
Monday, January 16, 2012

Yukon Gold Potatoes Au Gratin

If you read my previous recipe post for the Duck Breast with Citrus Port Cherry Sauce, I mentioned that I served Yukon Gold Potatoes Gratin with it.   It's been a while since I've made this, and I don't follow a recipe.  I've been making this side dish for years, so I don't measure.   My family loved this side dish.

I'm going to try my best to share with you how to make this.  It's that good.  There are almost many recipes for Au Gratin Potatoes as there are recipes for Lemon Bars (which is why I've never posted mine).  However, I do something a little different-- I use part chicken stock and part heavy cream.  While I don't think it cuts a significant amount of fat grams, it works for me.   I've made this with Russet potatoes, but I have to say that Yukon Gold potatoes are my personal favorite. The potatoes need to be very thin, so I like to use a mandoline.  I soak the potatoes in water, while I do the rest of my prep work-- like grating the cheese.

The oven is preheating to 350F, while I butter an oven-proof dish.  You can use different cheeses, such as Fontina.  But, Gruyere is our favorite.

 Add one layer of potatoes, slightly overlapping them.  Sprinkle some Parmesan Cheese...

...add some kosher salt & pepper.

...add some Gruyere cheese.

This is where I add low-sodium chicken stock (otherwise, watch how much salt you add, as the Parmesan is a little on the salty side.)  I don't measure, but if you need to know how much... about 1/4 cup.

I got about four layers of potatoes, Parmesan and Gruyere Cheese.  For good measure, I added a few dots of unsalted butter. Last, I added about 1/2 cup of heavy cream and pour it all over.  

Place this dish on a baking sheet, and bake for about an hour to an hour and a half.

Remove when the potatoes are golden and bubbly, and allow to sit for at least five minutes.

TASTING NOTES:  The picture, above, is the only shot I got of the finished potatoes.  I can assure you that they are addicting, and they look so impressive.  For dinner parties, I used to make these in individual ramekins.  I've made variations where I've added paprika for some extra color. You can get fancier and add diced ham.  I've even made the potatoes without the heavy cream, and just chicken stock and lots of Parmesan Cheese.  However, the heavy cream and Gruyere is the perfect combination of richness and flavor.  There were no leftovers, and I wasn't the one who went back for seconds. My skinny men are the ones who did.   I didn't stand a chance.

I always post a printable recipe card at the end of each recipe post. If you cannot view it, you might be using an older version of InternetExplorer. You should be able to view my recipe cards with Safari, Mozilla, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.
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  1. Yum - Gruyere cheese in Au Gratin potatoes:-)...Nice tip on the chicken broth, too. I love using broth because it adds so much flavor to dishes and cuts back on some of the fat.

  2. I need some potato recipes. I picked up two (10#) bags at Wal-Mart for $2.00 a bag. This looks delicious. I found your blog looking for American Test Kitchen Recipes. And I just bought the new Cook's Illustrated Cookbook. It is great!! Made the meatloaf out of it tonight. Have you bought it yet?

  3. I'm looking forward to trying this... I love easy recipes that are also attractive enough for entertaining. Thanks!

  4. This looks beyond delicious! Who can resist potatoes and melted cheese? :D

  5. These look delicious. I absolutely love gruyere! And your duck from the previous post looks amazing! So succulent. I've been craving duck, but have so much trouble finding it. Going to have to check WF. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Those look amazing. And I love the idea of the chicken stock and a little paprika!

  7. Who wouldn't love this? Still dreaming about your duck breasts...

  8. Thanks for sharing your secret to awesome potatoes Debbie. How I love gratin.

  9. Did you say potatoes and Gruyere? When's dinner?

  10. Sometimes you just need some cheesy creamy ooey gooey stick to your soul potatoes. And when that happens...I'll so be making these! Comfort central!

  11. I'm drooling over your duck breasts below with that gorgeous! Like you, I think I would have a hard time finding duck breast. Keeping my eye out during the holidays is probably the best bet.

    Of course, the gratin looks amazing. Anything with gruyere is good in my book!

  12. Yukon Golds are the best! This recipe looks delicious!

  13. Well of course your family loves this - who wouldn't. I'd eat the whole casserole. the chicken stock idea is a good one that I'll have to try next time I make this - and gruyere is my favorite for this gratin too.

  14. Our stomachs are growling just looking at those cheesy potatoes.

  15. Hi Debby

    When is the chicken stock incorporated into this dish. It is not mentioned in the instructions.

  16. Jackie, thanks for bringing this to my attention. My step-by-step explains how I did it, but I forgot to include that with the printable recipe card. That's what happens when I try to convert my "little bit of this and little bit of that" way of making things, and then trying to write it down with measurements. All fixed!


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