
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Ina Garten's Baked Blintzes with Fresh Blueberry Sauce

The last time I made, and blogged  this recipe was in July of 2009.  I shot it with my old point-and-shoot camera. I decided to make this recipe, again and to update the photos.  I cut all of the ingredients in half (I was feeding three people), and to update the photos.

This recipe did not disappoint any of us.  This is definitely worth making for your family.  I found this recipe in Ina Garten's cookbook "Back to Basics" (which is one of my favorites).

I have posted a few of Ina Garten's recipes from her newest cookbook "Back to Basics", and I still have a few more I am anxious to try. I discovered this recipe the same day that I decided to make her Tomato and Goat Cheese tart. 

The first time I made this, I prepared the fresh blueberry sauce the day before.

This is my updated version, in an 8x8 baking pan. Half the batter is baked for ten minutes. Then, the cheese filling is poured on top. The remaining batter is gently spooned on top...
Using an offset spatula , I gently spread the top layer of batter, and returned this to the oven for about 30 minutes--until golden brown.

This made 9 slices, which was equally split among the three of us.

This smells like a bakery, with scents of vanilla and goodness.
Here's one of my older photos, which shows how I made this in a 9x13 pan, to feed a larger crowd.

You could use top this with strawberry preserves and sour cream, which is my most preferred way to enjoy more traditional cheese blintzes. 

TASTING NOTES: Overall, I think Ina came up with a brilliant way of making cheese blintzes without all the work of making crepes, which I have made and posted here.I would describe this version of blintzes as resembling an Italian Ricotta Style Cheesecake. I think this recipe is perfect to bring to a potluck buffet. It makes a beautiful presentation and it's not over-the-top sweet.

I think that one could easily substitute cream cheese for the mascarpone. I won't judge. For fun, I'm including a recipe card on how to make a mascarpone substitute. 

I always post a printable recipe card at the end of each recipe post. If you cannot view it, you might be using an older version of InternetExplorer. You should be able to view my recipe cards with Safari, Mozilla, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.
If you still can't view the recipe card, all of my recipes are stored on Key Ingredient, by clicking here.

If you still can't figure out how to view the printable recipe card, please email me at and I am happy to help



  1. I LOVE blueberries and this looks like a great dessert to transport. I bet it was a big hit with everyone, it sounds really tasty.

  2. Oh surrogate mother of mine! I'm in Heaven. These look nothing like i thought they would- they look better!

    I have about a cup and a half of blueberries left so I can definitely make the sauce. But I don't have any cream cheese- doh! very soon though...

    Thank you for dedicating this post to me- you are too sweet.

    miss you already,

  3. Oh, and I just bought a whole box of fantastic looking blueberries! This may be the weekend project!

  4. Speechless.. so delicious Debby!! What an awesome use of blueberries!! I bet it was received well by all!!XXOO

  5. I do love mascarpone .. but you're right that it is pricey, and I have to think a few times before I can commit to recipe that includes it. But THIS version of blintzes is completely new for me, and definitely worthwhile to try out ... especially since I'll be having company over for a few days. Thks!!!

  6. Oh yum, that blueberry sauce sounds SO delicious!

  7. Send me one too :) This looks great. I have been really getting into blueberries this summer!

  8. What a wonderful light breakfast dish! I'll take mine with a nice cup of coffee!

  9. Hi...found you through Jain's blog, wonderful looking blog and we love anything Ina and anything blueberry....

  10. I'm trying this recipe for the first time this week and was looking online for a recipe so I could link it from my blog. I hope you don't mind a little traffic from my blog :-)

  11. This is a very tasty recipe, its light, moist and you can serve a big crowd for sure!

  12. I tried this dish at a friend's house a few years ago and it was the best thing I had ever eaten. I have never tried making blintzes but make the blueberry sauce often from Ina's book.
    The blintzes you have made looks divine!
    I love Ina Garten.

  13. I just watched this recipe made on Barefoot Contessa and wanted to see it done "in real life" by a terrific blogger so I searched and was delighted to find you! I've missed checking in on your adventures!

    Always my best,


  14. Looks delicious! I love baked pancakes, this variation sounds awesome, especially with blueberries. :)

  15. I've heard a lot about blintzes lately for some reason. But I'VE NEVER HAD ONE. Sad. Love that yours are baked and smothered in blueberries!


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