
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Perfect Fried Eggs - Plus, we're off on our summer getaway!

Seriously? Do you really need a recipe on how to fry an egg? I never thought so, until I tried this technique by America's Test Kitchen.

Now, I get it! I've been frying eggs the wrong way for all these years. When I share with you how to achieve perfectly fried eggs-- a little crispy on the edges, and tender with perfectly cooked yolks...  you'll want to try it for yourself.  I'm sold, and this recipe/technique will be my go-to from now on.

 No broken yolks. No eggs to flip over.  Just some very simple steps, and there you go!

Allow me to digress for just a moment. Thank you.  For those of you who have been following my blog sometime during the last eight years-- my recipe posts have slowed down to a trickle, and I apologize for that.  It's not that I'm tired of blogging.  No, that's not it, at all.

You see, I'm a new empty-nester, and I'm having to come to terms that one of my biggest taste testers has moved halfway across the country.  My only child-- my son, who stands tall and lean at 6'4 was always happy to eat anything I cooked or baked has flown the coop.  He was truly one of my inspirations to try new recipes. I was a win-win, because hHe needed the body weight and hit critiques were always honest.  I still love cooking for my husband, but the two of us aren't as young, tall and lean as him.  So now, I need to learn to re-think the portions that I cook for just the two .  So, I bought America's Test Kitchen's Complete Cooking for Two Cookbook, and I am really excited to make many of the 650 recipes!  I decided to start with the "Perfect Fried Egg" and it did not disappoint one single bit.

So, what's the "secret" to perfect fried eggs? Here's what America's Test Kitchen notes says:
A hot nonstick skillet, a touch of butter, and a lid combine to produce perfectly cooked fried eggs—with crisp edges, tender whites, and runny yolks—in just a few minutes.
 Until now,  I've just cracked each egg and popped them into a hot skillet. Well, duh... here's another tip:
"Cracking the eggs into small bowls makes it possible to add them to the skillet simultaneously so they cook at the same rate."

 So, there you have it.  Perfect fried eggs (for those of you who aren't squeamish about egg yolks.)

On a very positive note, I'm now on my month-long summer break.  We're catching a flight out in the wee hours of the morning to Austin Texas. From there, we'll drive to San Angelo to visit my son in his new hometown and then explore San Antonio and Austin-- and Texas Hill Country.  My son hasn't ventured outside of San Angelo, so it'll be a fun family adventure.

As any mom would want to-- I plan to fill up some grocery carts to set up his empty pantry, refrigerator and freezer.  Who knows? Instead of going out for breakfast, I'll show my son how to make these eggs in his own home.  It's sure a lot cheaper!

I'll be on touch via Instagram or my Facebook Fan Page.

When I return, next week, I'll finally have time to start posting several of the recipes that I've made-- and have not had the time or energy to share.

My blogging mojo will return!

Texas, here we come! 


  1. Growing up, my brother liked his eggs cooked over easy. I did not because I invariably broke the yolks when I flipped the eggs. So I had this idea to cover the eggs...worked like a charm. I called it eggs, made in the shade. Thanks for posting it. Now I know it's a real thing.

  2. I would love to read more about cooking for two, my husband and I do not have kids and sometimes the amount of leftovers is just too much to be eaten in a timely manner.

  3. You better come back! You're my go-to cooking blog! I have started frying eggs in olive oil with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. So yummy with crispy edges. I'll try your method - can't go wrong with butter.

  4. I have always strived to fry my eggs very gently, to avoid getting crispy edges. But there are so many posts on different sites about "the crispy egg" that I must try this. Have a wonderful trip to Texas.

  5. While not quite what I would have guessed, this method makes perfect sense. It also makes a welcoming plate (thanks to your great pix)! I hope your trip goes well and that your hungry son will manage. Does he have a suitably sized, "Eggs Only" pan? What a brilliant Mom you are! Thanks, Debby, -Craig (The Other One)

  6. That is a good looking breakfast. My daughter lives just north of SA and we've spent many happy times in the hill country.

  7. My husband is the egg cooker in our family and that is exactly how he prepares them. I know you will enjoy time with your son. I hope the weather improves while you are there…I know it has been terrible.

  8. Hope you are having fun with your Son Debby. That looks like the perfect way to fry eggs.

  9. I can rarely make the perfect egg without undercooking it to get that good yolk for I needed to see this!!


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