
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Warm & Comforting Blackberry Cobbler

I haven't even begun to get started with any kind of Christmas Shopping, let alone baking. Zip. None. Nada.  My Winter Break vacation doesn't begin until December 23rd, and I'm taking a few night classes.  In a nutshell, I'm busy!   I've got just a couple of weekends to try and get some baking and a few edible gift ideas-- and I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull it off.  Sigh. I'm telling you this, because I'm not posting Christmas recipe ideas that will inspire you.  Epic fail.  I will! But, in the meantime, I'm sharing just regular ole food that I'm been making for my family-- including this very simple dessert  that was a smash hit with my men.  It was quick to make, and that's a blessing on a work night. I didn't need to pull out my mixer, nor did I need to buy any special ingredients.  My son has been asking me to make it again. Soon.

Fresh blackberries were on sale, while I was shopping for Thanksgiving.  My husband loves berries almost as much as he loves bacon.  Not together, of course.  I had bookmarked the Pioneer Woman's Blackberry Cobbler recipe, that she featured with her Perfect Pot Roast recipe (the one that I adapted to be one of my best versions, if I do say so myself.)

 Wash your berries (frozen work fine, too), and pat the dry.  (The blackberries were huge!)

This is so easy to make, with pantry staples that you most likely already have.   Preheat the oven to 350F and either butter or spray a baking dish with non-stick spray.

You need flour, baking powder (I don't use keep self-rising flour on hand, but you can use that instead and omit the baking powder), milk, 1/2 stick butter and sugar. 

Whisk in the melted butter...

Whisk the dry ingredients, add half of the sugar, whisk in the milk until just blended and pour into a dish.  How fast is that?!

Sprinkle the berries, evenly over the batter.

Sprinkle 1/4 cup of the sugar over the berries...

...Bake until golden and bubbly (about an hour). Ten minutes before it's finished baking, sprinkle a couple more tablespoons sugar over the cobbler.

This is best served warm...

I love the caramelized edges, from the extra sugar that was added while it baked.

Whipped cream is good, on top.  But, I went for a quality vanilla ice cream.  It's my favorite way to eat cobbler-- melted ice cream nice and cold, a bite of warm cobbler...

VERDICT:   What do you think?  Fantastic!  Sweet, but not over-the-top.  It was gone in no time, flat. The Pioneer Woman's recipe menu of her Perfect Pot Roast, followed by this Blackberry Cobbler is a perfect Sunday Supper kind of dinner that is sure to please.  This dessert is a keeper, and it's so worth sharing with all of you.

I would like to announce the winner of my Blog Anniversary Giveaway. Thank you, to each one of you, who left such nice comments.  I enjoyed reading each one, and tried to visit your blogs (always fun for me to do).   I used Random.Org to choose a number and it's....

Awwwwwwww, it's Susan!  Susan has been a long-time follower of my blog, and I enjoy visiting her's, too.    Susan, please email me at with your shipping address, so I can get your King Arthur Flour goodies off to you right away!

You can find a printable recipe, for the cobbler, a the bottom of this post.  Hopefully, I'll get some Christmas/Holiday recipes posted to share with you.  Come to think of it, I need to find time to catch up with y'all who are already have your gifts bought, wrapped and under the tree.   Where does the time go, for we working folks?


  1. DEBBY!!! I saw "Susan" and thought, not I. And then I saw that old familiar mug shot and screamed for the Trout. Thank you so much. I am so looking forward to trying all of these items from King Arthur. Thanks you, thank you. You have made my holiday season!!!!

  2. Blackberry cobbler, yum yum yum!!! One of my fav's!!!

  3. I have some frozen blackberries languishing in the freezer waiting for their moment to shine!

  4. I would love to make this, but sadly no more blackberries, or brambles as they are known as in Scotland. I do have some in the freezer, but not enough for this recipe - maybe next year.

  5. This sounds yummy! I like that it's so easy to make, a plus when working full time and wanting something sweet for dessert. Also great when unexpected company shows up at the door!

  6. I could totally make this for christmas! So ARE sharing Christmas recipes :P

  7. Such a great recipe! I love blackberries, yum!

  8. I like to eat blackberries, I love the fresh taste.

  9. hi Reshmy, thanks for your visit, really appreciate it, would love to read a comment from you too. do visit again when free.
    wow! looks very pretty and appetizing, i love blackberries too.
    you are great, you bake ell. have a happy weekend

  10. HI Thanks for the post,
    "Warm & Comforting Blackberry Cobbler & The Giveaway Winner Is..."
    nice and useful!
    Keep it up!thank you!

  11. Wow, you're a busy lady. Wonder how you manage to blog and post these wonderful photos and recipes at all. Great blackberry cobbler.


Thank you for visiting my blog kitchen and I read and appreciate every single comment. **SPAM COMMENTS ARE OUT OF CONTROL AGAIN, SO I HAVE TO TURN ON COMMENT MODERATION, SORRY!** The only time I will delete a comment, if it is rude and left as "anonymous"-- or if it self-promoting with a link to your website/blog. If you had a problem with a recipe, or have a negative comment, please email me and I will respond to you-- and I don't bite! I am always available at