
Monday, October 13, 2014

Loaded Baked Potato Soup

I have seen dozens of recipes for Loaded Baked Potato Soup, so I know that my recipe isn't an entirely "original". However, this recipe is my own take on this hearty and creamy soup-- and it really does taste like a baked potato. Just ask my husband. 

Most of October has brought our traditional Indian Summer hot weather.  One day, we were blessed with brief rain showers (which we are in dire need of), and it seemed like just the right time to make soup.  I plugged in my pressure cooker, to steam diced Russet potatoes in 5 minutes, while preparing the soup base of butter, flour, milk, and chicken broth.  If you don't own a pressure cooker, you can cook the diced potatoes on the stove in about 15-20 minutes.

The garnishes are exactly how I would "load up" the Ultimate Baked Potato-- bacon, grated cheese, green onion and, of course, sour cream. What's not to love?

I really didn't plan on photographing the soup, as I was putting it all together, because we were hungry and I was trying to speed up the process for dinner.   But, once I tasted the soup I had to write down how I made it, so I could make it again.   It only seemed right that I should share it with the Baked Potato Lovers of this world.

Winter is the time that my pressure cooker gets a workout. I love making hearty soups and stews, and this one will become a regular rotation.  I know this isn't a low-fat soup, but it certainly was hearty enough to satisfy the appetites of my men. 

TASTING NOTES:  I'm glad that I used chicken stock, instead of all water, for the soup. I think this boosted the flavor a lot more.  Adding the sour cream to the soup, instead of as a garnish, gave it that perfect tang.  Usually, I like to bake my One-Hour dinner rolls whenever I serve soup. This soup is so satisfying, that it didn't seem necessary to serve it with bread.  But next time-- I just might spoil my family and make both!

In two days, I will have knee surgery and so I might become scarce.  My surgeon says my recovery will be 4-6 weeks.   Hopefully, I'll use that time to blog more often-- and I do miss not having much free time for the last few months.  I truly hope that my knee will heal fast enough so that I can literally stand in my kitchen to make some of the recipes that will be perfect for the cooler weather that I hope will bless my part of California with rain, and end this drought! 

Thank you, all, for your encouragement and support, in advance.  I have a great surgeon, supportive family and I am very optimistic for a successful outcome

Hope to be back soon!


  1. Oooo, one of my favorite cool weather soups! Yours looks delicious.

  2. I just happened to have all the ingredients for this and threw it together tonight. Delicious! My eldest had two servings and my 7 year old had at least three! We will definitely keep this in our rotation - it's fabulous. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I just love it when I have all the ingredients to make a recipe that appeals to me! Thank you so much for your positive feedback. It's people like you who keep me motivated to share recipes. Thank you!

  4. Lots of homemade bone broth will help heal that knee. Hope you've got lots in the freezer already so you don't have to cook during your recovery!

  5. Debby,
    First, best wishes for The Procedure and a quick recovery. *comfortable* mobility is important! I'm sure that you will do just *FINE*.
    ?Baked Potato Soup? We've got to be kidding here, but I've never met a potato that I did not like. Heck yes, I will try this.
    soups with potato are not new, here. My favorite is milky clam chowder, but with ~2x the taters. Never flakkes or bits to thicken, but plenty of large chunks for substance. I think you have it right and, with a few modifications, this could be a great corn or clam chowder as well. It is a great place to begin almost any milk-based soup. Yes!!
    Again, best wishes for your knee procedure (today?). I won't be long... I look forward to your return, when you are able/

  6. Dear "Other Craig",

    You always make me smile. Thank you!

    Your "internet" gal,

  7. Looks delicious Debbie and I like the idea of using chicken stock rather than just water.

  8. Best wishes for a speedy and painless recovery!
    Question on the soup - I have a pressure cooker but it is not electric and some times I have a hard time translating your electric times. If I do not use the PC and put the potatoes into the rue as you have instructed, won't it burn the rue to have the potatoes cook in that? Do I need to add more water? That part is stumping me!
    Thank you and again - good luck!

  9. Dear Debbie,

    I pray that you will have a quick recovery from your knee surgery. I love your blog and have enjoyed making many of your delicious recipes.

    Best Wishes,

  10. Elizabeth, the potatoes should be cooked ahead of time. As I mention, the traditional way would be in a pot of water until fork tender (15-20 minutes). Otherwise, I steamed mine on my electric P/C. On a stovetop, I'm not sure but I bet if you google pressure cooker potatoes stovetop, it would give you that answer. So to answer your question-- no, don't add raw potatoes to the roux. Add cooked potatoes to the roux. Hope this helps.

  11. We're having our first cold snap this weekend. Down to the 30s! This soup looks like the perfect thing for those cold nights. Looks delicious!! BTW, I hope your surgery is a total success and recuperation time is minimal. Sending lots of good thoughts your way!

  12. Ack!! What happened to the recipe? This is one of our very favorite soups and I make it at least once a month. I think I can cobble it together, but I'd like to see it all the same.


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