
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Perfect Pumpkin Pie with a Secret Ingredient

Thanksgiving and Pumpkin Pie.  What more can I say?  These are two of my favorite things. While I love turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and homemade cranberry sauce-- I always leave room for pumpkin pie.  I acknowledge that there are pumpkin pie haters in this world. Thank you.  That means I have more cans of pumpkin puree to hoard for the rest of the year! Yes, I have been known to make my own pumpkin puree. But, I'll be honest.  I really don't taste a dramatic difference between the Organic Trader Joe's brand of pumpkin puree vs. homemade.  I will say that it's fun to try making it for yourself, at least once. (Plus, you get the bonus of making your own roasted pumpkin seeds.)

However, I much prefer homemade pumpkin pie vs. store bought.   I can overlook if someone buys pre-made pie crusts.  I used to do that, until I realized the secrets of making pie crusts.  I cannot believe that people actually buy canned pumpkin pie filling, however!  Really?!   Pumpkin pie filling is so easy to make! For the last few decades, I've always made trust Libby's Famous Pumpkin Pie Recipe.  It's fool-proof.   I rarely use Evaporated Milk, but I truly believe that this ingredient is what makes pumpkin pie creamy and delicious.  This year, I decided to try one of my most trusted sources of recipes and baking ingredients-- King Arthur Flour.  There was an ingredient that I found a bit peculiar. In fact, I debated if I wanted to risk KAF's recipe vs. Libby's Famous Pumpkin Pie.   

Pumpkin Pie Filling only requires a whisk, folks!  Of course, I've been playing with my OXO Egg Beater that I won at the Foodbuzz Blogger Festival.  It's a really cool gadget, priced at under $20.00, and I'm using it a lot!  The ingredients you need are: white and brown sugar, eggs, evaporated milk, spices, a touch of flour, and pumpkin puree (a printable recipe card is at the end of this post.)

Whisk the ingredients together. There really isn't a need to use a hand or stand mixer.   Pour into a pie shell.  NOTE: I actually made the pumpkin pie filling the day before making the pie.  King Arthur Flour recommends this so that the spices can have a chance to really blend.

TIPS: Place the prepared pie plate onto a baking sheet to prevent spills. King Arthur Flour gave me a great tip: "Pumpkin pie filling is basically a custard; the eggs in the filling will continue cooking as the heat from the edge of the pie moves toward the center, which is why it's important to remove the pie from the oven before the center is completely set. Leaving it in the oven too long will cause the eggs to overcook, tightening the proteins and causing the pie to crack in the center."

I made this pie the night before Thanksgiving, so that it would be well-chilled. 

In my previous post, I showed how I made King Arthur Flour's Traditional American Pie Crust recipe. 

I was so anxious excited to taste this pie, that I sliced it on Thanksgiving morning.  I figured I wanted to photograph it before my kitchen and dining room table Thanksgiving Dinner carnage had begun. Really!

VERDICT:  Full disclosure: I'm biased. I love pumpkin pie.  Ready?  I loved this recipe. It was creamy, and I loved the spice blend ratio.  I could taste the ginger and cinnamon, but not the black pepper.  My guess is that, somehow, black pepper brings out the spice flavor to perfection.  I was so glad that I baked this pie in a 9" deep pie dish.  The rest of my family loved the pumpkin pie.  I'm glad that I made a smaller pie for the next day...

Because pumpkin pie, for breakfast, is a very nice way to start the day.  Especially, with coffee.

I'm posting a printable recipe for pie crust and the pumpkin pie below.  You can also view King Arthur Flour's video on how to make this by click here.

I always post a printable recipe card at the end of each recipe post. If you cannot view it, you might be using an older version of InternetExplorer. You should be able to view my recipe cards with Safari, Mozilla, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.
If you still can't view the recipe card, all of my recipes are stored on Key Ingredient, by clicking here.


  1. Hi, I'd like to be entered to win (because I want to try the cinnamon chips...) eyreka1 at gmail

  2. Oh Debby, did not have pumpkin pie yet this year....and now I want it so badly. It looks delicious. And all those items from King Arthur...I want them all right now. Please enter me.

  3. Happy Anniversary !!! I'd love to win :-)

  4. Your blog is so inspiring! I want to win!

  5. Congratulations, Debby, for 3 years of blogging and a huge "thank you" for sharing your fantastic recipes with your readers. I know I will always find something wonderful when I come to visit. So many of your recipes have become my family's favorites. I would love to win the items from King Arthur Flour. Please place my name in the hat. I'm looking forward to the next 3 years.

  6. I would like to be entered to win!

  7. You don't need to enter me in the giveaway as I live in Canada but I just wanted to say that this pumpkin pie recipe is a little different than I have used and I'd love to try it. I usually use evaporated milk but never pepper, sounds interesting!

  8. Thanks for the opportunity to win! I wholeheartedly agree about KAF - it is the only one we use now too. Congrats on three years!

  9. Thank you Debby for your blog and please enter me in the give-away. Not only are your recipes awesome but your descriptions and photo make them a must-try.

  10. Thank you for your blog. I started following it about a year ago and love it! I am quite interested in the Fiori di Sicilia

  11. i'd like be entered to win. thank you!

  12. ive "Liked" King Arthur Flour on Facebook!! :D

  13. Ohhhh...I'd love to win. I visited the King Arthur store in Vermont last summer and I too love their products. I think I have the perfect pumpking pie recipe but I am going to try yours. Thanks

  14. I liked King ARthur on facebook.

  15. they all sound wonderful but since i have never tried king arthur flour...i would be especiallly excited to try that.

  16. I would love to try the cider! happy blogaversary!

  17. Wow. Three years and going strong. Love your blog and your recipes. Thanks!

  18. You made such a feast this Thanksgiving. It's been a pleasure to see it slowly unfold over the past week! Congratulations on a beautiful blog that I watch daily. Thanks for the chance to enter to win the King Arthur giveaway.

  19. King Arthur Boiled cider is the perfect ingredient for apple pie to pushed it over the edge.

  20. I love the idea of pepper in the pumpkin pie. I will have to try this! And I agree, I love King Arthur flour and try to buy that when I need it. I even have one of their cookbooks. I would love to be entered in the drawing since I will be baking up a storm this month! Congrat on your long blog history. :)

  21. Happy Blogiversary! 3 years is a great accomplishment. Congrats!

  22. Love your blog! And your favorite things sound fabulous!

  23. I already like KAF on FB...because they're fabulous ;)

  24. Happy third anniversary! I'd love to be entered into the giveaway :)

  25. I saw your post on the KAF fb site. I'll have to try this pie recipe; I'd never think to put pepper in pumpkin pie. I wonder what it would do in pumpkin bread... I would like to be entered to win, please.
    Thanks, and congrats on your blog anniversary.

  26. Congratulations on three years Debby. That's wonderful and I think I've been here from almost the beginning. I'm very pleased for you.

    Your own homemade pumpkin puree sounds delicious and I too think the bit of black pepper brought out the spices.

    I'm not a baker, so don't include me, but good luck to the winner. King Arthur flour is the best and even a non-baker like myself knows that!

  27. I saw your post on the KAF Facebook page and came to read your blog.. I *LOVE* Pumpkin pie, and always use Libby's recipe. Now, I'm REALLY curious about the secret ingredient in the KAF recipe.. Either I missed it reading in the blog (will have to go back and reread) or will have to find KAF's recipe. .. We do cheat on the pie crust with a ready made crust too.. Might have to rethink that! Would love to win and will be checking back at your blog to see what other good baking tips/ideas you have to share! :-D

  28. I love pumpkin pie, as well. I'll have to give this a try! Happy Anniversary!

  29. I'm in!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  30. My mom always made great pumpkin pie in part because she made outstanding crust. This one sounds great and we'll give it a try. During our campground dinner, I was too full from the meal to even visit the desserts, but should have got a piece of pie to go.

  31. I've liked King Arthur Flour on Facebook and posted to their wall, underneath your own post.

    the sugar-queen at inbox dot com

  32. I tweeted your giveaway


    the sugar queen at inbox dot com

  33. I love King Arthur and am a FB fan already :)

  34. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. I would love to win!

  35. I'd love to win! I trust your recipes and King Arthur Flour ingredients, so I can't wait to try the "Perfect Pumpkin Pie with a Secret Ingredient" recipe! Alas, I don't do Facebook nor Twitter, but I'm crossing my fingers and hoping to win anyway - thanks for a great giveaway!

  36. Happy third anniversary! I'd love to enter the givaway!!

  37. Happy Anniversary!!I will love to try Fiori di Sicilia for my cookies.Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  38. Happy 3rd Blog Anniversary! I would like to be entered to win!


  39. So glad to have found your blog!
    Have a wonderful holiday baking /cooking season!

  40. I want to enter the giveaway!

    katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com

  41. Happy anniversary! =) I'd love to win this one!

  42. Also, I like King Arthur Flour on FB!

  43. Happy Blog Anniversary! Thank you for the generous giveaway. I hope to win so I can try some of your favorite things.
    heatherspooner1981 at gmail dot com

  44. I liked King Arthur Flour on Facebook. Thanks!
    heatherspooner1981 at gmail dot com

  45. I would like to be entered! I also love pumpkin pie. To date I use the Libby recipe with evaporated milk. I never use the pre-made pie filling either-ugh. I love pumpkin pie so much that sometimes I make it crustless and take it to work for breakfast or lunch. I tried using sweetened condensed milk as well but decided it's not worth the extra fat and sugar.

    I look forward to trying the King Arthur recipe.

    Have a great week!

  46. What a terrific giveaway......I'd love to win!

  47. I already "like" KA on FB

  48. I'm a fan of homemade pies, though I've only ever made a few so far. I'm trying to expand my baking skills :) I pretty much never buy anything pre-made or boxed anymore.

    & I would like to be entered to win!

  49. Oh! Also, I "like" King Arthur Flour on facebook :)

  50. Sounds yummy. I'd love to win!

  51. I found your giveaway promotion on King Arthur Flours Facebook page. Thanks!

  52. I still enjoy blogging as well Debby, but working 6 days a week takes it tole on visiting my favourite blogs. This pie has been enjoyed and the Christmas holidays are looming. Whenever I go to the States I always seek out King Arthur flour since it is not available here.

  53. I would love to try the cinnamon chips. They sound awesome! Please include me in your very generous giveaway.


  54. I luv pumpkin pie and the usage of pepper and letting the filling sit in the fridge to marry the flavors is brilliant.Would love to win the prize giveaway..Oh, my goodness would it be appreciated in our household..luv your blog, you cook, bake, etc. very very well..Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, Hanukkah and a peaceful, healthy New Year in 2012 and Happy Anniversary too..mary jane s. from!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!

  55. In 1972 I discovered a recipe using Eagle Brand Sweetened Evaporated milk in the can and have never deviated. Makes the perfect pumpkin pie much like yours but no granulated sugar needed. I'm going to have to try adding the pepper since I've come to trust your tastebuds :)
    Would love to be entered since I've never even heard of boiled cider! I discover so much on your blog! Thank you.

  56. Well you know how I feel about pumpkin pie...swoon! I don't think I've ever seen evaporated milk in it though...first time for everything!

    I'd love to be entered to win!

  57. i'd love to win!

  58. Hi Debbie,
    I am one of those who does not like pumpkin pie, but those treats from KAF sound great! I did get to WF to pick up the vanilla paste and am anxious to use it this week when I bake.
    I made the Chicken with Walnut Alliade sauce and tomato jam last week. I agree, that there is too much garlic. This morning I heated up the sauce a bit to cook the garlic, then added it to mashed potatoes, along with an egg and some flour. Then I fried it to make some potato patties for breakfast. THAT was good. I think heating the sauce so the garlic cooks a little improves it. And I liked the tomato jam/chutney. I'm so happy to have found your beautiful "feast." Congratulations on THREE years!

  59. Happy Anniversary... your pie looks divine! Have a wonderful holiday season

  60. Happy Blogiversary! I would love to win :) Plus I'm a newish follower of yours. Thanks!!!Keep up the great work.

  61. I would like to be entered into your Give away! Love love love your blog!

  62. Love trying the recipes on your blog! The boiled cider sounds delicious!

  63. Love your blog! and King Arthur Flour!

  64. I would love to be entered to win! Love KAF products, and would like to try some new ones. Thanks!


  65. Thank you for this opportunity to win!

    I would love to be entered! :)


  66. Just found your blog while looking for a blaukraut recipe to make for dinner tonight.

    Love everything I've seen and have printed so many other recipes! Thanks for the inspiration and congrats on the 3 year anniversary!

    And I'd love to enter in your contest. I have loved (in real life) for years now and liked (on FB) King Arthur!

  67. Can I enter the contest AND be one of your biggest fans!?? I've been folowing for all this time! haha I LOVE pumpkin pie too. I didn't know that cool fact about the eggs and the way it inspire me! Where do you buy the flour locally??!

  68. I'd love to be entered in the giveaway. With the exception of the King Arthur Flour, which I use every day, all the rest are things I've been meaning to try.

  69. I'd be so excited to win! I've been following your blog for several months now and my mouth waters at each post.
    I've also 'liked' KAF on Facebook.
    Thank you. My email is elle at thepilotswife dot net.

  70. I'd love to win the giveaway! I already looooove KAF (and subscribe to their facebook page). I'm a huge "product placer" of KAF products on my blog as well! lol :)

  71. Love to be entered thanks

  72. I'd love a chance at winning this super giveaway! Thank you for the entry. I really enjoy your blog and all the interesting recipes you try.

    Have a blessed day!


  73. Congrats on 3 years! I would love to be entered to win...I just love King Arthur!

  74. Just made this pie tonight. Loved it! I wanted to make something quick and easy for dessert.


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