
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

California Peach Caprese Salad

Happy 4th of July, Fellow Americans!  It's a perfect day to have an outdoor barbecue-- invite a few friends and family, doing some grilling and to relax.

This year, is a little different at our house. It's in shambles, because my husband is replacing our tired and worn out living room/dining room carpet with new wood flooring.  So, I'm holed up in our Master Bedroom with my laptop and an elderly Feline (who is feeling a little out of sorts with all the banging and dust).

 Navigating to the kitchen is a little tricky, but we still have to eat!  I've been following Sam's blog for some time, and when she shared her twist on a classic Italian-- as Georgia Caprese Salad -- I became obsessed with wanting to make it.

It's been a very long time since I've had a Georgia Peach.  Fortunately, California does grow sweet and juicy peaches, and the season is in full swing.

If you've never had a classic Italian Caprese Salad, it's made with sun-ripened tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese and  fresh basil.  The flavors of summer!

Sam's recipe uses fresh sliced peaches, mozzarella and basil, with a vinaigrette that includes fresh lime juice and honey.  It took less than 10 minutes to make this for a lunch/snack.

In a bowl, I squeeze the juice of one lime, then added some white balsamic vinegar (you could use white vinegar), a little honey and olive oil.  I added a little coarse salt & pepper, to taste.

Gently combine.  I chose not to use mint with this, because Craig isn't crazy about fresh mint. We both love basil, though. This took less than 10 minutes to make. Easy peasy.

TASTING NOTES:  This would be a lovely side dish at a barbecue, and would pair well with either pork or chicken.  We ate ours as a very light lunch, and loved it.  I adore white balsamic vinegar, because it's the perfect balance of sweet and sour.  My son loved it, too.   I need to grab some more fresh peaches, before the season is over.  It's a refreshing salad and a fun twist on Italian Caprese salad.  Recipe slightly adapted from here.   Thanks, Sam!

Tomorrow, the house will be filled with the aroma of fresh paint.  Hopefully, by Sunday, the new floors will be finished and I can put the house back together again.  I owe my husband some special recipes, and I'm happy to do it as a special "thank you".  He's doing the work, pretty much, by himself.  I'm a lucky woman!


  1. I made this last summer, and it was so good w/ Jersey peaches. Loved it.
    Happy 4th Deb! xo

  2. I saw this twist on Sam's blog and felt it would be perfect for nectarines too!

  3. So glad you liked the salad Debby. I agree with Val that it would also be good with nectarines.

    We've remodeled almost every house we've ever had (many, perhaps much too many) and I know what you're going through. But....hardwood floors are sooo worth it.

  4. What a nice take on caprese. Love the "dressing." Good luck with the remodel!

  5. What a great idea! Those peaches look SO good!

  6. Gorgeous! I am definitely giving that one a try!

  7. That does sound good! You are lucky to have a handy husband!

  8. I love the idea of peach paired with basil and mozzarella and have been meaning to try it! Delicious salad!

  9. Hi Debby! I just found your blog via your meatloaf recipe on Pinterest (looked yummy btw) and had to check out the rest of your blog. I'm totally loving this twist on Caprese and will definitely be giving this one a try.

  10. Wow, thats quite a project, Debby. Your new floors will be so beautiful. I would love to have them in my house. I bookmarked this recipe when I saw it on Sam's blog and can't wait to make it. Our peaches are still a few weeks off, maybe longer with all the cool weather we have been having. Looks like it's going to warm up this weekend. Your photos are mouthwatering.

  11. What a refreshing and scrumptious Caprese Salad! I just adore summer and ripe juicy stone fruit. You are certainly having a very productive vacation! Can't wait to see your new flooring!

  12. Maureen, MilwaukeeJuly 7, 2012 at 4:39 PM

    Beautiful pics, as usual. Thanks for this idea. Love peaches and hadn't thought of using them with the contrast of fresh mozzarella and vinaigrette. Best of luck on your mini-remodel - exhausting but so worth it!

  13. This looks so good. I started looking at your prior posts and had to stop before I drooled on the computer ;-)

  14. This sounds really good! I love caprese salad and want to try your version. The peaches aren't so hot here this summer so will use nectarines, in the meantime. Thanks for the recipe!

  15. Like you, Debby, I've followed Sam for years and always enjoy her recipes. I had read this peach caprese recipe and now know that since you've also prepared it and enjoyed it, I've just got to do some catching up and make it too! I love the light balsamic vinaigrette with the peaches!


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