
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Golden Corral Rolls - Well, sort of...

I have a confession to make-- yesterday, I have no idea if this recipe is an accurate "Copy Cat". All I know is the photograph showed perfectly shaped and golden delicious rolls. I'm still learning how to shape bread rolls, so we shall see if mine look as perfect as hers. As I type, the rolls are baking in the oven.

Drum roll, please! These rolls are fantastic, even though I tweaked a couple of things. I had an added bonus, that I can't wait to tell my brother about. As a Christmas gift, he gave me a bottle of Savannah Bee Organic Honey (he found at Williams-Sonoma). I had to take a photo of the roll that I slathered in butter and drizzled with honey. My eyes are still rolling in the back of my head. This recipe is going into my Hall of Fame Recipe Binder. Love it!

Note: Not until my rolls were baking, did I find a great article from Fine Cooking on how to shape perfect bread rolls. I thought I'd share the link with y'all.

Here's the recipe:


  1. So glad you liked the rolls, Debby. They look GREAT; good job! :) I use the vital wheat gluten to help with rising in my cool climate or I'd be sitting here with little lumps of dough forever. :) I think we have similar food philosophies & outlooks. Thanks so much for visiting! ~LJP

  2. I just finished baking some bread for ham sandwiches for Christmas. They were delicious but I can see how you would be excited about these ones! Is there a way to just use all purpose flour? I would love to try these out but don't have all ingredients listed...thanks! Merry Christmas!!

  3. I'm not a baking expert...but, the reason I use better for bread flour (as I recall) is that there is more gluten. I'm sure that AP Flour will work, too.

  4. Oh, thank you for responding. I can't wait to try these out...(living in Belize means having to substitute MANY ingredients!) I oughta send you our national dish! mmm...Rice and Beans with stewed chicken, potato salad and fried plantains! YUM!

  5. My sister is pregnant and last time I visited her I discovered she had enormous cravings for these rolls - I definitely have to share the recipe with her!

  6. Your kitchen is really great! I make a similar bread like your "Golden Corral Rolls". Mine bread is more fat, and we call it "fat bread" :)I will try your recipe for sure. I have a blog Online magazine for clever women ( and I will recommend to my readers in next post your blog with pleasure. Clever women need to know about your blog! Ella

  7. Hi Debby, I saw these glorious, glistening roles over on G+ and knew I had to stop by for a closer look. You achieved a nice shape and rise, nice work! I'll bet some of your pickled jalapenos would be delightful minced and mixed into the dough. Suddenly I'm feeling inspired. Thanks for sharing the recipe.


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