
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes A Day

This photo really is a blast from the past. I think it's one of the first photos I took, when my point-and-shoot finally bit the dust and I upgraded to my new camera. I hadn't quite gotten the hang of how to white balance my shots, and exposure.   I never blogged this post, and it's time that I do; please forgive that some of my shots aren't quite as colorful as I'd like.

Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day  has been blogged about over and over again.  If you haven't tried this easy way to bake your own bread, this might calm the fears of those of you who shy away from working with yeast.   See that Danish Dough Whisk?  I used it when I blogged about the Cinnamon Raisin English Muffins that I made.  It's become my new "go to" tool for mixing dough.

The idea is so simple and requires only flour, yeast, salt and water.  I only use King Arthur Flour Unbleached Flour, because it has a higher gluten content...and I don't particular want to use bleached flour, now that I'm more aware of how it's made. (If you'd like to know more about bleached flour, click here.) 

I bought a set of plastic food storage buckets at my local restaurant supply store.  I devote these to making my bread/pizza doughs and store them in the refrigerator.  To mix a batch of dough (that yielded 4 lovely loaves of bread, over the course of two weeks), you just dump the ingredients, with water, into the bucket and mix it together.  Just a few minutes...
Two hours later... the dough has risen and it goes into the refrigerator.   The longer the dough ferments, the more flavor that develops.

To bake a loaf, just cut off a piece of dough (I use my kitchen shears)....

Shape it, let it rise 45-60 minutes and get ready to bake your first loaf of Artisan Bread.

I admit that I did invest in a baking stone.  I bought the one that was most highly rated by Cook's Illustrated, which is sold on King Arthur  At $52.95, plus shipping, it's not a cheap toy kitchen tool, but I use my baking stone all the time.  In fact, I just leave it in my oven.  The baking stone is perfect for making homemade pizzas, because I a beautiful crust.  You don't have to buy one, though.  In fact, I'm going to give you the link for the author's website, where you can watch a video and see more detailed pictures on how to do this.

This is the first, of many, loaves that I've made.  Each time I make a loaf, it gets better. Oh!  There's even a whole wheat version in their Healthy Breads in 5 Minutes a Day.   Each cookbook has recipes that starts with the master recipe-- from cinnamon rolls to beautifully shaped breads.

I want to share the love.  Just leave a comment and tell me if you have a favorite bread you like to make...or, if you've never made bread, that you'd like to try this super easy bread making technique. Just tell me if which book you'd want, if your name is randomly picked-- the first AB in 5 cookbook (uses white flour) or the Healthy Bread (uses whole wheat flour).  They are both great books! Oh, the small print-- I'm sorry, but I can only ship within the United States.  I'll pick a winner, this weekend, and announce the winner with my next blog post. Giveaway has ended and a winner has been chosen.

By the way-- the winner of the Danish Dough Whisk is....Kim, of Stirring the Pot!  Congratulations!  Kim email me at with your mailing address and I'll get it right out to you!


  1. i would like Healthy Breads in 5 Minutes a Day.

  2. Yum! I have the first book, so I'd say I want the Healthy one, lol! Thanks Deb!

  3. I don't have either book but would like the Healthy Breads in 5 Minutes A Day.

    Judy in MO

  4. I've never made bread before but have been wanting to try. I would love the AB in five book!

  5. Congratulations to Kim!
    I would really like the Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes A Day.
    We, too, do not use bleached flour. In fact, what I have recently learned about some wheat farmers has moved me to purchase ORGANIC flours! Baking bread has been something I have enjoyed for many years. I'm anxious to try the artisan breads.

  6. That Artisan Bread looks fantastic! I enjoy fresh bread and make Flat Breads quite often.


  7. I love making bread, but rarely have time during the week - 5 minutes a day sounds perfect! Can't wait to try this recipe!

  8. I love making bread, but rarely have time during the week - 5 minutes a day sounds perfect! Can't wait to try this recipe!

  9. I have a recipe for English Muffin Toasting Bread and it is so good and easy. My KitchenAid dough hook does all the kneading.

  10. I think the bread recipe my friend just gave me is similar to this recipe, with some differences. I haven't done much yeast baking but this recipe has encouraged me to do more. I would prefer the Healthy Breads book.

  11. I like making Jim Leahey's no knead recipes. I've always wanted this book too.

  12. I would love to try the Healthy Bread!

  13. I would love to read the Artisinal Bread book! I love breads! I would much rather make & eat breads than pastry any day.

  14. Wow I think I would love to try the first cookbook! I never made a bread before so I think it's time too.

  15. I just made my first loaf of bread from scratch, without a breadmaker, last month! I would love to get my hands on some great bread recipes to help encourage this new skill. I love white flour breads (I am a true San Franciscan sourdough enthusiast!) but am trying to incorporate more delicious wheat bread into my life.
    I would love to try the Healthy Breads in 5 Minutes a Day to jumpstart my wheat-bread endeavors!

  16. I would love to try healthy bread!

  17. I have HBinFive and LOVE IT! That bread of yours with those big fluffy it.

  18. I have been exclusively buying unbleached flour also. I enjoy making yeast rolls, crescent rolls, and honey wheat rolls. I would love to get the original AB book!

  19. I have this book as well, Debby, and love the recipes in it. This is such an easy way to always have a loaf of fresh home baked bread on the counter. Too easy sometimes. I bake a loaf and then can't leave it alone. I always try the same few recipes and I need to branch out and try more of them. Lovely post.

  20. Yum, I love making bread at home! Sullivan Street bread is so great but I just made a great French bread recipe!

    I would love the Healthy Bread book - I try to use healthier flours in my bread and I've really come to love the taste and texture.

  21. Hooray! I'm so excited to win. I tried sending you an email last night but I got a failure message. My email is

    That's some good lookin' bread you got there.

  22. Your bread looks delicious Debbie. I usually fall back on Jim Lahey's recipe and it works like a charm.

  23. I'm still working on 'gettin' good' at making bread. You've helped. I'd love to own the Artisinal Bread book! Thank you.

  24. I would love "Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes a Day"> I have the first book and love love love it!!! I use the first book a lot and would love the other. Thanks!

  25. My favorite-favorite-favorite is Sourdough <3 I love it!!!

  26. Thanks for your inspiration in the kitchen. I haven't tried break in so long but would love to take it up again.

  27. oops - of course, I meant bread...though I haven't tried break dancing in a long time either.

  28. I like making my Mom's sweet yeast bread. Love your blog!


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