
Friday, November 4, 2011

Headed to the Foodbuzz Festival 2011 in San Francisco

Today, I'm headed to San Francisco to attend my second Foodbuzz Festival.  The event looks like I'm going to be well-fed, and I'm taking classes on photography and food blogging tips.  I could use as much help as I can get! I hope to meet some new friends, and to reconnect with a few I met last year.

Yesterday, I spent my lunch hour at the Pacific Grove Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary.  I work in Pacific Grove, ("Butterfly Town").  This year, the Monarchs are here in very high numbers. I'm always amazed how the fourth generation of the butterflies I saw last year, migrates 2500 miles!  They are beautiful, indeed.

I was in awe of the butterfly clusters. So were the tourists from all over the world, who came to see these famous butterflies.

...and I live in this area.  I'm so thankful for that.

I'm sure I'll be taking hundreds of photos of the venues at the Foodbuzz Festival. Oh. Tyler Florence will be the celebrity chef at the Saturday night dinner.  To know me, is to know I'm a huge fan of his. If you're curious, you can view the schedule and menus of what we're being served here.

I'll be posting after Sunday.  I need to pack expandable pants.  I'm fine with that.



  1. Whoa! Those butterfly clusters are amazing! I've never seen anything like that--thanks for sharing.

  2. Daughter Whitney lives in apt right by the butterflies! I never get tired of seeing them flutter around our neighborhood either! Maybe next year you can get Noelle to come to the convention!! I can't wait to read alllllll about your time there. xoxo

  3. I don't think you need those photography classes! Have a great time...can't wait to read all about it.

  4. Wow the butterfly clusters are amazing, I see them in the summer where I live but have never seen them in clusters like this.

  5. Thought id say hello while passing your blog by, and i hope you folks have a very nice weekend. We are maybe a little past fall peek colors for taking pictures of our tree's here in central Pennsylvania, but ill try anyway to go out one last time to snap some images. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon Pennsylvania.

  6. I know you will love Foodbuzz Debby so have a fantastic time with old friends and new. There are no monarch butterflies here in Western Canada, but I do remember them from my childhood in the east. To see millions of them would be so extraordinary!!!

  7. I'm so glad we got to meet, Debbie! It was so great seeing you in person. I hope you had fun this weekend! I know I did. :)


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