loved the cinnamon-pecan filling, and I don't regret cutting back on the amount of pecans. I love pecans, but I wanted the cinnamon to be equal.  I think using brown sugar was another bonus.  Everyone went back for seconds. This is a great recipe, and I'll definitely make it again.

Thank you, Tate's Bake Shop for your generous gift.  You, too, can have the opportunity to receive the same breakfast treats that I did, plus a signed copy of the Tate's Bake Shop cookbook!  

A printable recipe card for this coffee cake is at the end of this post.


  1. What a great looking cake. I treat myself to a scone once in a blue moon for breakfast, but this cake would push to first place, I think.

  2. Wow....that's an awesome cake recipe.....cake looks extremely drool worthy.....I love honey pancakes with lots of fresh fruits for breakfast....

  3. For the every day breakfast, I'm an oatmeal or granola girl, but I can't pass on a great coffee cake as a treat!

  4. OMG that coffee cake looks delicious! I usually just have cereal for breakfast. Occasionally, My mother and I go out for delicious belgium waffles:-)

  5. I have their cookbook from last year too Debby so can definitely give this recipe a shot. Lucky you to try their coffee cake and granola. I received the whole wheat chocolate chip cookies and trhey were amazing:D

  6. Saw the title of this post and was salivating! It reminded me a bit of the "low fat" (right) Cinnamon Swirl Coffeecake at Starbucks which I treat myself to 3 or 4 times a year. So this recipe goes to the top of my list of things to make once the heat subsides. Other than that, my favorite breakfast treat is definitely Sunny Side Up Fried Eggs and bacon. OM! I don't make it often since my cholesterol doesn't need any! But when I do, I sit down with a big glass of fresh OJ and savor every single mouthful. Sheer bliss.

  7. Yum! I have to say that my favorite breakfast treat is probably blueberry buttermilk pancakes :)

  8. My favorite breakfast treat would have to be the souffle's at Panera Bread! They are amazing! This cake looks awesome!

  9. That coffee cake looks absolutely delicious! I usually skip breakfast but I know I would dive right into that beautiful cake. When I do take the time for breakfast it is usually granola and yogurt with maybe a berry or two on top.

  10. I tweeted your giveaway @allthingsyummy7

  11. My favorite breakfast treat is waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. so delicious.

  12. I usually try to bake at least once a week for breakfast, even more often when we have house guests. My favorite thing to eat for breakfast is Cheryl's Apple French Toast, but it's not something to be eaten too often. I also like coffeecakes, and will be trying this recipe with the next round of company, if not sooner. I wish I had BOUGHT that bag of pecans when I was at Costco!
    You might try this chocolate chip recipe. It's pretty crispy and crunchy!

  13. Oh wow, that coffee cake looks amazing! My normal breakfast is Greek yogurt with nuts and fruit, but my favorite breakfast treat is basically anything with almond or raspberry filling/topping (bread, danishes, coffee cake...). mmmmmmm!

  14. hmmm, i'm not sure if it's a breakfast treat per se, but i adore croque madam. yummy yum yum!!

  15. and i'm a fan of your facebook page, of course! this coffee cake looks amazing, i hope i win!

  16. My favorite breakfast treat is for sure cinnamon rolls.! My mouth is watering just thinking about them!

  17. This is an awesome cake, and I have all the ingredients at home. My ususal breakfast is oatmeal or cereal with fruit, but waffles or crepes are great for an occasional treat. Thanks.

  18. waffles!

  19. I work at a coffee shop and all the bakery is made from scratch. I treat myself to one treat a week otherwise my jeans wouldn't fit. With so many choices, muffins, scones and coffee cakes it is hard to decide. I'd have to say my favorite is the chocolate chip pecan scone and it's goes well with my vanilla latte!

  20. I love any kind of scones, with clotted cream, jelly and a cup of piping hot tea.

  21. I left a comment on your FB page

  22. I'm a Facebook Fan. Thank you!
    heatherspooner1981 at gmail dot com

  23. My favorite breakfast treat is cinnamon rolls. I don't make them often because I usually end up eating them all myself.
    heatherspooner1981 at gmail dot com

  24. My favorite breakfast treat has to be something sweet - I think it's because it goes so well with my morning cup of coffee (black, no sugar, no cream). So, a delicious coffee cake, fruit kuchen, cinnamon rolls, or even buttered bread with jam works for me! And thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

  25. Love fresh fruit and homemade granola...would love to try theirs. Will try this coffee cake.

  26. What a wonderful giveaway! Well, my favorite treat for breakfast is exactly something like that cake. I get "Grandma's Coffee Cake" here in the New England area, and I would LOVE to try Tate's! And may I add that both Tate's and yours look equally delicious - YUM!

  27. It's on my list for a Holiday morning breakfast treat! Ina Garten's dried cherry and cinnamon granola is also one of our family favorites. Can't wait to include this fabulous recipe.

  28. A beautiful cake and it sounds like the book is wonderful, too. thanks for sharing it!

  29. This cake looks wonderful - I have had a similar coffee cake and that was definitely a favorite. I think that the sour cream adds a lot of flavor. It's really hard narrowing down to a favorite breakfast treat. I have to say this might be way up there. I also make these thin egg pancakes that are really yummy.

  30. I love scones when I'm splurging, but usually just some fruit and yogurt. I have a cake recipe similar to this, but this looks even better!

  31. My absolute favorite breakfast treats are cheese danish. I could eat them every single day for breakfast, and never get tired of them.

  32. I'm a fan of your Facebook page!

  33. I tweeted the giveaway!!/Mommy24babies/status/126137575797817344

  34. My favorite breakfast treat is scones, typically blueberry or cranberry.

  35. I am a fan of your Facebook page!

  36. I just tweeted the giveaway.!/DonnaJustine/status/126318476557164545

  37. I love a bowl of warm apple cinnamon oatmeal for breakfast, sometimes with added dried berries.

  38. I am a fan on your Facebook page.

  39. What a great giveaway! Your cake looks amazing by the way.... My favorite breakfast would be a raspberry and cream muffin. Something about them just makes me happy!

    tytanbay3 (at) cox (dot) net

  40. Cinnamon rolls are definitely my favorite breakfast treat! :)

  41. That cake looks SO good! I love anything with cinnamon or spice in it! So cinnamon buns, cinnamon-pancakes, muffins, waffles... YOUR CAKE :) Oh how the list goes on! Thanks for the opportunity to win these delicious cookies :)

  42. that. Looks. AMAZING.

    I love all kinds of breakfasts, but my recent favorite has been baked French toast. Why? Because: (i) it tastes great, (ii) I get to use up rolls/bread we don't finish (I collect them in a bag I keep in the freezer), and (iii) it's so easy to prepare the night before.

    - daeeunee (at) gmail (dot) com

  43. I would love to win this. most mornings we opt for oatmeal, but our very favorite splurge once in a blue moon is Husband's French Toast With Sausage And Bacon. He does all the cooking and the clean up!! I hope I win, that cake looked fabulous!

  44. Coffee cake--Yum!!

  45. I love a good, moist, sour cream coffee cake. Yum!

  46. Love your blog, love your pictures, and I'd love this wonderful Tate's Bake Shop Giveaway. Thanks Debbie.

  47. Deb,
    This cake looks SCRUMPTIOUS! Tate's in the Hamptons is the BEST! I will look for this cake.

  48. Looks divine!!
    First time visiting your site and added it to my bloglist!! Love itt!!!


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