
Monday, December 15, 2008

Pumpkin Brulee

 DISCLAIMER: (October 2010)  This recipe and post is one of my very first. I need to retake photos for this dessert. I have improved in my photographer. First and foremost, I've learned that flash photography does not do a food photo justice. I've also learned the art of using my macro feature.  Trust me, though. This is a great recipe and I will make it again and repost.

I had some leftover pumpkin puree and so I searched for a recipe for "Pumpkin Brulee". I found a food and video blog, "Food Wishes" on how to make it. I watched it, and I was surprised at how simple it is to make a brulee. There was a restaurant in Pacific Grove, "The Old Bath House" that closed in 2006. How is miss that place-- with it's beautiful view of Lover's Point! I remember how much I enjoyed their creme brulee, but I had never ventured to make it myself. What took me so long to make my first brulee? In five minutes, I had mixed the heavy creme, puree, spices, brown sugar and egg yolks. It's that easy!

 Good gosh, this is an awful photo. I'm re-doing it! soon!

I had never worked with a torch, before. I've debated buying one, but I couldn't quite follow through. My husband has a blow torch that he uses for his handyman projects. With a little trepidation, I had him start up the torch... (our dinner guests were baffled at what we were up to). I started to caramelize the fine sugar. I was like a kid! It was so easy! The recipe is worthy for any occasion. It's easy and our dinner guests were very impressed. My husband, graciously, took photos of my Pumpkin Brulee dessert...then he finished every last bite.

 Look closely, and you can see how beautifully the sugar caramelized. His blow torch is a little "overkill", but it got the job done!

Here's a printable recipe card:

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