
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Roast Chicken with Meyer Lemon and Sage

I just love lemons-- especially Myer lemons. I have a Eureka lemon tree that is full of fruit. Alas, my Myer lemon tree has yet to gift me with that wonderful sweet fruit. I confess, that I made this recipe with Eureka lemons, because I could not bring myself to pay close to $1.00 each for small Meyer lemons at the grocery store. I just couldn't. Selfishly, I used my four Meyer lemons, from Trader Joe's (and a lot less expensive) to make Myer Lemon Sorbet. I don't have a photo of it, because we greedily ate it for dessert. I used the same recipe for my Ruby Red Grapefruit Sorbet.

This is a delicious recipe, that came together really fast. I used fresh sage from my garden.
With the leftover carcass, I made a beautiful chicken stock-- about 4 quarts of it. I simply added a bouquet garni of fresh rosemary, sage, thyme and parsley. I added the roasted carrots and onions (opting not to include it in my pan sauce-- which was delicious, by the way). The stock tastes lovely, and it's in the freezer for future meals.

But back to the roasted chicken dinner... I served it with roasted fingerling potatoes and a simple baby green salad with pears, gorgonzola cheese and a balsamic vinaigrette. So "Bistro" and good! The bonus was that this was a very economical meal.
From the Food Blog: Phoo-D
Serves 4
Recipe adapted from Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home

Roast Chicken with Meyer Lemon and Sage

This is a delicious recipe, that came together really fast ...

See Roast Chicken with Meyer Lemon and Sage on Key Ingredient.

Cracked Fingerling Potatoes

This recipe was adapted from Food Network. The original recipe ...

See Cracked Fingerling Potatoes on Key Ingredient.

1 comment:

  1. The chicken looks delicious and such a beautiful golden brown!


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