
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ridiculousy Easy Tomatillo Salsa Verde

I love tomatillo sauce.  I love the tartness of tomatillos, the spice of jalapeno, and a hint of garlic that is a welcome change from traditional red salsa.  Tomatillo sauce (or green salsa) is a key ingredient in making Enchiladas Verdes.

 While tomatillos look like green tomatoes, they aren't.  They actually related to cape gooseberries.

Most likely, your grocery store has them.  They're easy to over look. I mean, they have these dried looking husks-- and unless you know what to do with them, you'd never think of buying them.

Green salsa has so many possibilities.  We love to dip tortilla chips and devour them, with a cold beer.  I made this sauce for the Chicken Mole that I made, that was served on Mexican Bolillo bread rolls.

All you need is a pound of tomatillos (about 4), one jalapeno halved (I de-seeded it), two garlic cloves, salt & pepper and some vegetable (I used olive oil), fresh cilantro (optional) and a lime.   Season the veggies, drizzled with oil and toss and roast at 375F for about 20 minutes.

Toss everything into a food processor (or blender) and whirr away...

Much less expensive to make, than the bottled stuff.  

In my next post, I'm going to share how I made the Chicken Mole and talk about how drizzling this tomatillo sauce over it -- well, it just made the sandwich over-the-top delicious.  

I decided to share how I made tomatillo sauce recipe, on a separate post, because I wanted to keep this recipe as a stand-alone.  The next time you want to serve chips and salsa, try going a little "green".   It's a tad tart with just a bit of heat.  The best part? It's easy to make.  Just be sure to have tortilla chips hand. The combo is really addicting. I'm speaking from personal experience.

A printable recipe is at the end of the post or click here to view it.


  1. Oh! That Tomatillo Sauce looks really good and super easy. T

  2. I love salsa verde and this sounds great especially the easy part.

  3. Debby, this sounds fabulous and I know my family will love it. As you can see, I am now able to connect to your blog via google+. What did you do to make that possible? I'm thinking about making the change, but am watching what happens to blogs where the change is already in place. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  4. I love the sweet tartness of salsa verde! Especially when made with really fresh good!

  5. Now I was never that much of a fan of salsa verde due to it being green. But tasting it for the first time changed my whole perspective. Goes to show that its better to taste the food than to judge it just by looking at it.

  6. My farmers' market opens tomorrow and tomatillos are on the shopping list. This looks like a delicious and easy recipe that will really spice up a sandwich, or omelet, or tacos or...just about anything. I hope you have a very Happy Mother's Day, Debby. I know you will be in the kitchen cooking.

  7. Yummy! I'm drooling over your last post and all it's Mexican goodness. Great job in those bolillos too.

    And a happy mothers day, because I think you're fabulous!


  8. I have never even heard of tomatillo sauce! I'm glad I found this post, it sounds delicious!!

  9. I like tomatillo sauce and just found a recipe yesterday that uses shrimp, so I'll be trying that soon.


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