
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Olallieberry Dutch Baby

Unless you live on the Western side of the United States, odds are you haven't heard of olallieberries. If you look it up on Wikipedia, you'll see a photo that I took in my own backyard-- and that was **ahem** stolen copied (without my permission). Side note: if anyone knows how to rectify that situation, please let me know. I've had no luck getting the photo removed, or at last watermarked by me.)

My husband loves Olallieberries so much, that we bought an olallieberry plant a few years ago.  Craig has lovingly nurtured that plant, until it has grown into a large bush. This year, the bush gave him lots and lots of olallieberries!

To me, olallieberries  taste like a cross between a blackberry, with a bit of tartness from a boysenberry, with a hint of raspberry.  Their season is very short-- starting around June 1st and lasting only a few weeks.

Every year, I make at least one dozen pints of Olallieberry jam, which my husband enjoys all year round. I also bake him, at least, one Olallieberry Pie.  This makes him a very happy husband, and he deserves it.

Last weekend, I had an idea.  Why not use my recipe for an Apple Dutch Baby, but substitute olallieberries instead?  Since many of you won't be able to find these berries, as they only seem to grow in the Western side of the United States (I don't know why) -- use any berry of your own choosing, to make this recipe. If you've never had a Dutch Baby, think of this as baked pancake.  These are so simple and quick to make-- no fancy ingredients needed: flour, sugar, milk, egg, vanilla.  You need an oven proof-pan, 5 minutes to make the batter and 15 minutes of baking.

Since our Olallieberry bush wasn't quite ready to present ripe berries to us, I thawed the last of the frozen ones (from last year) and macerated them with a little sugar-- only because when I tasted the berries, they made me pucker just a bit. I used only a generous tablespoon of sugar, and let the berries macerate for a few minutes.

The batter is so simple to make-- add milk to flour and sugar, whisk in eggs and add a bit of vanilla.

I melted one tablespoon of butter, tossed in the macerated berries... 

 ...then poured in the batter, and popped the whole thing into a preheated 450F degree oven.

Fifteen minutes later, out came this puffy, golden pancake! (The pancake will deflate very quickly)

I like to squeeze a little lemon juice on top, and dust it with powdered sugar.  

TASTING NOTES:  The pancakes has notes of custard, with a hint of vanilla.  We like the fresh lemon juice, too.  This is a Summer Berry pancake that yields about four slices.  I'm not gonna lie-- this fed three of us, with three large slices! I have a feeling I'll be making these quite often, because these are so delicious.  My son's face lights up when I make Dutch Babies.  The best part is that these are so simple to make. 

This Tuesday, I check into the hospital very early in the morning, for a few days.  My worn out left knee is going to be replaced by the marvels of modern medicine.  Thank you, to all of you who have left comments of encouragement to me.  It has been too many years that I have lived with the inability to walk down a set of stairs, or steep hills, without pain.  A few people have shared horror stories, but the majority of people I've talked pretty much say the same thing-- I will wonder what took me so long to make this decision, and that I will feel so much better.

I have six weeks to convalesce, and I hope that I will use that time to catch up on sharing more recipes and visiting the many food blogs that inspire me. Having an eleven-month job is something I have grown to appreciate.  I'm so ready to rest and relax-- and to focus on my physical therapy. As soon as the surgeon says my incision is healed, I'm going to be at our neighborhood lap pool doing my exercises. I can't wait!

As always, a printable recipe card is at the end of this post. 



  1. I just tweeted Wikipedia for you, so I'll let you know if I get a response! Otherwise there must be a way to contact them by email. Good luck with your surgery! I've never had olallieberries but now I'm thinking the next time I'm on the west coast I really need to hunt them down!

  2. I live on the east coast and as you mentioned, I've never heard of these berries. They sound delicious. Thanks for the recipe. It looks wonderful, I am going to try it.

  3. Hi Debbie,
    The olallie berry dutch baby looks delicious. I might have just enough frozen berries to make it. Hope to go pick more soon at Gizdich.
    I've been looking for Baker's Joy spray. Where do you buy it?
    Here's wishing you the best of luck and a speedy recovery with your knee replacement surgery.

  4. Best of luck on your surgery. Crossing my fingers that you are out and about in no time.

    I really like saying "ollalieberries" as much as I like Dutch babies. I should have stopped by your place for breakfast when I was on the west coast last week. :-)

  5. You will do great! So excited to watch your progress there after! Perhaps some kitchen exercises will be in order? Haha.

  6. I think Dutch Babies look so fancy. They definitely belong on the menu of B&Bs.

  7. Love Dutch babies! Wishing you the best and a speedy recovery from tomorrow's surgery. I'll be thinking of you as I'm sure many of your readers will be! Oh, don't know if this helps with Wikipedia but I ran across this article:

  8. I live on the western side "wha?" Olallieberry? "wha?" GREG

  9. Hi ---- Several things: First, good for you to get your knee surgery and the best of luck! Maybe you'll start riding again.

    Second, I'm going to make your Olallieberry Dutch Baby in the next few days, because I found the best (besides your vine) fresh Olallieberries ever at the MPC Farmer's Market. They're from Borba Farms in Aromas and boy, are they good.

    Take care and again, good luck with your knee. All of us so enjoy a local foodie blogsite and will count the days until you are up and feel like writing again. MMR

  10. I love Dutch Babies, but I'll have to content myself with blackberries. We just do not see olallieberries here in southern California. Thanks for the inspiration. It looks fabulous.


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