
Monday, January 19, 2009

Orange Blueberry Muffins

Monday mornings have become a traditional time for me to call my friend, Donna, who moved from Carmel to Rhode Island. The only reason she and her husband moved to tiny Rhode Island is to take care of her elderly mom. Trust me. I miss her as my Foodie Friend who shares the love of the same foods that I do. Inevitably, we get hooked into describing recipes and meals we've made.

Last week, I baked fresh blueberry pie. Since then, we've been enjoying fresh blueberries on our Irish Steel cut oats, and on cold cereal. Right now, they are fresh and a decent price to buy, so I've stocked up on them. Donna, I know that you love blueberries so I baked this new recipe from one of my favorite foodblogs, "Half Baked" . I usually think of blueberries and lemons as a perfect pair, but oranges... I had to make these, instead of blueberry pancakes. I'm sure glad that I did!

I can tell you that the muffins turned out moist and delicious. I enjoyed mine, hot and fresh from the oven with a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

Donna, my coffee and muffin was enjoyed with you in mind. I know that you're freezing in Rhode Island, while I'm enjoying 70 degree weather in Monterey, California. With each sip, I am longing for your return to Carmel-- where we can hang out for coffee together. I'm sending you some California orange sunshine and hugs.

Here's the recipe:

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you use the flavor, orange in your recipes. It is not that orange is even a favorite but it blends well with other flavors and makes whatever one is cooking, tasty.

    I think both your chicken and these muffins must taste delicious.


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