
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Peanut Butter Chewies (No Bake Cookies)

Has it really been three weeks since I've posted a new recipe? That's so frustrating, to me. For five years, I've posted a recipe at least once a week-- sometimes more. It seems that ever since my June knee surgery, I've had setback after setback.  Then, it seems that my food blogging mojo disappeared. I guess I just needed to take a few steps back, and let go of my guilt. I still love the world of Food Blogging and the many friends and followers I've made.  But my priorities have shifted to family, work and physical therapy three times a week. (my new knee is doing so much better now, thank goodness.)  That's not to say that I plan to disappear. I'm just taking a little break. 'Nuff said.

The above photo was not meant to be a featured photo.  I had dipped some of these cookies in melted chocolate, and loved the balance of milk chocolate and peanut butter (you could use dark).  The sun had set, and I decided to photograph some finished shots the next day.  Only, the cookies were gone when I returned with my camera in hand. Apparently, the male mice of the house, had gotten into the chocolate dipped cookies and I didn't have time to melt more chocolate. So, here they are "plain Jane" and non-food styled-- but these are freakin' good, is all I can say.

I say this because I like peanut butter-- especially slathered on warm toast and homemade jam.  I like Reese's peanut butter cups.  But, I don't looooooooooooove peanut butter, the way that my men do.  A few years ago, one of my students gifted me with a plate of these cookies.  It was love at first bite. They were chewy, and gooey, and sweet and as addicting to me as Rice Krispie Treats.  I kept asking for the recipe, but quit asking because she never produced it.

So, I did a google search for "peanut butter, corn flakes, cookies" and I found the recipe on Karo Syrup's website.   I found the recipe! I changed the method of making them, which worked out well for me:

Pour six cups of cornflakes in a large bowl...

In a large saucepan, add one cup, each,  of peanut butter, corn syrup and white sugar (my teeth are already starting to hurt).  Bring the mixture to a boil, whisking until creamy.  Remove from heat and pour over the cornflakes.

Gently combine the mixture until evenly coated.  I'd like to spare you the stress that I created for me, when I decided to DOUBLE the amount.  Don't do it. This mixture sets up fast! I ended up with seven dozen cookies, but I had to hussle to get them all on seven baking sheets so they would cool and firm. Make the recipe, twice, if you want to make a lot-- and you will. I brought some of these to my office and gave the rest to my husband's work. It was for my own self-preservation.


... I had one very sad son who found the cookie jar was empty.  He said they were one of the best peanut butter treats he's ever eaten.  Of course, he has a wicked sweet tooth.

TASTING NOTES:  For my own personal taste, I would decrease the white sugar and corn syrup by 1/4 each. I haven't tried this, but I plan to.  I see no reason why you couldn't add mini chocolate chips or use chunky peanut butter. I would think that Rice Krispies would be another good cereal substitute.

Bottom line, if you are looking for a very quick sweet treat to make for a potluck or a troop of kids-- this recipe couldn't be easier to make.  I take no responsibility for the sugar rush that might follow.

I'm on a two-week vacation, and I hope to get my food blogging mojo back.  I'm not traveling, so kitchen time is looking good!

I always post a printable recipe card at the end of each recipe post. If you cannot view it, you might be using an older version of InternetExplorer. You should be able to view my recipe cards with Safari, Mozilla, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.
If you still can't view the recipe card, all of my recipes are stored on Key Ingredient, by clicking here.


  1. Well darn...I was going to write a blog post and instead I checked your blog first and now I just want to go make this recipe. I am going to try it with the reduced sugar.

  2. Sometimes I think a little time off does a body good! And can be super reinvigorating. :) and these look awesome. Love that sweet n salty mix!

  3. I've missed your posts, Debby, but I completely understand needing to take a break! I'm a little driven sometimes and a break would be good for me as well. Anything with peanut butter gets my attention and these cookies look amazing. Love how easy they sound. Great post and thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Debby,
    Nice to see a new post from you, and I made these cookies as you suggested with 1/4 cup less sugar and corn syrup. As I was pouring it over the corn flakes, I was thinking I should have reduced the corn flakes to 5 cups, just in case it reduced the amount of liquid. Well, I should have. There wasn't enough liquid, although there might have been some other factor involved. They were very tasty, but I ended up trying to make them into more of a bar cookie. After they hardened, it was easiest to just kind of break them apart. I did spread some melted chocolate on the ones that held together, but I also have a bowl of crumbles that everyone has been nibbling on as we pass, which is not a bad thing. Feel a lot less guilty nibbling, than eating whole cookies.

  5. Darn, on not having enough liquid. I ended up doubling the recipe, and had plenty of liquid, but this is good to know. I've seen these in a bar form and dipped in chocolate. Glad you tried them, and thank you for the feedback.

  6. OMG, my college roommate and her Mom got me addicted to these!! I have never dunked them in chocolate, but I sometimes include honey since that goes to well with peanut butter too. OK, it's been a while, now I'm gonna have to make a batch!! :)


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