
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Blueberry Crumb Cake

So, how's everyone doing with their New Year's Weight Loss Resolutions?  Me? I'm doing fine. You see, I play it safe. I don't make them.  Well, I do, but they are never food-related.   I make no secret that I have a wicked sweet tooth.   I love dessert. I just try to resist going back for seconds.

So, about that healthy eating thing that kicks into full gear in January...  how about blueberries? They're loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. They're terrific with some Greek Yogurt. Absolutely! But, that's not what I did with the blueberries I couldn't resist buying.   I wanted to bake something for breakfast.  I blame it on the Blue Bottle Coffee that I bought, while we were in San Francisco.  Wow, is that ever great coffee!  So, I decided to bake a crumb cake.  To be on the safe side, I chose a recipe from Ina Garten.  I trust her recipes. 

The streusel is easy to make-- flour, white and brown sugar, cinnamon and a touch of nutmeg. Now, we add one stick of unsalted butter that's been melted, and blend it all together.

The cake batter: anytime I see sour cream as an ingredient, I anticipate a really moist cake.  The batter begins with 6 tablespoons of unsalted butter and sugar. Be sure to cream it with a mixer for 4-5 minutes. We want lots of air and fluffy goodness.  Then, we add eggs, vanilla, lemon zest and then the rest of the dry ingredients-- flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and soda. (Don't worry, a printable recipe card is at the end of this post.)   I usually let my husband lick the beater blades. But, this time, I had to dip my fingers around the edges.  This batter tastes great!

Very gently, fold about a cup of blueberries (I added a bit more).

Evenly spread the batter into a prepared 9" cake pan. I used a Springform Pan with parchment paper on the bottom.

With your hands, mix up the streusel topping, and then evenly spread it on top of the cake batter.

Bake at 350F for 40-50 minutes.  The aroma is so good, while it bakes!  I checked mine at 40 minutes with a toothpick, but the center needed about five more minutes.  Cool.  NOTE: I like to eat my coffee cakes on the warm side, so I let it cool for about 20 minutes.

I'll bet this cake would look pretty with a dusting of powdered sugar. I didn't want to do that, because I prefer to dust by the slice. 

VERDICT:  This is "bakery good".  The cake is really moist. It's not super sweet.  The crumb topping is just how it should be.  Need I say more?  Ina Garten has great quality control in any recipe she posts.  This is a coffee cake I would serve to any guest in my home.  I think this recipe would work as muffins, too.   

I justify fruit and cake for breakfast as perfectly acceptable.  I just have to swim a few extra laps. Next week. 

I always post a printable recipe card at the end of each recipe post. If you cannot view it, you might be using an older version of InternetExplorer. You should be able to view my recipe cards with Safari, Mozilla, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.
If you still can't view the recipe card, all of my recipes are stored on Key Ingredient, by clicking here.

If you still can't figure out how to view the printable recipe card, please email me at and I am happy to help


  1. Oh that looks absolutely delicious. My Dad just brought me a big bag of frozen blueberries. Now I know how I'll use them. Thank you for the recipe!

  2. My oh my, I so needed an easy sweet (but not overly so) treat today. Oh, and with the lemons life handed me today, I'll be making lemonade to have with this wonderful coffee cake!

  3. This looks tasty! I just bought blueberries yesterday and I too have a sweet tooth. A good cup of coffee and a piece of this cake, yum!

  4. A taste of summer in the middle of winter, I love it! :)

  5. I made this cake (or at least it was very similar) last summer and it was A-Mazing.. The cake is wonderful and the crumb is perfect. I agree, Ina doesn't put out many (if any) bad recipes.

  6. WOW, that's a pretty cake! I love blueberry crumb cake. Reminds me of childhood. And I don't make food related resolutions either - what's the point??? I'm just gonna eat what I make. :) Happy New Year!

  7. I could never give up dessert either...any resolution that requires me to give it up entirely definitely wouldn't hold. This crumb cake looks delicious! I wish I had had it at breakfast today!

  8. It indeed does look equal to any bakery coffee cake! This one is a must try!

  9. I just adore this kind of treat for breakfast. I almost made a breakfast version yesterday but had no butter in the stores. Oh well next weekend. It sounds so delicious with blueberries.

  10. I was just telling myself that I am going to stop making so many desserts!!! I am so glad I stopped by to discover this amazing "breakfast". Breakfast is something, I should never go without ;) I will definitely be making this soon. Thanks for sharing. I hope you are doing well :)

  11. My New Year's Resolution? To lose 40 pounds by giving up sugar.

    I think you just spoiled it. :-)

  12. I love this cake.....I can't wait for June for some nice Jersey blueberries.....I long for summer! Happy New Year Deb!

  13. This cake looks incredibly moist with lots of yummy topping. Gorgeous!

  14. We met at the Foodbuzz festival (mom & daughter food blog team) and I'm just now getting around to checking out your site. I love it - your recipes and pictures look delicious!

  15. it looks incredibly moist and so good, I've never tried a crumb cake but you made me so hungry with this post

  16. nom nom. that is a beautiful slice.

  17. What a delightful crumb cake for a scrumptious brunch! I just discovered your blog,I live in Salinas AND my father was in the Army and stationed in Austria in the early 1950's!
    What a small world!


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