
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Browned Butter Milk Chocolate Toffee Cookies

I have yet to meet anyone who says they don't like chocolate chip cookies-- with the exception of people who tell me they don't eat sugar. Ever. Hurray for them, but I'm not one of them.  (With all due respect, I'm not so sure I believe them.)

When you combine butter and sugar, beautiful things happen. When you add brown sugar, and flour, and eggs, and vanilla-- you're on the road to making a Classic Chocolate Chip Cookie. Win.

My favorite way to make Chocolate Chip Cookies is to melt the butter.  The batter turns out creamy, easy to scoop and the cookies are nice and chewy in the middle-- and  I posted those as "Rainbow Cookies".

What if you brown the butter first? O-M-G.  (Brown butter sauce with sage over ravioli? Swoon.)

What? You've never made brown butter? Seriously?
Brown butter transforms melted butter into a deeper and nuttier flavor.  It's not hard to make, as long as you pay close attention.  I make my brown butter in a skillet, and begin swirling the melted butter until it begins to turn a light amber color.  As soon as it turns brown, I immediately remove it from the heat-- and there you go!  

This recipe comes from America's Test Kitchen.  If you don't have a paid membership to their website, you can't view their video that explains why four tablespoons of butter is added to the browned butter.  (It has to do with moisture, but trust me-- it works).

This recipe uses dark brown sugar, one egg and one egg yolk and vanilla...

I have hoarded a bag of these Heath Toffee Bits since last Christmas for quite a while.  I admit, that Heath Bars are one of my favorite treats-- and one of these days, I'm going to make my own toffee.  I imagined these would have milk chocolate with them. So, when I opened the bag, I realized that I'd never read the package. D'oh!

I'm one of those Milk Chocolate Lovers.  So, I keep a few bags of these on hand.  

You can go with semi-sweet, bitter sweet, fancy Schmancy brand chopped chocolate-- and, for the record, I have a cache of those, too! I don't know what it is about me, but I hoard all kind of "chips" from cinnamon, to mint to white chocolate. That's why I've been in a cookie baking mood, lately. I need to make a dent in my bags of chips!

...add the flour, and stir it in.

I wanted to add nuts, but my son doesn't like them.

I could eat a few spoonfuls of this batter. Easily.

For the first batch, I used a large scoop.  For the second batch, I made smaller ones.

 Littler... (can you see those browned butter bits?)

The key is to not over bake them.

Bake the cookies 1 tray at a time until cookies are golden brown and still puffy, and edges have begun to set but centers are still soft, 10 to 14 minutes, rotating baking sheet halfway through baking. Do NOT bake more than one tray at once, or they cookies won't bake correctly! Transfer baking sheet to wire rack; cool cookies completely before serving.

TASTING NOTES:  Any cookie that doesn't require a stand mixer, means it's a fast recipe. I like that. As for the taste-- these are very rich, in flavor.  There is toffee, and vanilla and it's a sweet cookie-- no doubt about that!  These cookies didn't last more than two days, in our kitchen.  The men in my life loved them.  Next time, I'll increase the chocolate ratio just a bit more-- about one extra cup.  I loved the flavor of the toffee bits.  However, with traditional semi-sweet cookies, that would work just as well. If you love a cookie with a crispy outer edge, and a chewy center-- America's Test Kitchen succeeded in developing a gourmet version of a chocolate chip cookie.  Yes, I'd make these again....and again.

A printable recipe card is at the end of this post.


  1. When I saw this post, you had me sold at toffee. I love toffee in ANYTHING, so of course, these cookies will be a hit with me! I can't wait to make them!! Perfect timing for the holidays.

  2. Yes! I adore brown butter cookies. I could stick with that for a year and not miss any other kind. :D I have toffee bits buried in my freezer somewhere... I really must find someplace local that carries them, I dislike having to special order.

  3. Debby, these cookies look dangerously addicting! (I think I'd eat most of the dough.) :D

  4. I'm convinced that people who don't eat sugar live pretty sad and lonely lives. There's always room for dessert AND moderation in my opinion! Loving these.

  5. I'm totally in love with cookies and those one seem to belong to me !

  6. Hi Debby

    In your headnotes, you say next time you will increase the chocolate ratio. How much more?

  7. Hi Debby

    In your headnotes, you say next time you will increase the chocolate ratio. How much more?

  8. Jackie, I felt that I could have used one cup more of the milk chocolate chips. There is so much toffee flavor, that the more chocolate would be welcome. Is there such a thing as too much chocolate?!

  9. Yum! I can't wait to try this recipe and I'm almost embarrassed to say, I've never made brown butter sauce. Thanks for the recipe!

  10. These cookies look picture perfect! I can see why they disappeared so quickly. Pinning :)

  11. Mmmm... these look to-die-for!!

    It was such a pleasure meeting you at the festival, I hope to see you again soon!

  12. I LOVE browned butter in my cookies. You nailed this one with the toffee bits in there. I'll take a dozen.

  13. Oh girl! I know I'm very sporadic when it comes to commenting (I'm Monica's friend) but these cookies. Oh these cookies! My beloved brown butter with The Hubble's favorite chocolate toffee combo. Oh girl! He's on his way home from Afghanistan...I think I know a treat that will await him when he gets here!!! Thanks doll!

  14. I have never, ever met anyone who did not like chocolate chip cookies (smile)-something would not be right about them.

    These cookies look amazing!


  15. Sweet Jesus! These have my name written all over them. I need!


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