
Monday, August 20, 2012

Rainbow Cookies

  What? I'm posting a recipe on a Monday night?! Am I on vacation? Not at all.

It's back-to-school time, for me, and I try to pack a nutritious lunch.   Most times. Once in a while, it's a treat to have a cookie (or two) to nosh on.  My men love cookies, and they don't gain weight. Isn't fair, is it?

 The cast of characters-- white and brown sugar, flour, baking soda, melted butter, vanilla, 1 egg and 1 egg yolk.  Chips, of course. in this case, M&M's.

It's been a while since I've baked cookies. One day, I should photograph my baking pantry. I have bags and bags of chips. Name the flavor, I've probably got them.  I saw this recipe of "How Sweet It Is" and realized that these are a version of the Cook's Illustrated "Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie".

Why, yes, I have a bag (or three) of M&Ms.  I love the color, almost as much as "Funetti Cookie" colors.

Cook's Illustrated's technique is to roll the dough into a ball, break it in half and then press them together.

Like that.

You bake them at 325F for about 10 minutes-- just until the edges are slightly brown, and the center is slightly puffy.

Cool them on the baking sheet for a minute or two, then move to a cooling rack.

Couldn't be easier-- no hand mixer needed.  The melted butter means you can mix up the batter, by hand, in a few minutes.

TASTING NOTES:  Cook's Illustrated uses unsalted butter, and that's what I did.  Next time, I'm going with salted butter. Personal Preference.  Cook's Illustrated also browns the butter, and in this recipe I didn't. (If you want to brown the butter, first, it's worth the effort.) I liked the simplicity of using a microwave, and it was delicious. So, the flavor-- it's a delicious basic "chocolate chip cookie dough" flavor.  Buttery, sweet... the texture is the key.  It's got that crunchy bite, and then the interior is chewy.  Win!

I've just set a personal best record--  I edited my photos, wrote up the recipe card (at the end of this post) and did this in 30 minutes.   (Usually it takes 1-1/2 hours to 2 hours to write a post).   That's how easy this recipe is to make.

So, now I need to go pack my lunch-- fruit, veggies, protein and, well, okay -- two more cookies.   Somehow, I feel less guilty when I eat one, and give one to someone else who is on a diet. It makes me feel less guilty. (The rest of the cookies) will be devoured by my cookie monsters.


  1. I so need to bake some cookies!! These would be perfect.

  2. Following you. Absolutely love your blog.

  3. Debbie they look so cute and lovely... sure delight for kids, this is my first time i am leaving a comment and i truly enjoy your blog. Love your creations :-)

  4. You just can't go wrong with a choc chip cookie!

  5. I know two little girls who would love these. And yes, we all need a cookie sometimes.

  6. I think you should send me some of these express mail! Haha

  7. Gah. I so want M&M cookies now. And I have a feeling the craving isn't going to stop until I get them!

  8. Real feast for eyes happy to follow you...

    Visit mine when free

  9. I love these! They are so pretty...and well...they have M&Ms! :)

  10. They look so scrumptious. Cant allow my son to see these or ill be in trouble :)))!!

  11. Hi Debby! I found your blog through Monica at Lick the Bowl Good and I'm glad I did!

    I laughed so hard when you said you would give the second cookie to someone on a diet. That's what I would do! LOL!!

    These cookies look so fun and delicious. I would definitely brown my butter. I love brown butter. Yum! Thanks for sharing!

  12. These look so good! My husband will love them, too! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Great easy and delicious !


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