
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Southwestern Tortilla Wraps (Black bean and corn salsa) ...and a tortilla giveaway!

Mission Tortillas recently contacted me to ask if I'd like to try their new Digestive Health tortillas (made with probiotics for sensitive stomachs) . My answer was an easy "yes", because tortillas are a staple in my kitchen.  Fish tacos, quesadillas and fajitas are quick meals that I often make, and we love them.  It's no coincidence that the Mission Brand is one that I've been buying for years. They simply are the best, and that's my honest opinion!


(Pssssssst, at the end of this post, I'll give you a chance to win some of these tortillas, so that you can try them yourself. )

Many years ago, I made a black bean and corn "salad" for a pot luck.  This was one of the first dishes that disappeared, and people asked me for the recipe.   I stood there, dumbfounded, because I just made it up! Um, there isn't a recipe...until now.

The truth is that  all I did was start chopping and mixing red bell pepper, red onion, jalapeño with black beans and corn.  I added cilantro and fresh lime juice and seasoned it with salt, to taste.  Nothing was measured, and I have to admit that the whole combination is a winner.

Just be careful when adding the jalapeño!  Cut the pepper in half, and scrape out the seeds.  Mince the pepper finely, and add it very small doses.  Oh, and be sure to wash your hands afterwards.  If you rub your eye, it burns...bad! (Spoken from past experience). I love the flavor and a mild heat from  fresh jalapeño, so don't be afraid to use it. If you're sensitive to spicy "heat", (like me) start out with one teaspoon.  Taste it.  Add more, a little at a time, until your taste buds scream "enough"!  You can always add more, but if you dump the entire jalapeño at once-- too late!

This salsa is really versatile.  I added it to fish tacos with this, and we loved it.  I've added it to my beef enchilada filling, too (that I have yet to blog about).

For the tortilla wraps, I cooked some brown rice and let it cool to room temperature.  I mixed some fresh lime juice with low-fat sour cream, and then added a neat pile of the salsa...

..then wrapped the tortillas around the filling.

TASTING NOTES:  Delicioso!  Black beans and corn are a perfect pairing.  So are cilantro and lime-- so very Mexican.  The tortillas are perfectly soft and pliable, and the whole wrap made my taste buds very happy.  The big bonus is that this is a healthy meal. (You can easily add chopped tomatoes and avocado to the salsa.)  In case you're wondering where to find these tortillas-- if you live on the West Coast, you can find the Digestive Health Tortillas at your local grocery store.

I also made an easy Carne Asade with a simple refried bean recipe (coming up) so that we could try the Mission Soft Taco Gluten-Free Tortillas.   Fortunately, I don't have a gluten intolerance, and the few products I've tried tasted "off" to me. I was pleasantly surprised that these tortillas tasted really good-- though their are ultra-soft and a bit delicate to work with.  For people who have a gluten intolerance, I'm happy to see that they can now enjoy burritos, too!

GIVEAWAY:  If you'd like a chance to win a package of Mission Tortillas?  Just leave a comment and tell me which tortillas you'd like to try.  You can double your chances by tweeting this post as well. I'll pick two random winners on March 28th,  and Mission Tortillas will send them to you.  (Sorry, U.S. residents only)  For a chance to win $25 gift cars, coupons and more promotions, join the Mission Consumer Advocate Program.

DISCLOSURE:  This post is sponsored by Mission Tortillas.  My review of the product is strictly my own honest opinion.

Here's the recipe for the salsa, and the wraps:


  1. I would love to try the gluten-free tortillas. I can't eat anything with gluten in it and am always on the lookout for new things to add to my pantry.

  2. I would like to try the low carb tortillas

  3. I'd love to try toe low-carb tortillas….

  4. I'd love to try the Digestive tortillas!

  5. The Artisan Corn and Whole Wheat sounds delish! That is the one I would try first.

  6. I would love to try the soft taco gluten free tortillas ... thank you!

  7. Great looking wraps Debbie - love all the colors.

  8. I'll love to try Mission Artisan Multi-Grain .


  10. I would love to try the artisan grain tortillas, they sound so yummy and your recipe too..happy Passover and happy spring! love your blog & recipes always nutritious and yummy and lovely to look at from mjs at!

  11. Thanks for clarifying the amount of jalapeño to use. Always wanted to try them but never had any idea of how much since I'm like you in the hot department. So that info was most helpful. Actually had everything on hand except for jalapeño, so this is currently blending together and will be tonight's dinner. Perfect! Oh and I'd love to try the Digestive Tortillas.

  12. I would like to try the Artisan Multigrain tortillas

  13. I love this kind of food, Debby. So tasty and fresh, perfect for lighter meals and cooking for one.

  14. I have never had a whole wheat tortilla, so I would like to give those a try.

  15. I tweeted about this at

  16. I'd like to try the Mission Artisan Multi-Grain tortillas
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  17. I tweeted
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  18. I want to try the Artisan Corn!

  19. These wraps have me super excited! Love the southwestern filling...some of my favorite flavors!

  20. I would like to try the Thin Yellow Corn ones.

  21. Probably I like to add thousand island sauce and mustard sauce in it. I love this so much, specially you have added brown rice. It is a great idea. :)


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