
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner-- Cherry Filled Danish Ableskiver

This photo clearly shows how thankful I am to have upgraded to a better camera, and I have improved my photography skills. I need to re-shoot this recipe, as I was a very new food blogger. Still the recipe is worth keeping, so that I can make them again.

I first discovered the food blog "Sticky, Gooey, Cream, Chewy" because the name totally intrigued me. The food photography is beautiful...professional and the recipes definitely tickle my sweet taste buds. This recipe, in particular, is beautifully photographed!

A couple of months ago, I finally bought an Ableskiver pan that had been on my mental wish list -- it's that peculiar looking round cast-iron pan with the 7 holes in them. I've wanted to buy one for so long, but I could not justify the price tag at Williams-Sonoma. I found one at Bed, Bath & Beyond for about $15.00, with a coupon that I had kept in my purse.

When I saw the post on SGCC, just a few days ago, I made up my mind that this weekend I was going to take a maiden voyage with my unopened kitchen gadget. The recipe inside the box did not appeal to me at all-- Bisquick! No way! I GOOGLED to find various recipe, but I settled on SGCC's recipe, and bravely beat my egg whites and folded them into the batter (I'm always nervous that I'll blow this step). My prep time took about 5 minutes and the batter came together very easily. I was ready to start cooking my "Ables" in less then 15 minutes.

My pan has a non-stick finish, so I just brushed a little melted unsalted butter into the pan. I filed each well about half way. They puffed up pretty fast! The first batch was showered with cinnamon sugar. I remembered that I had saved some cherry pie filling for a parfait (which I keep meaning to post) I had made, last week. So, the next batch, I filled each well less than halfway (just under 1/2 Tablespoon. I filled a tsp of filling and added more batter to the top.
These were a hit with my family. I can already see a lemon curd filling, rasberry jam, nutella-- the sky's the limit on how you can enhance these tasty balls of "Danish Ball Pancakes". It's so worth buying the pan!

Here's the printable recipe card:


  1. Oh boy! Your Aebleskiver turned out perfect! They are really beautiful. I'm so glad that you decided to try them. I can't wait to make some more with different fillings.


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