
Monday, October 15, 2012

Self-Frosting Pumpkin Nutella Muffins


I'm about to make a few of you gasp. I know it. It's a dark secret I've kept well hidden for a very long time. But, it's time to come clean.

Until I made this recipe, I've never tasted Nutella.  Yes, folks, I was a nutella virgin, who finally dipped a spoon into a jar of this creamy, dark brown spread and took her first taste.   I'm not a huge peanut butter fan (with the exception of Peanut Butter Filled Hot Fudge Cupcakes). Sure, I like a PBJ, every so often. But, eating peanut butter from a spoon makes me think of the few times I watched my brothers feed it to our dog.   They thought it was hilarious how the dog struggled to get that thick paste down.  That's what  I thought Nutella would be like.

I get it, now.   Nutella isn't pasty. It's creamy. It's delicious. It's addicting, and I am a lover of anything with hazelnuts. So, I'm indoctrinated, and it's a very good thing.

I spotted Robin's recipe for Pumpkin Nutella Cream Cheese MuffinsWait!   Pumpkin Nutella... Nutella!  I had a jar of Nutella in my pantry, waiting for the right moment. This was it.  I really liked the idea of adding cream cheese, but I didn't want to mute the Nutella, because I've never baked with it before.  It was morning, I was hungry and muffins are one of my favorite breakfast baked goods (next to scones, of course).

There is no need to set up the stand mixer. All you need are two bowls, a whisk.   For the dry ingredients, I used unbleached flour (instead of whole wheat). There is a blend of white and brown sugar.  For spices, I used up the last of my pumpkin pie spice (but you can easily blend your own).  You need a little cocoa powder, baking powder and baking soda, as a leavener.   For the wet, you need eggs and oil and vanilla.

Whisk the wet mixture and the add to the dry; I like to use Baker's Joy to grease my muffin tin, so that I don't need cupcake liners.  An ice cream scoop makes easy and even measuring of the batter.

So, now the Nutella goes on top.  

..and I used a toothpick to swirl the Nutella around a bit.

Bake these at 375F for 25-30 minutes. However, I always set my timer for less than five minutes of the minimum recommended time. Good thing I did!  The muffins were baked in 20 minutes. 

Whenever I remove baked muffins from the oven, I quickly tip them to one side-- this helps to prevent soggy bottoms. 

Then, I placed them on a cooling rack for a few more minutes.  Get the coffee going...
Ladies & Gentlemen... Pumpkin and Nutella. Warm and Fresh, from the oven on a Fall morning.

 Nom, nom, nom...

TASTING NOTES:  The pumpkin muffin is really moist with a very tender crumb.  I love pumpkin, but my husband does not (with the exception of pumpkin pie or homemade pumpkin custard ice cream).  My son and I had no problem eating one...or two...with a cup of hot coffee.  I'm not gonna lie-- the Nutella flavor does get a bit muted, once it's baked.  It's not a bad thing, but it's something I took note of.  All that means is that I'm going to have to develop a Nutella Custard Ice Cream.  Something tells me that Nutella has limitless possibilities, in the kitchen.

A recipe card is at the end of this post.  I would be remiss if I didn't give credit to the development of this recipe as originally coming from the food blog "Phenomenon".  My printable recipe card is at the end of this post, with a few very minor adaptions to it.


  1. I'm glad you liked the muffins...and the nutella! There are so many tasty ways to use it.

    Visit my SRC post this week, Pork Stir-Fry with Garlic Sauce:

  2. Chocolate, hazelnut AND pumpkin! These look amazing and perfect for fall! I think I have just about everything I need to give these a try today!

  3. These look so good Debby! I am pinning this recipe to definitely try it one of these days. By the way I was assigned your blog this time and loved going through your recipes. Everyone who tasted the lemon yogurt cake loved it! Thanks for the recipe:)

  4. Oh, wow. I love this combination, and have a great bread with these flavors. But these cupcakes? They look even better! Great SRC post!

  5. What a great recipe ! I can't wait to try it.. sharing this one,.

  6. I think Nutella and pumpkin would be a perfect combination. I swirled some Nutella into a zucchini bread last year and it was delicious!

  7. Oh my gosh, pinning these NOW. Your photos are so wonderful and appetizing, and these muffins look so delicious!! I love the swirl effect on top - so clever and beautiful! Really awesome job!!

  8. These look SO tasty! I am absolutely in love...the perfect autumn muffin!

  9. These look amazing! Welcome to the nutella fan club!

  10. Okay, wow. These look amazing. Thanks so much.

  11. wow these are amazing. I am definitely pinning this to come back to. Stopping by from SRC and following you on FB toot!

  12. Wow. Just wow. A Nutella virgin! I'm glad you tried it - isn't it amazing? These muffins. *Swoon*

  13. I'm so glad you found your way to nutella!!! It's the best, isn't it? I love that huge glob of it in the center of these muffins!

  14. I'm with you Debby. I have never tasted Nutella. I just discovered Biscoff. Your muffins look delicious.

  15. looking so yummmmy i want to eat this now

  16. Debbie, you might want to pick up a jar of Speculoos Cookie Butter the next time you are in Trader Joe's. Very delicious, but no chocolate. It looks like peanut butter, but they are made from cookies. I'm not a big fan of Nutella, but might try the cookie butter instead. And I will likely use mashed yams in place of the pumpkin. These muffins look so yummy!

  17. Debby,

    I'm sorry, but I'm looking for the recipe and can't find it anywhere after the post. Maybe I need a new pair of glasses? Thank you.

  18. These muffins look amazing! I love pumpkin and I love Nutella but never really thought about putting the two together... You have me feeling inspired :) Can't wait to see you in 2 days!!!

  19. Welcome to the Nutella fan club Debby! :) Your muffins look absolutely wonderful and delicious. I cant seem to find the recipe card your talking about though. I'd love to get the exact measurements so I can make these soon.

  20. That's weird... I just went to your home page, and the recipe card to this recipe is showing up fine, twice in fact. But when you click on the actual post, the recipe card disappears. Just thought I would give you a heads up about it.

  21. That is weird! I just clicked on the recipe card, and it took me right to Key Ingredient. Did you get it to work yet? What browser are you using? Are you using an iPad?

  22. This looks great! I wanted to let you know That I featured this in my "What I Bookmarked This Week" post yesterday- stop by and see!


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