
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Man Pleasing Chicken (Applies to Moms, Women or Wives, too)

For those of you who haven't jumped on board with Pinterest, I'll give you fair warning-- Pinterest can become a time drain. It's a fun one, but I've had to detox myself--considerably-- from my addiction.  Seriously.  Never heard of Pinterest?  Pinterest is, a website that has an infinite number of mouthwatering photos that countless fellow food lovers (myself included) have "pinned" onto our personalized "boards".  Essentially, it's my way of, categorically, saving recipes onto my bucket lists "boards". I've also discovered some great food blogs, this way.

I won't live long enough to make all the recipes that I've pinned, but I'm slowly working my way through them.  It's interesting how one particular Pinterest photo can make a recipe go viral.  My own "Best Meatloaf Recipe" received 25,000 hits in one day!  This chicken recipe became a hit with Pinterest, and the original blogger is "Witty in the City".  (The recipe was adapted from the "I Love Trader Joe's Cookbook"). "Witty" has received over 400 comments for that recipe!  After making it, I can see why.  It's that good.

You only need three ingredients, plus chicken.  Fortunately, I always have those ingredients on hand: Maple syrup (not pancake syrup), Dijon Mustard and Rice Wine Vinegar.  Fresh rosemary makes a perfect garnish.  The name of the recipe speaks volumes.  I've made this recipe three times, already, because my men love it. 

The original recipe uses 1/2 cup of Dijon mustard, 1/4 cup of maple syrup and 1 Tablespoon rice wine vinegar.  Dijon mustard can be overpowering, in my opinion and I wanted the maple syrup to shine through--- so I used 1/4 cup Dijon mustard and 1/2 cup maple syrup.  Love.

Round #1: I used chicken thighs, bone-in.  After seasoning the chicken with salt & pepper, I poured the sauce over the chicken, and coated it.

In a 450F preheated oven, I baked the thighs, basting them with the sauce halfway through,  until it reached 165F-- about 30 minutes.  Garnish with fresh chopped rosemary, and it's perfect!
NOTE: There was a lot of fat on the surface, that I carefully drained out. Served with brown rice, it was a big hit at the dinner table. My men spied my plate, hoping for more.


Chicken thighs, skin-on, bone-in: Using a little olive oil, I seared them until golden brown, then drained the fat and baked them at 450F.   I got less fat, and delicious.

ROUND #3:  I used boneless, skinless chicken thighs.  I still got a little fat on the surface, but nobody complained.  I also started lining my baking dish with foil, for easier cleanup. So far, this has been my favorite version-- boneless thighs.  Just pour sauce over 'em, bake it and enjoy. Our favorite side dish is brown rice.

TASTING NOTES:  No matter how you choose to prepare this recipe, it's going to be good. I no longer measure when I make the sauce.  Adjust the flavor to your taste buds liking, to balance the Dijon to Maple ratio.  I think this sauce would be delicious with pork chops, and I'm going to test that theory.  This is the perfect quick meal to make, after a long day at the office.  Pssssssssst, I made the pork chop version and you can see them here.

Today, I need to get busy packing and doing last minute chores, as Craig and I are flying to Bozeman,  Montana to spend eight days exploring Yellowstone National Park, and the Grand Tetons.  I have a busy day ahead of me, so I'm staying off Pinterest!  I don't need a time-drain!   I might post more recipes, if I can.  If I don't, it means we are too busy exploring the beauty of Montana and Wyoming!

A printable recipe card is at the very bottom of this post. Or, click here if you can't see it.


  1. Going to give this one a go... it sounds great. Have a wonderful time at Yellowstone - it's gorgeous!

  2. Well, you have me convinced! I will be making this for the guy sometime next week.

    Enjoy your trip. I have never been and we are planning to go there in September. Take good notes for me! :-)

  3. I cooked this recipe recently too, having found it via Witty In The City on Pinterest. It really is very very good - and yes, the menfolk did indeed become pleased. LOL

  4. This look so scrumptious! Oh, have a wonderful time Debby! Take lots of photos and share with us when you return!

  5. I don't dare try Pinterest, although now I wonder if it might get my recipes out there a bit more. I wonder how long it will take before I cave.

    THis recipe looks tasty. It's not always easy to please my man, but I'd give it a try over this one.

  6. I'm going into the kitchen right this minute and take some chicken thighs out of the freezer. I love dishes like this and bet the leftovers are good too. Have a wonderful time in Montana, Debby. I'm looking forward to pictures.

  7. Ecstatic over this recipe! Easy, with lots of flavor, what could be better? I will be trying this soon! Have a wonderful, well deserved vacation!

  8. I tried to resist pinterest for a very long time...but it's impossible. That thing just pulls you in! There are some awesome foodie finds on there, like this dish!

  9. Pinterest is such a black hole of wonderful visions that I only go there once a week and set a timer for 2 hours. If I didn't I'd be lost there forever. Your photos look scrumptious. What an easy recipe and I agree that pork would be equally yummy! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Debby - You are too funny about Pinterest...ha ha. I'll never live to make all the recipes I want to make either :) I have this man pleasing chicken pinned too it's one I know I will definitely make. I'm a total fan of both maple syrup and mustard. This looks amazing!!

    Also, I got my package today with the danish dough whisk. Please don't ever feel the need to apologize. I know how it is, believe me. Anyway, thanks so much for the whisk. It's really cool. Can't wait to use it.

    Hope you're having fun on vacation!

  11. I have held myself back from Pinterest. I know I would love it, and am fearful that I cannot manage another social media outlet.

    I have the ingredients on hand to make this chicken dish and I think I will-awesome!


  12. Maureen, MilwaukeeJune 25, 2012 at 3:55 PM

    This is a wonderful recipe with a balance of flavors that makes it one I will keep making, over and over. Thanks for inspiring my Sunday night supper!

    Just a question - each time I come to your site now there is an overlay making it hard to read your text/see the pics, and the ad is from PhotoBucket. Did something change on your site specs? Have never had this happen at any food blog site I visit. I love your site and recipes aso don't want to miss out.

  13. Oh Debby! this looks sensational!!! It would please everyone in my house :) great recipe
    Mary x

  14. I'm going to try these real soon......looks so delicious and I love the flavor combination.
    Ihaven't given in to Pinterest yet-I'm afraid I'll get addicted and I don't have that much time! :)
    Hope you have a wonderful trip!

  15. Hi Debby, this chicken does look divine indeed! Yes, Pinterest is addicting, so I pin during the nightly news and that works for me. I love your photos, how do you eliminate the flash reflection?

  16. I am also addicted to pinterest and find so much food inspiration on it!

    I love how you titled this man pleasing chicken. My boyfriend much prefers steak over chicken, but from looking at these pictures I know that he would love this recipe! The chicken looks amazing!

    I really love your blog and am a new follower! I would appreciate if you checked out my blog and followed back!

  17. My mouth was watering reading this post!! Can't wait to try. I also wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the "Versatile Blogger Award" because I love your content and versatility -

  18. yummy! I haven't jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon yet because I'm afraid of getting sucked in! I'm resisting for now...

    This chicken looks awesome. I'll give it a try!

  19. I made this dish a couple of nights ago, it was delicious. I cut the amount of mustard in half after reading comments about it being too mustardy. The sauce is so good we spooned it over our rice too. This recipe is a keeper and so easy.

  20. Cheryl, thanks for the feedback. Yes, I do recommend being careful with the mustard. I cut back on mine, so the maple syrup would shine through. I've made this several times,and my men sure do love it!

  21. Wow! This is the perfect dish for those cool fall nights! Makes my mouth water. Good job! I'm going to try this one.

  22. I'm wondering if anyone has tried this with bone-in, skin on, chicken breasts? That's what I have for dinner tonight, and wondered if the results would be as good since it's not that dark-ish meat?

  23. I'm just wondering if anyone has tried making this with bone-in, skin-on, chicken breasts. That's what I have available for tonight's dinner and I didn't know if they would come out as good since the meat isn't the dark-ish meat of the thighs. Thanks!

  24. Hi Jane,
    I say "go for it"! I bet it'll be good.

  25. Hi Debby,

    I tried this chicken dish and it was fantastic! This recipe is so easy and great for a weeknight supper. Thanks for checking into my blog. Great seeing your comments! Bill

  26. Hi Bill!
    Thanks for trying the recipe. During the week I need easy recipes! The weekend is more for baking and braising, don't you think?

  27. This is a dish I would like to give a try Debby. Somehow I missed it on Pinterest.

  28. Wow Debby, thanks for passing this one along. Your photos are superb, and really make the case for this chicken. I'm definitely making it!

  29. I finally tried this recipe tonight with chicken breasts (I just kept them covered in foil for the first half of cooking). I can firmly say this recipe pleased my children (7, 4, and 1) as much as their father. Definitely going onto my list for a big freezer cooking session this week. Thank you for the consistently reliable recipes!

  30. Erecherpko, thank you so much for the positive feedback. I haven't tried this, yet, with chicken breasts. Great idea with the foil!

  31. Thanks - this sounds wonderful! I am so glad you reposted it on FB.

  32. Man pleasing - well, count me as a man because it sure would please me!

    I'm with AdriBarr, glad you posted this on Facebook. Otherwise I might have missed it.

  33. I am making this tonight! Does anyone know if you can substitute the rice vinegar for any other vinegar? I only have apple cider vinegar on hand. would that work?

  34. The only way to find out is to try it. Apple cider vinegar just might work! If it does, please let me know.

  35. I made this tonight and while it is delicious mine is as pale as a ghost. Well Maybe just a little yellow. Does this picture really go with this recipe?
    I think it is wonderful when you share your recipes and I think if someone else wants their recipe known they should get their own blogs. Suggestions and comments are good but complete overwrites are not. I hope I did not go over the line myself.

  36. Dear Anonymous,
    I wonder if you'll come back and check on my response. I always provide my email, so you don't have to hide behind the cloak of anonymity. First, I can assure you that all of my photos are the real deal. Yes, this is how the chicken really turned out. Why yours turned out pale as a ghost, I have no idea. Did you pat the chicken dry?
    Second, I'm puzzled by what your implications are about having a recipe overwrite? What does that mean? Are you suggesting I'm stealing a recipe just to be known? I don't get it. I never take credit for a recipe that I didn't develop 100% by myself. I always disclose my recipe source, because it's the right thing to do.
    Starting one's own blog is fun, and can be challenging. We bloggers put a lot of time into what we do. I do it, because I enjoy it. Except, it also leaves me a target for criticism, but there you go.

  37. Deb,
    I am making this for the umpteenth time tonight, it's so good and so easy........I used apple cider vinegar and grainy country Dijon mustard with fresh rosemary. Great with skin on thighs or without.

    It's a weeknight lifesaver!

    I am laughing at that anonymous commenter regarding photos/recipe and "overwrite". People are such dopes, it's sad.



Thank you for visiting my blog kitchen and I read and appreciate every single comment. **SPAM COMMENTS ARE OUT OF CONTROL AGAIN, SO I HAVE TO TURN ON COMMENT MODERATION, SORRY!** The only time I will delete a comment, if it is rude and left as "anonymous"-- or if it self-promoting with a link to your website/blog. If you had a problem with a recipe, or have a negative comment, please email me and I will respond to you-- and I don't bite! I am always available at