
Monday, February 13, 2012

S'Mores Rice Krispie Treats

Other than French Fries, Rice Krispy Treats are one of of my guilty pleasures. There's something about biting into crunchy cereal that has a gloriously chewy texture of marshmallow that transports me to my childhood, with great memories. Seriously, I could eat an entire pan of these, if left to my own devices. Fortunately, my son is as crazy about these treats as much as I am. That means they'll be gone before I have a chance to go overboard with eating these. Amen.

It has been years since I've made these. My son was in Middle School, 13 years ago, and I tried my best to play the role of June Cleaver when his friends would hang out at our home. (Little did my son know that a mom's secret weapon is to feed his friends all kinds of treats-- the better to get to know the little monster darlin's, so that I could keep a closer eye on the hormonal-raged" tweens".) A couple of weeks ago, my son asked me to make a pan of rice krispie treats. It took all of 5 minutes to do, and my husband thought it was an odd dessert for me to make-- so different from my fancier Apple Brown Butter Tart or Red Velvet Layer Cake.. I mean, melted marshmallows and a cereal? Uh-huh. My husband polished off his fair share of them. I think he understood, at that point. These are very addicting.

Let's face it-- S'Mores are so popular in Blogsphere. I've seen S'Mores Cupcakes, Pies, Cookies, Brownies.... who doesn't love melted Hershey's Chocolate, graham crackers with gooey melted marshmallows?I found this recipe on the blog  Greens And Chocolate, and thought this would be a fun variation of our beloved Rice Krispie Treats. 

The prep work is very minimal, other than measuring chocolate chips. I chose to go with milk chocolate, but if you prefer semi-sweet please be my guest. I chopped up one package of graham crackers.

I decided to increase the 4 cups of mini marshmallows to 6 cups, because we love our rice krispie treats to be super gooey. I use the microwave, by adding 3 Tablespoons butter and nuking it for about one minute. Then, I give it a stir.

 I've measured five cups of rice krispy cereal with 1-1/2 cups of coarsely chopped graham crackers.

After nuking the marshmallow-butter mixture for another 30 seconds, it melted and ready to be poured into the bowl of cereal and graham crackers.

I added 1-1/2 cups of the milk chocolate chips and started to fold everything in, mixing it well. Then I poured it into a 9x13 pan, that I had placed a foil "sling" into and sprayed with non-stick spray. I like to butter my well washed hands so that I can easily pat the mixture evenly. I let this set for about 30 minutes.

I measured 1-1/2 cups of milk chocolate chips and microwaved them for about one minute, then stirred vigorously until silky smooth. I will adjust the printable recipe card to be 2 cups of melted chocolate, as I ran out!

Much better, as I used an off-set spatula to get chocolate into every nook and cranny. Next I added the reserved 1-1/4 cups chopped graham crackers and spread them evenly-- then pressed them into the melted chocolate with a flat spatula. I chilled the dish for 30 minutes.

 The beauty of having a foil "sling" is being able to lift out the entire bar to cut it more easily.

 That's what we're talkin' about!

 My husband was lurking close by, waiting for his taste.

TASTING NOTES: Yesssss! These are sinfully good. I'm so glad that I chose milk chocolate, over semi-sweet, because it has that authentic taste of S'mores. Though I added 2 extra cups of marshmallow, I think I'm going to increase it to at least 7 cups....maybe 8. I'd love just a bit more "goo", which my son concurred-- as he stuffed one eagerly into his mouth.

 A printable recipe card is at the end of this post.



  1. I'll have to try this! They look and sound delicious. Thanks for the recipe.

    I've found, in my own experience, that the key to getting gooier krispy treats is to increase the butter to at least half a stick maybe 5 Tb.

  2. I will have to make these as it combines one of my favorite treats (s'mores) and my husbands (rice krispie treats). Great pick for SRC.

  3. those bars look awesome. Great job.

    I think they might have inspired me to try a s'mores sandwich (if it already hasn't been done), using marshmallow fluff and chips. That's okay for lunch, right? :-)

  4. Oh my goodness. No you didn't. These look and sound AMAZING!! What a delicious treat!

  5. Totally Pinning these! I'm on a "flavored" rice krispies treat kick and these sound perfect. Thanks for sharing.

  6. OMG...I'm drooling at my desk looking at these. I love smores and adding them to rice krispie die for! :) Great SRC selection!

  7. I'm in trouble now, my kids saw this and totally want me to make them! Oh, they look so GOOD!

  8. What a great way to dress up rice krispy treats, they look delicious.

    If you haven't already, I'd love for you to check out my Group 'A' SRC entry: Crunchy Fudgy Heart Bites

    Cook Lisa Cook

  9. Very yummy dessert there, Debbie. I'll be right over.

  10. For the record I love marshmallow treats and have not made them in ages. S'moring them is even better!!!

  11. Smores are the best!! I need to try these since I love rice krispie treats. I agree the more marshmallow the better!

  12. One of the girls in my lab is from Holland and I recently discovered that she's never had a smore. This may have to be the treat that inaugurates her into the land of smores-dom!

  13. Honey, you just blew my mind with these! I am DEFINITELY making a batch STAT! I'm stopping by from SRC but I'd love if you check our my new site February is oranges month so if you have any orange recipes, we'd love if you'd link up! ps. french fries are my guilty pleasure too :)

  14. Beautiful photos! I love s'mores, can't wait to give these a try. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have enjoyed my time here and will be back! Happy Valentines Day!

  15. These treats look delicious. I love rice krispies, it's so easy to become addicted to them. They are so chewy and soft. I think the fact that they have chocolate in them is even better for me.

    Thanks for sharing and Happy Valentine's Day

  16. I love these! It is amazing how addictive Rice Krispie treats are. Something so simple can be so addictive. I'll join you in eating a whole pan. Adding chocolate and graham crackers just puts it over the edge. Considering they are already full of marshmallows, I'm surprised I have never seen this idea before!

    I want to be in the Secret Recipe club. I love ruining - I mean testing other bloggers recipes!

  17. Rice Krispie treats have no age boundaries-everyone loves them and your s'more variation looks wonderful. Thanks for commenting on my blog!

  18. These are the most mouthwatering rice krispie treats I have ever seen, Debby. Your photos and descriptions make them almost impossible to resist. I haven't made them in years and I know my grandkids would be thrilled with a plate of them. Great SRC post!

  19. everything is made better with chocolate:) lovely photos!

  20. Oh boy! Do I have a Sunday School class that would just LOVE this! Great choice! Thanks for visiting my blog :-)

  21. yay this is great for my free time to get me busy. this recipe looks so easy(I hope) thanks for posting dear i really love it.

  22. Those bars look amazing! Love the step by step method shown.

  23. Oh my! I found your blog today and you posted the most delicious looking rice krispie treats ever!!

  24. Awesome so we should use the milk chocolate always .. this is great i should try this thank you so much.
    Have a nice day always :)

  25. I'm so glad you liked these rice krispies...they are one of my favorites! I'm definitely going to be increasing the amount of marshmallows next time like you did...great idea!!

  26. These look amazing! Love the idea of them. These may be the best rice krispie treats ever!

  27. The picture of the marshmallow being poured onto the cereal has me drooling. One of my favorite things about rice treats is the way the butter and marshmallow smell once melted . My mom makes them the best because she never measures anything and she uses way more butter than the recipe calls for. So good!

  28. I made these as Christmas goodies for work and everyone LOVED them! I agree, an 8th cup of marshmallows wouldn't hurt :) My next batch will be made with the extra cup - still delicious though! Thank you!


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