
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pinto Beans - Cowgirl style

I cannot resist checking in on The Pioneer Woman website on a daily basis. Her cookin' is simple, down home and delicious. I've made her onion straws, and loved them. We're experiencing glorious warm weather, in the middle of January, in California. So, we've rolled out the Weber and I plan to grill some Santa Maria Style Tri-Tip (recipe for delicious cornbread is coming soon). You've GOT to serve them with beans!

I'm fifty percent Mexican, so I love beans (and tortillas). I love 'em refried, as chili con carne, red beans & rice-- I just love beans. They're easy to make, inexpensive and good for you. I used Ree's recipe as a guideline, but the truth is... I didn't measure at all.

I am a cowgirl, at heart. Yessiree! I have a horse to prove it. She's almost 25 years old, but she was once a rootin' tootin' reigning cowhorse who won quite a few trophies. Here she is, with me, just yesterday afternoon:

The recipe is very basic, according to Pioneer Woman's recipe:
I adapted it to suit my taste

Pinto Beans Cowgirl Style

While I keep canned beans in my pantry for emergencies ...

See Pinto Beans Cowgirl Style on Key Ingredient.


  1. Can you believe I just started reading Pioneer Woman's site?
    Better late than never!

  2. PW is such a great writer, isn't she?
    I'm honored that you've popped in to visit my blog. You are part of my morning cup of coffee blog surfing.


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